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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Ed Moss, defending, said his client’s family was shocked when they learned of his involvement in the riot, adding: "Despite what it appears to everybody else, [they say] there isn’t a racist bone in his body."

Asked why Gray attended the scene if that was the case, Moss said that was "the imponderable question".

Could be the new 'if a tree falls in the forest...'.

'Why would a man with not a racist bone in his body be trying to burn down a hotel full of asylum seekers? Like whoah, dude.'
Well, it's a defence, I'll say that much:
Who the f**k is Alan? Click on "Facebook"
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I get the feeling that a lot of these people really didn't believe that they would be tracked down and arrested. They haven't made any effort to concoct any kind of evenly remotely plausible defence and just say the first stupid thing that pops into their head.
On a serious note though, the London Economic is twattish for describing him as an "anti-paedophile vigilante".
I mean, it's better than calling him a ‘paedo hunter’.

I mean, it's better than calling him a ‘paedo hunter’.

Fucking hell.
another one! :rolleyes:

Craig Timbrell, 38, of Hartcliffe, appeared at Bristol Crown Court, charged with violent disorder over his "prominent role" in the unrest.

He pleaded guilty to violent disorder after throwing concrete blocks, bricks and bottles at police near the hotel.

Emily Evans, defending, said Timbrell, of Hartcliffe, had been planning on attending a ticketed social event in the city centre with friends, but had been unable to gain entry and "couldn't really explain" why he threw missiles at the police.

But Judge Lambert said the violence he had shown was "intense and shocking" and sentenced him to two years and six months in prison.
another one! :rolleyes:

I know it’s not the only crime he committed that day, never mind the worst one, but if someone had told me a month ago we were about to see someone being charged and punished for ‘shouting at a police dog’ I would have told them to pull the other one :D
The fact we are now taking about immigration is a win for the fascists
They know exactly what they are doing - horses mouth here:

"One possible conclusion to be drawn from the burst of violence this summer is that far-right narratives are now more mainstream than many would like to think. Is there now a far-right culture that is more prevalent in society and which transcends the need to organise in political groups? If so, activists may feel emboldened by what’s happened over these past weeks and the risk of violence potentially could be even greater.

When reflecting this week, I thought back to a cold day in Preston in early January 2018. I was in court watching a defendant called Jack Renshaw, who was giving evidence in a trial that saw him convicted of stirring up racial hatred in antisemitic speeches. By the end of that year – and two further trials – he was also convicted of sexually grooming young boys and planning to kill his local MP with a machete in a neo-Nazi terror attack.

I checked my notes and, yes, my memory had been correct. Renshaw, an admitted neo-Nazi and former member of the BNP and National Action, was asked why he engaged in racist activism. In response, he said it helped change politics for everyone.

“It makes mainstream politics more right wing,” he told the court.

Judge tells someone who was racially abused to just put up with it. I mean he threw a few cans back at them. Is that a major crime? It's not as if the racist lot weren't up for a fight .
Sentencing Walid, Judge Robert Linford said he accepted he had not been “looking for trouble” and that far-right rioters had been throwing missiles and making “deeply offensive racist chants”.

“What you should have done was rise above their simply obnoxious racism”, he said.

Watching the doc on Southall I posted earlier this is exactly what Thatcher said when asked. Just ignore NF.
On a serious note though, the London Economic is twattish for describing him as an "anti-paedophile vigilante".
Paedophile hunters are apparently hated by the police and people who work on paedophilia cases, because they often make things WORSE by potentially jeopardising the case. And tbh I don't trust people who make a big point of saying they hate paedophiles. Like, no shit, Sherlock, congratulations on having a completely normal opinion, it's like saying "I am against putting babies on spikes."
Paedophile hunters are apparently hated by the police and people who work on paedophilia cases, because they often make things WORSE by potentially jeopardising the case. And tbh I don't trust people who make a big point of saying they hate paedophiles. Like, no shit, Sherlock, congratulations on having a completely normal opinion, it's like saying "I am against putting babies on spikes."
Yeah. Me point though is that they (journalists) should have focused on the matter at hand in their headlines, which was racist abuse.
Instead they made it sound like his "paedophile hunter" shit was somehow relevant, which almost falls in with the "protecting kids" angle of the riots.
Paedophile hunters are apparently hated by the police and people who work on paedophilia cases, because they often make things WORSE by potentially jeopardising the case. And tbh I don't trust people who make a big point of saying they hate paedophiles. Like, no shit, Sherlock, congratulations on having a completely normal opinion, it's like saying "I am against putting babies on spikes."
I've always thought they likely overlap with far right stiff and conspiracy thinking as well. But never looking into it.
Yeah. Me point though is that they (journalists) should have focused on the matter at hand in their headlines, which was racist abuse.
Instead they made it sound like his "paedophile hunter" shit was somehow relevant, which almost falls in with the "protecting kids" angle of the riots.
Oh, totally. It's hardly relevant to the story.
Counsel for Lucy Connolly, the wife of that Tory councillor, was back in court yesterday to make a bail application, but it was refused, and she was returned to custody until 2nd September. :D

She has not yet entered any plea, which is odd as the evidence is clear, and she will get a lighter sentence if she pleads guilty, but I guess her legal team are hoping to come up with some sort of defence based on the psychiatric report they are seeking. 🤷‍♂️


Judge tells someone who was racially abused to just put up with it. I mean he threw a few cans back at them. Is that a major crime? It's not as if the racist lot weren't up for a fight .

Watching the doc on Southall I posted earlier this is exactly what Thatcher said when asked. Just ignore NF.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here and say the judge was white?
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