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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

I'm not hurt.

You are making accusations based on not reading the thread properly.

I'm not dragging you into a drama. You decided to wade in making a post based on no proper reading of the thread.

Id say don't make statements on a thread unless you have read it properly

FFS, you fucking weirdo, I made just two points - Edie is not racist, and Spy is not a bloody cop - simple enough?

Get over yourself. :rolleyes:
An example of aggressive posting.

I'm not going to stoop to your level and reply in kind.

Right, that's you going on ignore, which is a shame as I normally enjoy your posts, but I can't be arsed with you trying to drag me into a drama I have no interest in, I don't need to read pages of nonsense, to somehow justify the two simple points I made - .Edie is not racist, and Spy is not a bloody cop.
Anyway , this vile piece of shit was behind the far right Twitter account Sick of it @WayneGB888. He pleaded guilty to publishing material to stir up racial hatred and got three years. However, what I found most interesting is that he told the Police in interview that he received around £1400 a month from posting on Twitter.
That's 163,000 rubles, although he probably has to pay a fee to change it.
the reply is much better, imo.

Seymours article isn't bad, at all. But he really does need a harsh editor who will cut his loquaciousness and make him sharper. And will remove non-words like 'fascoid'.

The reply - Anton Jäger, Into the Void — Sidecar

Thanks to The39thStep for initially posting up these interesting articles form NLR free Sidecar website.

Both Seymour and this article are pessimistic.

He rightly imo says what is missing from Seymour article is any economic look at this. Austerity is never mentioned.

I thought this article made good point I had not thought off. The relationship between the recent far right violence here and what is happening in Gaza

There is also the international dimension. Is it surprising that a nation which styles itself as an attack dog for a declining imperial hegemon, and unconditionally supports genocide in the Middle East, would see such belligerence ricochet on the domestic front? The UK, having normalized the ongoing attempt to exterminate a surplus population in Israel and solve the Palästinenserfrage once and for all, has given a strong impetus to those wishing to enact anti-Muslim violence here at home.

Its not a connection I thought of but it rings true.

Here are previous Tory government and now Starmer ( despite the more conciliatory noises Lammy makes now) in effect supporting State of Israel in dealing with its refugee problem with bombing and destroying Gaza infrastructure.

Reminds me of a history I read of WW2 and its aftermath. Whilst war was pursued by States legitimising violence at same time interpersonal social violence increased. As the social unwritten rules changed with state led war.

If the British state de facto supports mass killing of middle eastern mainly Muslims then this view seeps into British society.
Anyway , this vile piece of shit was behind the far right Twitter account Sick of it @WayneGB888. He pleaded guilty to publishing material to stir up racial hatred and got three years. However, what I found most interesting is that he told the Police in interview that he received around £1400 a month from posting on Twitter.
By whom, do you know?
I appreciate it’s a side discussion in some respects but what’s the view on open borders?

I mean I think we can all agree that asylum seekers should be accepted, processed quickly, and allowed to work and contribute quickly to society. Locking them up is completely unjustified false imprisonment and cruel.

But what about economic migrants? Should there be a limit? Or do we just fling the doors open and let things settle where they will. Let’s ignore for now the fact there would be a rapid popular uprising if you did that or at least a quick change of government.

Would a welfare state even be compatible with an open border policy? Is an open border situation only possible if all other nations do the same?
By whom, do you know?
I don’t know for certain however I think it’s blue tick monetisation by views/ interactions / retweet’s etc . Blue tick accounts get greater prominence in the algorithm . Andrew Tate claimed he made money from Twitter like this as did Lawrence Fox . There was a campaign to de monetise far right YouTube accounts a few years ago .
Saw an article shared - dont want to look for the link now - which tried to profile the jailed rioters - in short it gives three types, paraphrased as:
1. committed racist agitators
2. crims who like the action and opportunity of doing illegal shit
3. messy hangers on

Thing is 2 and 3 are just opportunists and followers, the only important category here is 1, they're at the heart of it, they called it, it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them. We mustn't lose sight of what this was a: a formal ideologically-inspired calculated wave of racist violence by that group #1...
I appreciate it’s a side discussion in some respects but what’s the view on open borders?

I mean I think we can all agree that asylum seekers should be accepted, processed quickly, and allowed to work and contribute quickly to society. Locking them up is completely unjustified false imprisonment and cruel.

But what about economic migrants? Should there be a limit? Or do we just fling the doors open and let things settle where they will. Let’s ignore for now the fact there would be a rapid popular uprising if you did that or at least a quick change of government.

Would a welfare state even be compatible with an open border policy? Is an open border situation only possible if all other nations do the same?

I have no idea I’m not a politician 🤷‍♀️

What’s your view?
That's not entirely a pisstake response btw, that it is sort of what I actually think about it - I'm not in charge of state policy, I'm not going to be in charge of the state at any point in the forseeable future, so asking what border policies I'd set if I was running the state is a bit of a pointless question.
I appreciate it’s a side discussion in some respects but what’s the view on open borders?
take it here

we're talking about fash, racist, far right cunts and their attempt to create a race war on this thread
Saw an article shared - dont want to look for the link now - which tried to profile the jailed rioters - in short it gives three types, paraphrased as:
1. committed racist agitators
2. crims who like the action and opportunity of doing illegal shit
3. messy hangers on

Thing is 2 and 3 are just opportunists and followers, the only important category here is 1, they're at the heart of it, they called it, it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them. We mustn't lose sight of what this was a: a formal ideologically-inspired calculated wave of racist violence by that group #1...
I mean, maybe it's just me, but I sort of think 2 and 3 are the interesting groups here - I don't want to be too starry-eyed or whatever, but I always think it's worth wondering, would there be a possible set of circumstances where groups 2 and 3 were drawn into kicking off in the name of [Gaza or the Poll Tax or Mark Duggan or George Floyd or climate change - basically anything other than the racist shit that they've actually been kicking off over]? And if so, what has to have gone wrong for them to be in a situation where they're getting their narratives from group 1 rather than anyone less full of shit?
Saw an article shared - dont want to look for the link now - which tried to profile the jailed rioters - in short it gives three types, paraphrased as:
1. committed racist agitators
2. crims who like the action and opportunity of doing illegal shit
3. messy hangers on

Thing is 2 and 3 are just opportunists and followers, the only important category here is 1, they're at the heart of it, they called it, it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for them. We mustn't lose sight of what this was a: a formal ideologically-inspired calculated wave of racist violence by that group #1...
Red Flare identified the author of the hitlist locations and the arson handbook. Linked to Patriotic Alternative

I appreciate it’s a side discussion in some respects but what’s the view on open borders?

I mean I think we can all agree that asylum seekers should be accepted, processed quickly, and allowed to work and contribute quickly to society. Locking them up is completely unjustified false imprisonment and cruel.

But what about economic migrants? Should there be a limit? Or do we just fling the doors open and let things settle where they will. Let’s ignore for now the fact there would be a rapid popular uprising if you did that or at least a quick change of government.

Would a welfare state even be compatible with an open border policy? Is an open border situation only possible if all other nations do the same?
I'm with ska on this. It is not an appropriate response to racist violence to ask about immigration policies. That is allowing racists to set the agenda.

This isn't a side discussion. It's no discussion at all to be having in this context. Fuck the racists.
And if so, what has to have gone wrong for them to be in a situation where they're getting their narratives from group 1 rather than anyone less full of shit?

Because Ska's 2 and 3 are also impoverished, hapless victims of society's structure and when you're at the bottom you're scrabbling around for someone 'worse' than yourself, to out scapegoat you. A lot of Ska's 2 and 3 are racists too. Indeed the only difference is in the word 'committed' in 1. I work with kids who are 2 and 3. A lot of this has depressingly reminded me of my kids at school. Racism is the dominant ideology. It's easier to blame an enemy of colour than your enemy being on a private jet. One is visible, the other isn't.

Everything doesn't have to be a criticism of the Left. The odds are stacked against us.
Red Flare identified the author of the hitlist locations and the arson handbook. Linked to Patriotic Alternative

View attachment 438461

It's quite something to see the international co-operation between fash. How they've crossed borders and embedded themselves in other countries politics.

Witness also the likes of SYL in Ireland, or the Coolock far right nationalists hanging out with loyalist filth in Belfast.
Immigration serves Islingtonian women. It doesn’t serve women in Rotherham.

... neither do the activities of David Saynor ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... but when David Saynor was arrested, there were no lynch mobs taking to the streets shouting "Enough Is Enough", "Save Our Kids" or "Stop The Boats" and and no-one going on internet fora preoccupied with his "nationality" and "ethnicity" or his immigration status.
Good, he did much worse things that day than looting bath bombs

Michael Quinn, deputy chief crown prosecutor for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: "His behaviour throughout was appalling, shameless, and violent.

“In particular, he was part of an armed mob who attacked a BMW car containing three defenceless members of the public. The three Romanian victims were assaulted, robbed and racially abused as they fled from the car which was then trashed. This cowardly assault left the victims terrified and traumatised.
That doesn’t really sound long enough given the range of offences and the clear ideological motivation behind them. It’s borderline terrorism, yet only about twice as long a sentence as some can-chuckers / bin-shovers who just stumbled upon the disorder. The active fash element promoting and participating in violent racism should be away for a long time. This is less than the just stop oil guy ffs.
... neither do the activities of David Saynor ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... but when David Saynor was arrested, there were no lynch mobs taking to the streets shouting "Enough Is Enough", "Save Our Kids" or "Stop The Boats" and and no-one going on internet fora preoccupied with his "nationality" and "ethnicity" or his immigration status.
Did someone shave a slice off the side of his head? He's 77 and got 24 years so all being well, no one ever has to see the cunt in public again.
It's quite something to see the international co-operation between fash. How they've crossed borders and embedded themselves in other countries politics.

Witness also the likes of SYL in Ireland, or the Coolock far right nationalists hanging out with loyalist filth in Belfast.

Russian and Belarusian fascists in Azov and other Ukrainian far right groups spring to mind as well.
Because Ska's 2 and 3 are also impoverished, hapless victims of society's structure and when you're at the bottom you're scrabbling around for someone 'worse' than yourself, to out scapegoat you. A lot of Ska's 2 and 3 are racists too. Indeed the only difference is in the word 'committed' in 1. I work with kids who are 2 and 3. A lot of this has depressingly reminded me of my kids at school. Racism is the dominant ideology. It's easier to blame an enemy of colour than your enemy being on a private jet. One is visible, the other isn't.

Everything doesn't have to be a criticism of the Left. The odds are stacked against us.
Agree of course, but these people are not the protagonists in this is my point, this wouldn't have happened if it was down to them. The focus should be squarely on the source of the cancer, the Patriotic Alliance, Continuity EDL, NeoNazi types...and their agenda needs rejecting wholesale with no pandering.
Tbh I was really surprised to see that slur levelled at you, it's clearly not true. We all know spycops have peculiar jobs and no backstory whereas you obvs have and so many of us have seen you so often over the years you'd have come a cropper if you were a copper long before now.

But you would say that as you work for GCHQ apparently…
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