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BBC uncovers a global network of sadistic monkey torturers (TW & CW - horrific descriptions)

Not going to read it, no thanks. There's definitely a subset of humanity that is both sadistic and psychopathic. A mix that really is terrifyingly the worst.
Saw the article a while back. One of the most depressing things have read.

Reminds of a few years ago, had a disagreement with a friend who sent a video of performing street monkeys. It was somewhere in Asia and the monkeys were being prodded to react into dancing or something.

Asked her not to send me such videos as they are ill treatment of animals. She got angry and insisted that the monkeys loved it, were enjoying it.

Saw the article a while back. One of the most depressing things have read.

Reminds of a few years ago, had a disagreement with a friend who sent a video of performing street monkeys. It was somewhere in Asia and the monkeys were being prodded to react into dancing or something.

Asked her not to send me such videos as they are ill treatment of animals. She got angry and insisted that the monkeys loved it, were enjoying it.

Instagram and Tiktok have a lot to answer for in this regard.
More horror

BBC News - Adam Britton: British croc expert admits sexually abusing dogs

I wonder why he was charged with bestiality and not aggravated animal cruelty (max prison sentence 5 years in NT)? Presumably because its easier for the prosecution to prove, but still a pretty trivialising way of classifying torturing dogs to death.
I wonder why he was charged with bestiality and not aggravated animal cruelty (max prison sentence 5 years in NT)? Presumably because its easier for the prosecution to prove, but still a pretty trivialising way of classifying torturing dogs to death.

He's getting more than 5 years.

He's been charged with 37 counts of animal cruelty, 10 counts of raping a dog, and 4 of possessing or transmitting child abuse.

I'm sure he's going to have a lovely time in prison.
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Did Gill shag animals?

I thought he just screwed his daughters and made noncey sculputers for the BBC.

No, he did his dog too. Which is pretty damn weird. But not as weird as confessing to it in writing, as both he and this guy did. I suppose it's the guilt.
How much is down to the internet/social media? Before it these cunts wouldn't have found anyone that wanted to engage with them, or would they have lost their interest in such awful behaviour because most people hated them for it or wouldn't even have been any where near them. Now, an algorithym sends like-minded or suggestible people their way, they get attnetion and that feed back loop grows.
Maybe. But if they were to be murdered, it could not be done in such a public way because that would destabilize the society even further.
I agree that there's no chance of rehabilitation, confinement might be a more humane option.
Film their gruesome deaths and stream on the internet? Oh, wait.
I know when I worked for the largest pharmaceutical company in the world providing diabetes medicine, it was possible to buy mice, beagles and chimpanzees on the procurement intranet.

I was looking for a new mouse for my computer at the time.

“Why the fuck would I want 20?”
Woman pleads guilty to animal cruelty charges related to monkey torture ring:

That report made for grim reading. What a fucking piece of shit she is.

Holly LeGresley, 37, from Kidderminster in Worcestershire, admitted uploading 22 images and 132 videos of monkeys being tortured to an online chat group.

She was charged after an investigation by the BBC into the torture of monkeys overseas. The investigation exposed a global network involving a private online group paying people in Indonesia to kill and torture baby monkeys on video.

The BBC said LeGresley used the username “The Immolator” and ran a poll for members of the group on which method of torture should be inflicted upon an infant monkey.
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