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Far-right infiltration of the security services: a global watch thread

Apprantly the far right are way way behind Islamists in getting jailed but are the new up and coming threat:(.
They also tend to be more criminal minded.
Germany to restructure special forces to tackle far-right leanings Outline - Read & annotate without distractions
FT. June 30, 2020
Germany’s defence minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer will dissolve part of the country’s special forces and restructure the elite military division, after some of its members were found to have radical rightwing sympathies.

The second company within the Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK) will be disbanded, according to a defence ministry report seen by the Financial Times, while the roughly 1,400-strong force is to be stripped of control over its training.

Germany is attempting to counter a rising trend of rightwing extremism. In February, a man with far-right beliefs killed 10 people, most of them immigrants, in Hanau, and another far-right sympathiser attacked a synagogue in Halle in October.

In 2018, a suspected far-right sympathiser killed a politician from chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Union party, known for his welcoming stance toward refugees.

Attention has also turned to Germany’s military forces in recent years, particularly the KSK, amid media reports and secret service investigations of potential extremist plots and sympathisers within its ranks.
German neo-nazis compiled a hit list, apparently with state information (and state assistance?):

German far-right group 'used police data to compile death list'
Follow up in NYT today:

I find it quite amusing.

'Populism' ie, the mass of the people indicating that they are unsatisfied with the status quo is wrong. Really?

What it actually means is that the left leaning, educated, prosperous elite are shitting themselves, because their largely undeserved positions of privilege are under threat. :)
sorry crap, and sub-daily mail crap at that. The only 'elite' are the Capital class, namely those who control the wealth, the meansd of production, diistrinution and exchange.
If you take the right-populist argument to its' logical conclusion, a sociology lecturer at a redbrick uni is elite...and Arron banks isn't, and stuart wheeler wasn't
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