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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

There is an argument that if the general public conversation focus on immigration it is a win for them. But I don't see how a conversation on this particular message board is in any way a win for them

There is also an argument that the left not talking about it is a win for them as it leaves them to dominate the conversation. And that would include talking amongst ourselves.
The far right went on a racist pogrom rampage after some messed up teen went on a killing spree.
None of which is anything to do with immigration, migration, asylum, economics. Its only to do with racists being racist because they're racist.
Of course we can talk about whatever wherever we want, but the fact this is where the conversation has ended up here as everywhere else is depressing as fuck - its exactly the agenda of the far right achieving its goal. The poison is out there.
Talk about it by all means, but should be on another thread
The far right went on a racist pogrom rampage after some messed up teen went on a killing spree.
None of which is anything to do with immigration, migration, asylum, economics. Its only to do with racists being racist because they're racist.
Of course we can talk about whatever wherever we want, but the fact this is where the conversation has ended up here as everywhere else is depressing as fuck - its exactly the agenda of the far right achieving its goal. The poison is out there.
Talk about it by all means, but should be on another thread

Don’t talk about racism on a thread about racists 👍
Remember chatting to someone at work while back. Who is against immigration. Not in general but in his words there are too many Muslims in this country.

Reminded of this due to last few pages. As ska invita suggests it's not all about immigration it's also about particular segment of population of this country who are well established here. Muslims.

In particular Pakistanis. As my workmate also said. When he was referring to Pakistanis he was including those born and raised here

There was a lot of islamophobia in recent violence.

What is most concerning was that this wasn't just about people supposedly taking "our" jobs. Which went on about east Europeans before Brexit.

This is much nastier as it's having a go at actual British people of a certain background.
Remember chatting to someone at work while back. Who is against immigration. Not in general but in his words there are too many Muslims in this country.

Reminded of this due to last few pages. As ska invita suggests it's not all about immigration it's also about particular segment of population of this country who are well established here. Muslims.

In particular Pakistanis. As my workmate also said. When he was referring to Pakistanis he was including those born and raised here

There was a lot of Homophobia in recent violence.

What is most concerning was that this wasn't just about people supposedly taking "our" jobs. Which went on about east Europeans before Brexit.

This is much nastier as it's having a go at actual British people of a certain background.
tbh nonsense from the labour party over the last couple of decades has imo played a vast part in this, eg gordon brown's british jobs for british workers, and miliband and shammer's racist policies. if everyone (pretty much) in both the labour and tory parties is saying things not a million miles from the bnp and refuk then it's no surprise that people have taken it on. i realised that the referendum would be leave when i heard people in a north london hospital, patients presumably, talking about how there were too many foreigners in the uk. this particular genie has been many years in the getting out of the lamp but the government (if they're even interested in trying) will find it much harder to stuff back in the lamp.

perhaps shammer recognises, away from public gaze, that his majority is built on sand and with fewer votes than corbyn got in 2019 he's really going to struggle if right wing voters who abstained last month return to the polls in 2029. so i don't believe there's much even in the way of liberal anti-racism to be expected from this lot. back in the day david cameron signed up to the uaf. i don't think anyone can imagine - without the use of halluginogenics - shammer doing anything similar.
Remember chatting to someone at work while back. Who is against immigration. Not in general but in his words there are too many Muslims in this country.

Reminded of this due to last few pages. As ska invita suggests it's not all about immigration it's also about particular segment of population of this country who are well established here. Muslims.

In particular Pakistanis. As my workmate also said. When he was referring to Pakistanis he was including those born and raised here

There was a lot of islamophobia in recent violence.

What is most concerning was that this wasn't just about people supposedly taking "our" jobs. Which went on about east Europeans before Brexit.

This is much nastier as it's having a go at actual British people of a certain background.
as long as theres people of colour on this island these cunts will want to beat them up
you could reduce the population of britain by half, it would still be too much, we're full up , ***** GO HOME
The far right went on a racist pogrom rampage after some messed up teen went on a killing spree.
None of which is anything to do with immigration, migration, asylum, economics. Its only to do with racists being racist because they're racist.
Of course we can talk about whatever wherever we want, but the fact this is where the conversation has ended up here as everywhere else is depressing as fuck - its exactly the agenda of the far right achieving its goal. The poison is out there.
Talk about it by all means, but should be on another thread
I completely agree with you last sentence, this is not the best thread for it.

brogdale The problem I was referring to was empire. Immigration to suit the wealthy with no heed to either the immigrants or the established population in working class areas.

Immigration, what controls are needed or appropriate and how to enforce them is complicated. I don’t believe in open borders. I recognise the importance (economically, socially, and culturally) of some immigration.

But the benefits and challenges of immigration are not spread equally. And to blindly insist they are and anyone who says different is racist is part of the lefts problem.

In many ways multicultural Britain is a resounding success story. That’s a testament to the working class. Not to Baroness Islington who expects a pat on the back for being served by a Pokémon collection of nationalities (apart from the black kid whose just black of course).

Staff in M&S/Waitrose: very varied.

It’s satire (except it’s not) and laughters a legitimate response. I laughed.

But the far right were attacking mosques which are used by what you term a now established population. So it wasn't just about immigration in this instance.

What I see is that for some people in this country, it doesn't matter how well established you think you are, your never going to be completely accepted

This is the experience of Afro Carribbean people I know. For a start when their grandparents came here from Carribbean they thought they were coming to the mother country and got a rude awakening when arrived.

Then years later the Windrush scandal happened. If you come from a certain background you always have to justify your presence here in way I as white British don't.

Secondly this country does not have open borders. In actual fact it has loads of ways to restrict immigration.

I know people who have come here on visas and can ensure you it's not an easy process.

So what changes to immigration controls do you want to see?
and shammer's racist policies
Can we not every single post, Pickman's? Cutesy names are really tiresome in serious threads. It just reminds me of all the warty teenagers going on about "Microshaft" on Slashdot 20 years ago. There's definitely a place and time for it, I'm just begging you not to make it here and now. Christ knows how he's offended you more than some of the names you don't do it to.
You’re the one going on about this. So why can't you answer a straight forward question?
If you think the question or answer are straightforward you might be missing things. I mean I dunno, maybe you really do have it all worked out but I don’t.

You’d need to have a pretty good knowledge of the economy, the national workforce, the welfare state, institutional capacity (NHS, prisons, schools etc). I know fuck all about that stuff let alone having the capacity to balance it.

Then there’s all the nuance about whether immigrants from different zones or countries get preferential treatment or not. Or whether entry is skill based, income based, health based, family connections based.

In short- it’s a fundamental political question and no I don’t have a trite one line answer and wouldn’t be stupid enough or arrogant enough to pretend I did.

Do you?
If you think the question or answer are straightforward you might be missing things. I mean I dunno, maybe you really do have it all worked out but I don’t.

You’d need to have a pretty good knowledge of the economy, the national workforce, the welfare state, institutional capacity (NHS, prisons, schools etc). I know fuck all about that stuff let alone having the capacity to balance it.

Then there’s all the nuance about whether immigrants from different zones or countries get preferential treatment or not. Or whether entry is skill based, income based, health based, family connections based.

In short- it’s a fundamental political question and no I don’t have a trite one line answer and wouldn’t be stupid enough or arrogant enough to pretend I did.

Do you?

You know enough to say for example the left don't appreciate that immigration has different unequal effects on working class communities.

So I think my question is fair enough.
Honey was sentenced to four years and eight months this afternoon. The second longest sentence so far.

Good, he did much worse things that day than looting bath bombs

Michael Quinn, deputy chief crown prosecutor for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: "His behaviour throughout was appalling, shameless, and violent.

“In particular, he was part of an armed mob who attacked a BMW car containing three defenceless members of the public. The three Romanian victims were assaulted, robbed and racially abused as they fled from the car which was then trashed. This cowardly assault left the victims terrified and traumatised.
British joibs for white British people, everyone else watch your back at night or fuck off
Tbf to Brown it was an oil refinery andaccommodationquestion were only advertised on an Italian website to be done Auf Wiedersehen, Pet style in dorm accomadation...

The only plus point I can think to having a refinery on your doorstep is (they have to be somewhere)it provides jobs for local community.
Honey was sentenced to four years and eight months this afternoon. The second longest sentence so far.
Looks like he's got previous for racist/looting tendencies. This is from 2018

Can we not every single post, Pickman's? Cutesy names are really tiresome in serious threads. It just reminds me of all the warty teenagers going on about "Microshaft" on Slashdot 20 years ago. There's definitely a place and time for it, I'm just begging you not to make it here and now. Christ knows how he's offended you more than some of the names you don't do it to.
there is nothing cute about the prime minister who as the name suggests is a humbug and an impostor

Read the first part of this covering the Blair Labour years

Relevant to this thread as a target of rioters was asylum seekers.

How we got there started under New Labour.

As I've been asked what I would do Id say reverse what New Labour brought in re asylum seekers.

One was the dispersal policy. It used to be that asylum seekers could stay in London nearer to communities of support. The dispersal policy dumped them on already poor communities without the proper infrastructure to deal with needs of asylum seekers.

It is noteworthy that following the implementation of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, many people seeking asylum were dispersed to economically and socially deprived areas, which led to social tensions that were later used to justify this policy of separation

Secondly scrap the voucher scheme.

So I would say reverse the legislation brought in under New Labour which arguably helped to separate and make asylum seekers a target.

I also think while they are going through the process they can' be allowed to work.

A lot of the legislation under Labour and Tories looks to me designed to try and put people off from seeking asylum. By making their lives as unpleasant as possible.

So there you go. Not that hard to make suggestions is it.
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