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Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime

BootyLove said:
seconded I don't have broadband, is it really worth it? Please precis

Sounds like conspiraloonspud stuff to me I'm afraid.

Have a Conspiraloon Pastie

No, it's not the kind of thing we've had posted here from conspiraloons. Not at all. For one, it does accept that the passenger planes really did crash into the various buildings, and with the usual suspects in control of the craft.

It makes the case that elements of the Security Services of the USA did know something of what was going to happen, that's all. But check it out if you can; I'd be interested in what people think.
Jonti said:
No, it's not the kind of thing we've had posted here from conspiraloons. Not at all. For one, it does accept that the passenger planes really did crash into the various buildings, and with the usual suspects in control of the craft.

It makes the case that elements of the Security Services of the USA did know something of what was going to happen, that's all. But check it out if you can; I'd be interested in what people think.

Fair enough. It bears out what I've said that the conspiraloons are muddying the waters of general enquiry. My personal opinion is that 911 was not set up but that it ws the result of turf war / competition between diff intel agencies none of whom wanted to 'go public' for fear of exposing their sources of info to a) those who may have wanted to do the sources of info harm and b) other govt agencies who may have wanted to exploit or claim credit for the info. What cannot be doubted is that the bush clan exploited this event.
I just read a thread on this video on another site - their rating was "nothing new - same old nonsense". Good enough for me.
apprantly they had some info but it was filed under not very interesting but in hindsight was blindingly obvious :oops:
Dandred said:
watching this now pretty poor..........

I bothered to watch this one to


Some parts really made me question some of 911.
This one is to be screened at the House of Commons (organised by Michael Meacher MP) on 14th June (source)

They seem to cover similar ground. It is quite clear that a lot of people knew *something* was going to happen. The large volume of put options for United Airlines stock to go down that were placed a few days before the attack is perhaps the most obvious objective signal that information had, uhh, leaked.

Trouble is, it's a slippery slope. Accept that, and the next question is, well, who knew? And how did they know?

eta: but "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" accepts that the passenger planes really did crash into the various buildings, and with the usual suspects in control of the craft.
Review of "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime"

Here's a review for those who can't view the video (or just want to know a little more without spending an hour watching the whole thing).(source)

Let me start by saying that I was somewhat dubious of this film’s promotional material’s claim that this film is “perhaps, the most important film of 2006.” Such hyperbole does little to impress me, given the onslaught of 9/11 independent films now available, each professing to possess the Rosetta Stone of 9/11 truth. Additionally, the speculation-rich environment of films such as “Loose Change” that successfully seek to raise suspicions, do little to serve the public interest in that they appear long on questions, but short on concrete facts.

Relying almost entirely on a strong narrative approach, combined with engaging animated graphics, visual cues and a powerful soundtrack, this film succeeds in invoking strong emotions, based solely on the power of the information being offered. There is nothing exploitive here. Emotions are not manipulated through the tactless use of the tragic imagery of that day. With the exception of a visual mosaic at the beginning of the film, very little is seen of the attacks themselves.

Instead, it appears that a growing crescendo of emotions, tied to unnerving facts, builds throughout the film, leaving the viewer with unsettling realizations that must somehow be processed into a new worldview.

After the film, my wife and I moved our thoughts and feelings outside into the Sonoma night. Both of us talked about the unrelenting knots in our stomachs as we sat under the stars and smoked. Both of us were not new to this. Both of us have been regular participants in the growing 9/11 doubters community. Both of us had made up our minds about 9/11 years ago. In fact, this film contained very little that we did not already factually know.

So why the strong reaction?

The film succeeds. Up until now we had pieced together our thoughts through the collective but disjointed research of others. The facts have always been out there, and each of us chooses to assimilate them in our own way. We attend meetings and view films and read books and talk long into the night. We form our own pools of opinions, and we wade carefully into them.

But nothing can ever prepare you for the emotional confrontation that comes with being thrown off the deep end of true validation. And that is what this film accomplishes. It appeared to us that, once and for all, the truth has finally coalesced into the perfect symmetry of form and function, like a torpedo to the heart, that was both a relief to behold, and a dreaded tragic moment of epiphany. It is all true. Our worst fears were true all along.

“Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” could easily be the most important film of 2006, if we choose to let it be. But, a more apt description could be that this is the most dangerous film of 2006. It is accomplished. The deed is done.
Jonti said:
This one is to be screened at the House of Commons (organised by Michael Meacher MP) on 14th June (source)

FYI MM won't be screening this any more. Hopefully a postponent. EGLS may be more suitable as a first introduction to the evidence challenging the commission to an audience of MPs.

Should you watch it? Well if you want to voice an opinion about the 9/11 truth movement, yes.
worth a watch I reckon if you've got an hour to kill, yes it is mostly the same stuff most of us have seen already, but it's reasonably well done and seems to steer away from most of the sillier theories (unless I missed them).

most interesting bits for me were watching some of the congressmen and senators in action, as it's easy to forget sometimes that it's not just a lunatic fringe that's trying to get to the bottom of what actually happened.

IMO there seem to have been a hell of a lot of funny shenanegans going on around 911, and I really am beginning to doubt that everything can really be entirely put down to gross incompetance... not that I'm saying I reckon Bush is competent like, but he's surrounded by a team of people with so many decade of dodgy dealing blood on their hands that I can't see them being that incompetant by accident.

am I allowed to say this on here without also being assumed to believe every crackpot theory out there? for the record I'm convinced there weren't explosives in the towers, both the towers and pentagon were hit by planes, and that these planes were most likely flown by the people accused of flying them?

Question for me is were there guiding hands behind this operation other than Al Queida, people who cleared the way to ensure AQ had it's spectacular on US soil. IMO the evidence seems to point to YES being the answer to this question, it's just really difficult to work out to what extent, and who was in on it.
sparticus said:
In trying to answer your last question, you could try looking at PNAC, iraqi oil maps, cheney, etc,

yes I know, it's not like I ain't been looking into the background etc. but I haven't seen anyone come forward and say 'it was cheney, he made me do it' etc. we can all have our suspicions, and there's loads of circumstantial evidence out there, I've just not seen the smoking gun produced yet that proves anything.

Trouble is that while there's so much chaffe flying around confusing the situation and leaving anyone looking into potential conspiracies open to ridicule by association, we're never gonna find that smoking gun, and even if we did it wouldn't matter as this whole line of questioning has been discredited by the few people who persist in chasing their own tale endlessly on missle / explosives theories that are a dsitraction at best.

IMHO of course
911 Road To Tyranny is the definitive (and the original)...

You dont need to see anything else, for those who shout loon, well its been shouted before. In fact someone on this forum branded the film lunacy and lies, so I asked him to watch it and do a commentary, analysis.

Considering its 3 hrs long (if you haven`t got the patience, you don`t deserve to know!!), the fact this guy came back with TWO points which were easily rebutted shows this is NOT A THEORY.

The whole docu is mainstream media articles, commentary with footage laid over. Its all you`ll ever need. Trust.

You can find it here, right click and save jobby;

http://www.lastingnetworks.com/alex/ :) or google video (god bless it!)

Its the idiots who claim things like "it was all holograms and laser weapons" we should ignore. Not people pointing out holes in the official story you could drive a bus through.
Azrael23 said:
911 Road To Tyranny is the definitive
Uh, yeah. Perhaps it deserves its own thread then? But folk may want to check out the Wikipedia article on that movie all the same.

Back to Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime* ... here's a few choice quotes from around the 59:30 mark, and just after ...

Michael Meacher MP
UK Environment Minister
from 1997 to 2003

"It is clear the US authorities did little or nothing to pre-empt the events of 9/11. It is known that at least 11 countires provided advance warning to the US of the 9/11 attacks."

Hon Paul Hellyer
former Canadian Defence Minister

"As a former Minister of National Defence, when the news came out I had to wonder. Why did airplanes fly around for around an hour and a half without interceptors being scrambled from Andrews [Air Force Base]?

"Why did the President just sit in the schoolroom when he heard the [9/11] news? Why did he not acknowledge that he already knew what was going on?..."

Andreas Von Bulow
former German Intelligence Minister

"Pearl Harbour was not a surprise to the American Government, only to the American People, and 9/11 is just another Pearl Harbour ... War was prepared long before the Terror act of 9/11 ... Getting to the bottom of this crime begins with questioning the official theory."

Robert M. Bowman
Head of Advanced Space Programs for US Dept of Defense

"The US government at the highest levels may have committed treason and mass murder by purposely allowing 9/11 to happen."

If you like your horror stories close up and plausible -- you're gonna love Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime*

* link is to a 1 hour video
The trouble with accepting 911 was some kind of inside job is that it goes beyond any westerner's boundaries of validity. It just cannot sit within the psyche we have. It will turn everything upside down, it will mean that everything we take for granted will have been shown to be based on a lie. That can unsurprisingly be a frightening prospect. Our governments are supposed to be stopping terrorism, not creating it.

Interestingly once you get speaking to people from non-western countries, and actually, often including europeans, most have the suspicion that the US were involved in creating the attacks.

I've watched a bit of the video so far, and it seems pretty good at the minute.

It's good to see the momentum gathering over 911. I don't think it can be too long before mainstream media start having their journos investigate. The world will turn on its axis somewhat when the truth outs itself. As it will when the anglo-american media do its job.
It bewilders me when i read various posters here who are so determined to say the attacks were down to incompetence.

I think that video is very well put together, and were it to be aired prime-time on the bbc and one of the major american networks...

[the bit from 1976 of some bloke going on about the tube was very good!]

A side thing that comes out of this film is the huge amount of corruption that goes on in america.
fela fan said:
It bewilders me when i read various posters here who are so determined to say the attacks were down to incompetence.

I think that video is very well put together, and were it to be aired prime-time on the bbc and one of the major american networks...

[the bit from 1976 of some bloke going on about the tube was very good!]

A side thing that comes out of this film is the huge amount of corruption that goes on in america.

I've never said that. What I have said is that it happened because of "blowback".
nino_savatte said:
I've never said that. What I have said is that it happened because of "blowback".

I wasn't thinking about you when i posted that nino, are you feeling guilty?!

Nah, i was thinking of certain other posters who down the years have been desperate to stifle debate on the real issues of 911.

Did you watch the video? If so, what did you think?

Blowback is one option, but that would require staggering levels of incompetence. This video shows far more plausibly that elements of those in power in the US, at the very least, deliberately let the attacks happen.

I personally don't think it will be much longer before politics takes a seismic shift as a result of the news that various americans were responsible for the attacks that september day.

There's only so many coincidences one can take! And that video exposes dozens.
fela fan said:
I wasn't thinking about you when i posted that nino, are you feeling guilty?!

Nah, i was thinking of certain other posters who down the years have been desperate to stifle debate on the real issues of 911.

Did you watch the video? If so, what did you think?

Blowback is one option, but that would require staggering levels of incompetence. This video shows far more plausibly that elements of those in power in the US, at the very least, deliberately let the attacks happen.

I personally don't think it will be much longer before politics takes a seismic shift as a result of the news that various americans were responsible for the attacks that september day.

There's only so many coincidences one can take! And that video exposes dozens.

"Feeling guilty"...why?:confused: But what are these "real issues"? The real issue for me is the causal effect of US foreign policy, not a cosy compact between certain members of government, the intelligence serivces, the military, the media and "AQ".
nino_savatte said:
"Feeling guilty"...why?:confused: But what are these "real issues"? The real issue for me is the causal effect of US foreign policy, not a cosy compact between certain members of government, the intelligence serivces, the military, the media and "AQ".

Yeah, well please note the exclamation mark.

And yes, blowback is a constant companion for america, due to its foreign policy excursions.

The real issues are covered on that video. Watch it mate, it's well worth the investment of time.
This thread is plummeting. There seems to be a whole lotta learning not going on.

Or is no-one watching the video?
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