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BBC uncovers a global network of sadistic monkey torturers (TW & CW - horrific descriptions)

I read it all the way through. Grim throughout, but I have to admire the persistence of those folks who kept working to root out and shut down this kind of horror. The sickos are of course revolting, but it's made worse by the light touch of corporations like YouTube and the inaction of the authorities. We shouldn't have to rely on the goodwill of private citizens to fight this cancer.
Weeping just reading the thread, no intention of reading link. i'm actually sympathetic to dangling the fuckers who torture other creatures, then i realise what a hypocrite i am as an occasional angler guilty of impaling through the mouth other creatures for pleasure.. Unfortunately we have allowed a very twisted world to develop, populated by many out of control scumbags with low ethics and few morals. 'Freedoms' and free markets encourage often vile behaviour - but even after we have found the good sense to challenge and overthrow the very basis of society we ought not to kid ourselves that there won't be a great deal of change required before we can truly become worthy of the 'human decency' label.
i'm actually sympathetic to dangling the fuckers who torture other creatures, then i realise what a hypocrite i am as an occasional angler guilty of impaling through the mouth other creatures for pleasure..

I mean if the fish get eaten, then that's just carnivory as far as I'm concerned. It's the "catch and release" style of fishing that I find difficult to understand the appeal of. No idea which way your angling fits in that.

Unfortunately we have allowed a very twisted world to develop, populated by many out of control scumbags with low ethics and few morals. 'Freedoms' and free markets encourage often vile behaviour

While I do think more can and should be done about these kinds of things, wanton cruelty to other animals is probably older than humanity itself. I'm pretty sure that non-human animals have been observed engaging in torturous behaviours towards other species that doesn't serve any practical survival purpose. Nature can be fucking nasty like that. The bright side is that as humans we can indeed know and act better, and I do think that generally speaking some progress has been made on that front.
i do have qualms about coarse fishing, catching and releasing for fun. Unfortunately the misgivings have not prevented me from the occasional bout of day ticket fishing :-( what that indicates about my personal morality i dont know.. The appeal of watching a float disappear and wondering if this will be a big one seems extraordinarily powerful. Yet i abhor 'blood sports'. Guilty of gross hypocrisy i guess. i agree (of course) about catching for food.
I was angry at work all day, probably due to watching this after my shower. In the report, they arrested a British woman who arrived at the cop shop looking like she was dressed for a Siberian labour camp, but was forced to take off her disguise at the custody desk. They blurred her face of course. I don't like me when I'm tempted to go all out Hang 'Em and Flog 'Em, but FFS.
There's plenty of sadistic animal abuse on YT. For example, under the guise of 'it's nature' rather than the real context and motivation being human pleasure/gratification, you get mice and frogs being fed live to piranhas or put in enclosures to be hunted by giant centipedes, people deliberately putting small-medium animals like dogs and goats in the way of large monitor lizards like Komodo dragons.

Watch enough 'funny animal doing adorable, silly thing' videos to kill time at work or wherever, and the algorithm eventually gives you a glimpse of the dark side of humanity, despite the horrified comments saying the content is reported because it's flimsily justified as 'educational.' People get kicks out of it, some of it probably sexual. The perverse behaviour of viewing animal suffering for pleasure can end up becoming niche as the OP makes clear. We're a horrible species of great ape, aren't we?
I'm unfortunately totally unsurprised by this. I've often said that if you think-up the sickest most depraved acts imaginable; really let your imagination run wild and get creative, chances are that someone's done it and there are videos of it on the internet somewhere. This is clearly revolting stuff but there's been a huge market for "extreme" porn featuring torture/rape and child abuse forever, and that's far worse. A Venn diagram would almost certainly see a huge overlap between the consumers of animal torture porn and rape/child abuse imagery. Some people are just disgusting.
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I'm unfortunately totally unsurprised by this. I've often said that if you think-up the sickest most depraved acts imagineable; really let your imagination run wild and get creative, chances are that someone's done it and there are videos of it on the internet somewhere. This is clearly revolting stuff but there's been a huge market for "extreme" porn featuring torture/rape and child abuse forever, and that's far worse. A Venn diagram would almost certainly see a huge overlap between the consumers of animal torture porn and rape/child abuse imagery. Some people are just disgusting.
Torturing animals is often a bit of a giveaway that there's something very badly wrong with someone. Killers like Dahmer and Bundy all started on animals (though Dennis Neilsen had a pet dog who he was terribly upset about being put down after his arrest).
I was disgusted to read that investigation, and the details were stomach-churning enough without images.

There must be something fundamentally wrong with the brain wiring of those people.
There is a known, & proven, risk of graduating from animal abuse to mistreating humans.
I would advocate removing them from the gene pool, specifically their potential to breed, whilst keeping them permanently confined in minimally sized / equipped lab cages.

Additionally, YT and other "social" media needs to have a serious word with itself and prevent these people from having any sort of platform to transmit the stuff. Like by immediately ban-hammering them and removing their crap from circulation [although a record ought to be kept for evidence ref prosecutions].
I don't think this kind of thing is necessarily genetic. Someone who is subjected to abuse at an early age can grow up to become abusive themselves. That suggests to me that it can happen to anyone, rather than just those who are a "bad seed". But it also means that early intervention can ensure that the intergenerational cycle of abuse can be broken.
Torturing animals is often a bit of a giveaway that there's something very badly wrong with someone. Killers like Dahmer and Bundy all started on animals (though Dennis Neilsen had a pet dog who he was terribly upset about being put down after his arrest).
Russian fascist and mercenary Alexei Milchakov of Wagner infamy tortured and killed dogs before graduating to doing that to people in Syria and Ukraine.
(edited descriptions out because they are too disturbing). Reader discretion advised:

Just read the first few paras of that, I can't read any more! Wtf :mad:
Humans really can be fucking shits! Something has to change or there's no fucking future for our species at all

We're inhuman to each other, and, even if you eat meat (as I do) you must recognise that much of factory farming is way crueller than it should be and sets a precedent for how animals can be treated. There's a bit in the article about one of the tortures dished out being force feeding - I wonder where they got that idea from?
We're inhuman to each other, and, even if you eat meat (as I do) you must recognise that much of factory farming is way crueller than it should be and sets a precedent for how animals can be treated. There's a bit in the article about one of the tortures dished out being force feeding - I wonder where they got that idea from?
Yeah after that bull fighting investigation I was working on I don't want to eat meat again after that tbh after reading what sentient creatures cows and many farm animals. And dairy has a huge number of issues to it as well, I'm trying to eat less of it. Its far easier in countries where they don't eat much of it
Stories like these are horrible, but I think it's important that we don't lose sight of the fact that most people don't actually like to see animals in pain and suffering. Misanthropically condemning our entire species because of a relative handful of sickos is needlessly reactionary, and I contend that it doesn't lead anywhere good.
I read it all the way through. Grim throughout, but I have to admire the persistence of those folks who kept working to root out and shut down this kind of horror. The sickos are of course revolting, but it's made worse by the light touch of corporations like YouTube and the inaction of the authorities. We shouldn't have to rely on the goodwill of private citizens to fight this cancer.
Stories like these are horrible, but I think it's important that we don't lose sight of the fact that most people don't actually like to see animals in pain and suffering. Misanthropically condemning our entire species because of a relative handful of sickos is needlessly reactionary, and I contend that it doesn't lead anywhere good.

Spot on.

Despite the overload of disgust we get to feel about cunts like this, they're actually very rare, and it's important not to treat their behaviour as an indictment of humanity.
Aye, people who do this are sick and twisted, they're definitely not like us normal people and we're definitely not like them, not at all not one little bit as they're inhuman scum and we can probably spot them in the street because they're so weird and other to us, in fact if we just exterminate anyone with dirt under their fingernails it should do the job as we know all those people are peados and as an added bonus we'll have a cleaner society where everyone washes their hands.
i do have qualms about coarse fishing, catching and releasing for fun. Unfortunately the misgivings have not prevented me from the occasional bout of day ticket fishing :-( what that indicates about my personal morality i dont know.. The appeal of watching a float disappear and wondering if this will be a big one seems extraordinarily powerful. Yet i abhor 'blood sports'. Guilty of gross hypocrisy i guess. i agree (of course) about catching for food.
You could go diving/spear hunting for fish, thats an exstream method of fishing
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