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Farage is right about NATO. Sorry


Fan of think
I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.
I find it quite amusing how the Guardian/BBC have a complete meltdown when someone criticises NATO. I am old; I thought that being sycophantic towards military institutions was a right-wing thing. Clearly this is wrong.

Making criticism of NATO a thoughtcrime is frankly bizarre; almost worrying. Maybe Western politics is just a bizarre comedy pretending to be a democracy.
Farage is parroting putin's views not at least in this case his own
He did say something about increasing personal tax allowance for pension age people to about £20,000 and my ears pricked up - but i wouldn't vote for the cunt just on that basis.
Personal tax allowance needs to be put up for everyone not just people of pensionable age and Frog Lord is just parrotting others by saying that £20K would be a good start, £28K would be an even better one since it would mean someone working the maximum number of legal hours per week on minimum wage would effectively pay no income tax. Tax rates in this country are too skewed to give greater benefits depending on how much you earn.
Personal tax allowance needs to be put up for everyone not just people of pensionable age and Frog Lord is just parrotting others by saying that £20K would be a good start, £28K would be an even better one since it would mean someone working the maximum number of legal hours per week on minimum wage would effectively pay no income tax. Tax rates in this country are too skewed to give greater benefits depending on how much you earn.
Well yeah - i agree. I really do agree. Unfortunately I think its Reform that wants to do this - Labour just want to do it for Pension age people iirc.
Thought crimes? What are you dribbling on about?

Both sides had their say on this matter, no minds were changed, what's the point of doing it again, and going round and round in a never ending circle?
There is so little point to anything we do here. The same auld arguments are had time after time. This is how we while away our time as the days, weeks and months flow by
Farage isn't right about anything. But he is extremely good at making himself the centre of media attention and has once again proved this, with his blokey edgelord shtick.

He is a fascist, always has been. Representative of a nasty cyst in our society, and the media play into his venal strategy. Every. Fucking. Time.
Farage would go on from his raised tax allowance to declare that people earning under that amount were in essence parasites on society by virtue of not paying income tax, receiving benefits (whether in money or in kind) for which they hadn't contributed
Doesn't matter what he would do as far I'm concerned, I'd already be in a camp for being a trans woman. And possibly for being autistic.
Farage would go on from his raised tax allowance to declare that people earning under that amount were in essence parasites on society by virtue of not paying income tax, receiving benefits (whether in money or in kind) for which they hadn't contributed
Quite possibly, I think we can all agree that the best contribution Farage could make to UK politics is to stay the fuck away from anything to do it. But on a more serious note raising income tax thresholds will save an awful lot of money in benefits anyway especially if the tax threshold rises annually alongside the minimum wage. We currently have the ridiculous situation where people are paying taxes on their wages only to then need it paying back to them as benefits.
Quite possibly, I think we can all agree that the best contribution Farage could make to UK politics is to stay the fuck away from anything to do it. But on a more serious note raising income tax thresholds will save an awful lot of money in benefits anyway especially if the tax threshold rises annually alongside the minimum wage. We currently have the ridiculous situation where people are paying taxes on their wages only to then need it paying back to them as benefits.
I have a small pension and a part time minimum wage job and i can't believe i have to pay tax on that. But i do.
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