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Far-right infiltration of the security services: a global watch thread


cavalcade of hubris
A couple of years back we had a thread where ViolentPanda cited a book on far-right infiltration of, and recruitment, in the United States army.

More recently, there was a case here in Germany where a Bundeswehr squaddie was caught with a ton of Nazi memorabilia in his barracks.

Then there's this case from Canada, in which an online store connected to Canadian army people has been selling items of interest to the average far-right wanker and Rhodesia fetishist:

Rhodesian flags, white supremacist podcast appearance prompts Canadian Forces investigation

My point being, there seems to be a lot of it about, and it will bear further examination and tracking. Hence the thread.
More recently, there was a case here in Germany where a Bundeswehr squaddie was caught with a ton of Nazi memorabilia in his barracks.
The Franco A case. He's a lieutenant, not a simple squaddie, and they let him off. Just innocently creating weapon stashes, pretending to be a refugee for a year and making lists, as one does.

German court throws out terrorism charges against soldier | DW | 07.06.2018

The Frankfurt Higher Regional Court found that there was not an "overwhelmingly high probability" that the officer had planned to carry out an attack, although it said that it was likely he procured two pistols, two rifles and 51 explosive devices.
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A couple of years back we had a thread where ViolentPanda cited a book on far-right infiltration of, and recruitment, in the United States army.

More recently, there was a case here in Germany where a Bundeswehr squaddie was caught with a ton of Nazi memorabilia in his barracks.

Then there's this case from Canada, in which an online store connected to Canadian army people has been selling items of interest to the average far-right wanker and Rhodesia fetishist:

Rhodesian flags, white supremacist podcast appearance prompts Canadian Forces investigation

My point being, there seems to be a lot of it about, and it will bear further examination and tracking. Hence the thread.
soz do you mean security services, like mi5, mi6, cops or security forces like army?
I think Neo-nazis have been doing this for a while. They're joining the army, police, school boards, and any other position of power they can use to normalize their views. We had an instance of a card-carrying member of the American Nazi Party that was working as a state patrol officer. When his bosses found out about this connection, they fired him. He appealed his dismissal. I can't recall if he won or not, but that incident and others have convinced me that its is a thing.
Bad news from Austria: if this is anything to go by, they have wormed their way into some very high places:

"“The Freedom Party plainly believes that the security apparatus should serve its worldview, and that is dangerous,’’ he added. ‘‘It is testing Austria’s checks and balances.”

In far-right circles, the vaunted day neo-Nazis take power in a putsch is heralded as “Day X.” For some, like Ms. Geissler, that day is less fantastical than it may seem.

“I have to honestly say, since I have been working in the far-right extremism area for a very long time and have a lot of information, my first thought was: This is it, it’s Day X,” she recalled in a parliamentary hearing last year, describing the raid."

She's talking about there about an incident where her branch of the security organs was raided. It sounds like Berlin Station without the happy ending.

As Far Right Rises, a Battle Over Security Agencies Grows
A couple of years back we had a thread where ViolentPanda cited a book on far-right infiltration of, and recruitment, in the United States army.

More recently, there was a case here in Germany where a Bundeswehr squaddie was caught with a ton of Nazi memorabilia in his barracks.

Then there's this case from Canada, in which an online store connected to Canadian army people has been selling items of interest to the average far-right wanker and Rhodesia fetishist:

Rhodesian flags, white supremacist podcast appearance prompts Canadian Forces investigation

My point being, there seems to be a lot of it about, and it will bear further examination and tracking. Hence the thread.

You are absolutely correct. Two instances on separate continents is terrifying. The sky will fall!
I find it quite amusing.

'Populism' ie, the mass of the people indicating that they are unsatisfied with the status quo is wrong. Really?

What it actually means is that the left leaning, educated, prosperous elite are shitting themselves, because their largely undeserved positions of privilege are under threat. :)

Well, it is a 50/50 call. :)

Other countries have certainly had hard right governments, Britain never has, and I don't think ever will. We tend to have government that is within 10% or so of the mid line. We don't have a history of electing extremists.

Edited to add:

Germany, particularly in the East of the country is becoming quite right wing. Speaking to local people in the pub in Dresden and Leipzig was quite uncomfortable. Merkel was decidedly not 'flavour of the month'.
Infiltration/recruitment is a real thing in the British military, the recent far right ones and the CIRA bloke who sidelined as an extremely capable, well liked Royal Marine prove that.

It's now something we look out for - imagery, speech, affiliations etc.. particularly at the training establishments, but it's as seriously taken throughout the military as foreign intelligence gathering.
'Populism' ie, the mass of the people indicating that they are unsatisfied with the status quo is wrong. Really?

What it actually means is that the left leaning, educated, prosperous elite are shitting themselves, because their largely undeserved positions of privilege are under threat. :)

It actually just means there are a few words you don't understand. :)
The problem with populism is its a con job it offers simple solutions to complex problems that don't actually work and make things worse.

Farage Robinson Hopkins do nothing to help anyone Farage was on the EU fishing committee for years did nothing.
Hugh fernly wittison thingy achieved more for Fishermen and he's a TV presenter.

The namby pamby bed wetting guardian reading elite may not achieve very much because changing things is fucking hard.

A right wing fuckwit just makes a lot of noise.
German neo-nazis compiled a hit list, apparently with state information (and state assistance?):

German far-right group 'used police data to compile death list'

Another english language article here.
It also references a very similar case in the same region which recently got dropped for 'lack of evidence'.

I think the crucial thing from these and similar cases in Germany is that they are all cops or military. Almost like these institutions foster this kind of culture and provide access to firearms and training for the far right.

The Article said:
But all of the members of the group were trained marksmen and had access to firearms and ammunition, according to the RND newspaper network, which reported the conspiracy on Friday, citing sources inside the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), Germany's domestic intelligence agency.
Infiltration/recruitment is a real thing in the British military, the recent far right ones and the CIRA bloke who sidelined as an extremely capable, well liked Royal Marine prove that.

It's now something we look out for - imagery, speech, affiliations etc.. particularly at the training establishments, but it's as seriously taken throughout the military as foreign intelligence gathering.
What do you think of this one? Paras gonna para? Or symptom of a wider malaise?

British soldiers ‘with Nazi flags and Hitler pictures racially abused black colleagues’
Well, this sucks:

This guy was behind the execution of POWs, yet he gets to appear on a US military Facebook page.
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