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Filth by name. . .

Thing is, unless Garvey is actually a convincing undercover agent (probably not, but who knows these days) he’s most likely someone who lives with mental health problems and/or a developmental disability. As such he the sort of person would have to deal with a lot of coercive state intervention (and I don’t doubt he’s had a a lot of rough experiences, and I share his disgust at the state and it’s agents) however, he’s also the sort of person who would be targeted by (honestly) some of the worst people on the planet to be used to promote and/or act on some very unpleasant ideas and agendas. Honestly I don’t know exactly how people of good faith should respond to this phenomena (hence my ‘can’t do wrong for doing right’ comment some time ago), but I do know (and I hope those of good faith do too) what a destructive combination that can be, and that it’s imperative to both take seriously the realities of those who live like Garvey does (and those who lives are far much harder too), and also take seriously how active the extremists (of various persuasion, weird groomy cunts the lot of them, no one needs to feel got at) are in targeting people like Garvey and how much damage can arise from this (the Barbie Kardashian tragedy has been giving me a lot of sleepless nights)
What is all this? Who is "groomy" specifically?
Why are you spamming this thread with your cross thread beef by asking questions you already know the answer to?
Ah fuck it I’ll play (unwise decisions are my right after all).

Which grooming cunts are you referring to? The people who are grooming Garvey to believe the nonsense he believes in, or the grooming cunts who convinced Ms Kardashian to destroy her own life and and cause irreparable damage to her family?
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Thing is, unless Garvey is actually a convincing undercover agent (probably not, but who knows these days) he’s most likely someone who lives with mental health problems and/or a developmental disability. As such he the sort of person would have to deal with a lot of coercive state intervention (and I don’t doubt he’s had a a lot of rough experiences, and I share his disgust at the state and it’s agents) however, he’s also the sort of person who would be targeted by (honestly) some of the worst people on the planet to be used to promote and/or act on some very unpleasant ideas and agendas. Honestly I don’t know exactly how people of good faith should respond to this phenomena (hence my ‘can’t do wrong for doing right’ comment some time ago), but I do know (and I hope those of good faith do too) what a destructive combination that can be, and that it’s imperative to both take seriously the realities of those who live like Garvey does (and those who lives are far much harder too), and also take seriously how active the extremists (of various persuasion, weird groomy cunts the lot of them, no one needs to feel got at) are in targeting people like Garvey and how much damage can arise from this (the Barbie Kardashian tragedy has been giving me a lot of sleepless nights)
What is this? I don’t know what you’re talking about. The poster you’re referring to only posts news of police brutality and institutional racism. I suppose it’s possible to infer that they may be a London-based black community activist (GarveyLives as a username is pretty transparent) but any more than that is pure conjecture
Un-fucking-believable incompetent fuckwits Kent police. Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick, what the everloving FUCK were they thinking???

My blood pressure has been far too low recently (a delightful post-covid complication) so it's good I'm getting irate as hopefully that will push it up a few points.

Fucking wankers.
Essex, Kent, Surrey and Herts. Chocolate teapot policing.
Don't a lot of the Met retire out to the sticks to see out their final years? Could explain a lot of the similar attitudes and excuses
I've mentioned Police Scotland failing to respond to a particular traffic accident which lead to one of the occupant's dying before on this thread.

Today, the BBC website is running this article about the main Police Scotland call centre using a dummy call allocation system (allocating calls with the priority DUMY, which meant some calls were then filtered out and held in a separate list and 'parked').

It's claimed that the system was not in use at the time of the accident but quite frankly I don't believe that.

For shame Police Scotland, for shame.
I've mentioned Police Scotland failing to respond to a particular traffic accident which lead to one of the occupant's dying before on this thread.

Today, the BBC website is running this article about the main Police Scotland call centre using a dummy call allocation system (allocating calls with the priority DUMY, which meant some calls were then filtered out and held in a separate list and 'parked').

It's claimed that the system was not in use at the time of the accident but quite frankly I don't believe that.

For shame Police Scotland, for shame.
I'm afraid my next reaction after horror and disbelief and wondering if that's why, despite denials to the contrary, those poor young people died after the RTA - my next reaction was And which other forces are doing this?
Just when you think that surely, one will not be gobsmacked by a revelation about a police force in the UK, along comes this one:

Racism, negligence/indifference leading to death, misconduct in public office - there's something for everyone (sarcasm)
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