Then I'd be extremely surprised.the B said:What if my experience was the other way round?
Then I'd be extremely surprised.the B said:What if my experience was the other way round?
fat hamster said:Then I'd be extremely surprised.
fat hamster said:Bollocks.
In the experience of most of the women I know, having the father around causing problems and making demands is far more unhelpful.
In your opinion, Fat Hamster, should they be taken off him til their mother is willing to give up work?Fat Hamster said:...Fathers are generally selfish, immature and egotistical.
In my long experience, most women are more mature, grounded and just plain better better at the long, slow, demanding job of bringing up children than are most men.
meanoldman said:In the experience of most children I know (myself included) excluding the father is very unhelpful. And "fathers are generally selfish, immature and egotistical." is offensive sexist bollocks.
Not if we keep doing things the same old way.the B said:Agree - and it would happen in an ideal world - but we don't have one.
Lord Camomile said:I understand and agree with their cause, but personally so far their stunts have come off as childish rather than intelligent, and haven't really helped their credibility
Oh sure, I totally understand that and agree that sometimes you have to do things a little....differently to get yourself heard, I just think the way they did it wasn't particularly sensible. They've come off as childish (IMHO) and so done the credibility of their argument no good at all, and also through the 'Purple Powder' incident have caused more wide-reaching problems, particularly in giving Blunkett more ammo which is always a bad thing IMOrorymac said:But Lord have to be a bit pathetic to attract the attention of the media .. it's the way the poxy thing works. You go around presenting rational/intelligent arguments ..fuckall!!
Climb up a dolly crane ... the wankers descend on the building site like fuckin flies.
Isn't that exactly what Fathers4Justice (horrible name) want?Again, I have limited support for them. It depends on each individual case IMO, you can't generalise. There are good fathers & good mothers, likewise bad ones. If there can't be a family solution, the most suitable parent ought to be chosen without any sex-based presumptions.
Do you really believe this, or just playing devil's advocate?fat hamster said:Bollocks.
In the experience of most of the women I know, having the father around causing problems and making demands is far more unhelpful.
Epona said:Do you really believe this, or just playing devil's advocate?
I can't believe that anyone would come out with this sort of crap - it's the sort of bollocks that gives the fight for womens' equality a bad name. Plenty of dads do a great job, limiting your view to a seemingly very narrow experience and then tarring everyone with the same brush is idiotic
fat hamster said:In the experience of most of the women I know, having the father around causing problems and making demands is far more unhelpful
Kained and Unable said:i however am really sad that certain femlaes on this thread are basicly saying im going to be a bad parent purely beacuse i'm male.
If that's where you think I'm coming from with this, you're a lot stupider than I thought, l_k.lyra_kitten said:unhelpful to who, though? unhelpful to the children, or unhelpful to the mother, whose plans to use the father for his sperm and then have nothing more to do with him because she wants a child without the inconvenience of having a man around in any capacity are rather annoyingly derailed when said chump actually *gasp* turns out to love his children and want some contact with them?
yes, i can see how that would be annoying and unhelpful to the woman, sod the children, eh?
Who said that?Kained and Unable said:i however am really sad that certain females on this thread are basicly saying im going to be a bad parent purely because i'm male.
fat hamster said:things ain't going to improve if we keep our collective heads in the sand.
fat hamster said:...Fathers are generally selfish, immature and egotistical.
In my long experience, most women are more mature, grounded and just plain better better at the long, slow, demanding job of bringing up children than are most men.
The case of Conrad Campbell is an example of the allegations and counter allegations, bitterness and anger which engulf relationship breakdowns and defy easy solutions. Mr Campbell joined Fathers 4 Justice out of desperation after losing contact with his child. "I went to prison for 84 days last summer just for texting my son because it was his birthday that week," he said. "She [the child's mother] said I was in breach of an injunction because I was trying to keep up contact with my son; that it was harassment and she was in fear of her life and I was sent to jail." He does, however, admit assaulting his partner and being sent on a programme to tackle his anger.
In my opinion you are an immature, egotistical and repetitive twat, 'silentNate', and no of course I don't think that.silentNate said:In your opinion, Fat Hamster, should they be taken off him til their mother is willing to give up work?