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Filth by name. . .

Woman on Radio 2 today, Vine show I think, she hit nail on the head; "The senior officers need to accept that bullies and controlling type people are drawn to the power that a warrant card brings." - but they just don't do that, as in all honesty it's the main draw to the job for nearly every single fucking one of the cunts.
The BBC has a number of articles on the Casey reports but this one has some of the 16 recommendations:


A new team to be established to deal with misconduct cases and vetting to be immediately overhauled (we said that)

Greater independent oversight and scrutiny (we have discussed that too)

A process to apologise for past failings - none of this insincere 'i'm sorry that that you feel...' crap I would hope

Parliamentary and Diplomatic Unit to be disbanded - Couzens and Carrick both served in this, not a surprise but good

Immediate revetting of all firearms officers

Dedicated women's protection service

New children's strategy to prevent adultification

Immediate reset of 'stop and search', particularly around stop and search of minorities including children

Insufficient progress will mean the met is broken up.

This has been thirty years in the making, ever since the Stephen Lawrence report noted the Met was institutionally racist. It's so bad now, I don't see how there won't be substantive change without senior police leaders accepting without questioning or whinging about the descriptors being used.

Do better, Met, do fucking better NOW.
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I doubt it.
But she was a right arse licking jobs worth back in the day.
Sorry, just trying to get a fix on this. Sounds as if she's got the Met bang to rights. But people are questioning her credibility?

ETA I mean, could the Met be even worse?
Like, corrupt or something?
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Sorry, just trying to get a fix on this. Sounds as if she's got the Met bang to rights. But people are questioning her credibility?

ETA I mean, could the Met be even worse?
Like, corrupt or something?
Yes I totally questioned her credibility when I heard she was heading this investigation and was surprised at her findings, not because they are not correct, but that she called them out....based on her actions as head of the rough sleepers unit in 1999. She was like the Suella Braverman of rough sleepers.

But people can change
Things are so fucking depraved, corrupt and shit that she appears relatively Liberal.

I think it's the second one ......terrifyingly.
What the actual ... Exactly what are Kent Police doing if not classing rape, sexual assault, domestic abuse and crime (wide range of options) as emergency issues 😠

The A4 printout urged Maidstone residents to report "non-emergency enquiries" via an online form.
The list included anti-social behaviour, missing persons and fraud.
Police said it was part of their Click B4 U Call campaign, which encouraged people, where suitable, to use online reporting to free up call handlers.
The poster, which was put up by a member of police staff at the front counter in Maidstone police station, has since been taken down, the force said.
Un-fucking-believable incompetent fuckwits Kent police. Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick, what the everloving FUCK were they thinking???

My blood pressure has been far too low recently (a delightful post-covid complication) so it's good I'm getting irate as hopefully that will push it up a few points.

Fucking wankers.
Some background listening on the Louise Casey Review

At one point it suggests rape tests/results are kept in defective fridges, meanwhile the armed response unit is funded to the hilt with items they can't even deploy in London.

Interview Louise Casey. Amongst other things, she tells the story of a cop who had several wanks on a train, in view of the general public, but managed to keep his job.
Derbyshire PC followed a woman's car, looked up the registration number on the national police database, and obtained the owner's details so he could follow her online.

He gets to keep his job.

The officer denied the allegations and said he believed his actions "were within policing standards".

However, the panel said it concluded that he did carry out the PNC check for a non-policing purpose and that he searched for the woman's name on Instagram minutes later after the check. This was based on evidence seen on a screenshot of the woman's phone.

The hearing heard evidence that after the officer followed the woman at the Co-op in Wirksworth, Derbyshire, he sent flame and heart eyes emojis to the same woman's Instagram.

He's been given a final written warning which will be on record for five years.

Derbyshire PC to keep job after using database to find woman on Instagram

(From Urban tasked with fixing the Met thread.)
Why does it matter? It’s not against the rules

Thing is, unless Garvey is actually a convincing undercover agent (probably not, but who knows these days) he’s most likely someone who lives with mental health problems and/or a developmental disability. As such he the sort of person would have to deal with a lot of coercive state intervention (and I don’t doubt he’s had a a lot of rough experiences, and I share his disgust at the state and it’s agents) however, he’s also the sort of person who would be targeted by (honestly) some of the worst people on the planet to be used to promote and/or act on some very unpleasant ideas and agendas. Honestly I don’t know exactly how people of good faith should respond to this phenomena (hence my ‘can’t do wrong for doing right’ comment some time ago), but I do know (and I hope those of good faith do too) what a destructive combination that can be, and that it’s imperative to both take seriously the realities of those who live like Garvey does (and those who lives are far much harder too), and also take seriously how active the extremists (of various persuasion, weird groomy cunts the lot of them, no one needs to feel got at) are in targeting people like Garvey and how much damage can arise from this (the Barbie Kardashian tragedy has been giving me a lot of sleepless nights)
Thing is, unless Garvey is actually a convincing undercover agent (probably not, but who knows these days) he’s most likely someone who lives with mental health problems and/or a developmental disability. As such he the sort of person would have to deal with a lot of coercive state intervention (and I don’t doubt he’s had a a lot of rough experiences, and I share his disgust at the state and it’s agents) however, he’s also the sort of person who would be targeted by (honestly) some of the worst people on the planet to be used to promote and/or act on some very unpleasant ideas and agendas. Honestly I don’t know exactly how people of good faith should respond to this phenomena (hence my ‘can’t do wrong for doing right’ comment some time ago), but I do know (and I hope those of good faith do too) what a destructive combination that can be, and that it’s imperative to both take seriously the realities of those who live like Garvey does (and those who lives are far much harder too), and also take seriously how active the extremists (of various persuasion, weird groomy cunts the lot of them, no one needs to feel got at) are in targeting people like Garvey and how much damage can arise from this (the Barbie Kardashian tragedy has been giving me a lot of sleepless nights)

What I mean by this is if people act on the advice we were being given a few weeks ago (eg to ‘kill social workers’), not only will we do something, you know, wrong, but we will make life a lot harder for those at the bottom of society. Garvey‘s anger towards me is fine (I’m a cunt I can deal with it), as is his idiosyncratic use of bold text. His tendency towards misogyny and conspriacism (which is so clearly there Garvey, I’m sorry) can and will be used to enact violence against people who don’t deserve it, and to justify the state being ever more violent to the rest of us, particularly (and I do keep on trying to explain this) to ‘retards’. We are entering into a period of poverty and violence we that we aren’t prepared for. It is worrying
And I’m sorry - genuinely, not even being a cunt here - for losing my rag with people who in all likelihood decent, kind people, but please for the love of Yahweh don’t pretend that things are different to what they are, or that we can control how over people see us. Fascists love it when we do that
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