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Filth by name. . .

The Met shot a homeless man’s two dogs dead today too
Here follows a tweet with a video that I’ll put in spoilers as it shows them shooting one of the dogs point blank range from behind with a shotgun. The other dog has already been shot and its companion runs in a blind panic to its owner, who is in the process of being Tasered.

I shouldn’t have watched that. I’ve got tears of sorrow and rage at those utter cunts. 😡
Horses do sometimes spook and run off.
True, but these aren't your standard horse, these are ones extensively trained for sudden loud noises, smoke and explosions etc.

If anybody tries to deliberately startle a goliath of a police horse, I would think they're more at risk of being trampled than anything.
True, but these aren't your standard horse, these are ones extensively trained for sudden loud noises, smoke and explosions etc.

If anybody tries to deliberately startle a goliath of a police horse, I would think they're more at risk of being trampled than anything.
Yeah, I presume most if not all police horses are trained for football crowd and also demonstration/public order duties. Not getting spooked by loud noises or somebody getting up close would be at the core of the training.
After an FOI, 50 police were found to have been investigated for misuse of warrant cards, including for: sexually harassing members of the public; evading arrest after wrong doing; avoiding train fares; and demanding freebies / discounts / queue-jumping.
And no one knows what warrant cards actually look like
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Yeah, I presume most if not all police horses are trained for football crowd and also demonstration/public order duties. Not getting spooked by loud noises or somebody getting up close would be at the core of the training.

They are still live animals and can act unpredictably. Don't forget we are talking about military horses on parade as well as Police horses. Obviously military horses are also used to loud noises.

Spooked police horse bolts around London - Horse & Hound [2014 Police horse after firework went off]

Moment spooked King's Guard horses bolt through rush-hour traffic in London [2022 Horse in central London spooked by braking bus]

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-07/police-horse-runs-away-during-london-protest/12330188 and [BLM 2020 protest]

And during the actual coronation:

Spooked horse crashes into barrier behind King’s carriage in coronation procession [2023 ]
I always wonder what the reaction would be if protestors came...with dogs on long leashes.
I think we know, from recent events, exactly what the police reaction would be.

If it's your dog, we will humanely destroy it for public safety.

If it's our dog, it's a well-trained working animal under the control of an expert, and those bite marks on you clearly demonstrate you were up to no good.
Des O'Connors daughter in legal action against the Met for failing to fire a copper who sexually harassed her after she reported a robbery.
Filth by nature.

The court heard the 24-year-old was left feeling “vulnerable, helpless, and distressed” by the mugging, and then found herself fending off the advances of a police officer around a decade her senior who was supposed to be helping her.

“She felt exploited, vulnerable, alone, and frightened”, said her barrister Fiona Murphy KC.

In later emails as Ms O’Connor sought to assist the police investigation, Mason invited her out for a drink, offered to take her picture, and said despite her injuries from the robbery “I am sure you still looking amazingly hot”, the court heard.

Knocked back, Mason continued: “Coming on to victims is positively encouraged, it’s all part of the friendly and accessible face of the Met Police. It’s the rejection that is frowned upon.”
I think we know, from recent events, exactly what the police reaction would be.

If it's your dog, we will humanely destroy it for public safety.

If it's our dog, it's a well-trained working animal under the control of an expert, and those bite marks on you clearly demonstrate you were up to no good.
I am thinking there is a strong potential campaign to remove the police access to any working animals for public order purposes.
The Met are refusing to start digging in search of a missing teenager despite Levi Bellfield confessing to her murder, the burying of her body and indicating the site of the burial on a map passed by his solicitor to the police:

Why you ask? The area is apparently too big, claims the Met, which her family disputes
Following on from yesterday's reporting on the misconduct case around Couzens' indecent exposure:

Today's coverage has the defendant claiming nothing she did would have changed the outcome anyway:

I dispute that, at the very least his superiors would surely have been alerted to his behaviour and he may have been suspended, possibly even arrested and therefore not in a position to intercept Sarah on her way back home.

The point remains that Ms Lee did not follow proper procedure and her laxness contributed to the the situation.
And yes I am well aware I am looking back with the benefit of hindsight but the reporting so far indicates a clear attitude of not giving a shit about investigating one of her colleagues, the witness account of the restaurant manager was particularly damning.

In fact, it's the restaurant staff I have sympathy for in this situation, not only were they subjected to a customer exposing himself to them in their workplace, they cared enough to report it and the police did fuck all. How do you think the whole episode has affected them, knowing that they tried to stop him and that Sarah Everard was later murdered?
I have to agree. No matter what the job how do you not investigate accusations of public exposure? If anything a naughty little piggy is the last person you would expect to be doing such a crass act. Well at least until all the recent events came to light.

What pisses me off is knowing the cases that have started to come to light are more than likely the tip of the iceberg. Fucking shameful stuff it really is.
The Guardian has a bit of extra reporting and the decision as to whether she committed gross misconduct or not is due to be delivered on Monday:

Just to be clear, I am not saying she is solely responsible for what happened to Sarah, just that her actions contributed to the whole catalogue of errors.
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