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EU watch

I’ve always admired the French on their insistence on a certain percent of music played on the radio being in French . Quite a few U.K. stars in the past would record versions of their songs in French in order to get sales and I think it shows respect for ‘when in Rome ‘ etc . Don’t know if this applies to travelling bands from the U.K. but it’s something to think about .

I think lots of countries do that to be fair, of their own languages obvs. Pretty sure it's a Spanish policy too or used to be at least, that's why Mariah Carey did that album, get a bit more airplay worldwide.
You may have missed this, posted on another thread.

EU prepares to cut amount of British TV and film shown post-Brexit | European Union | The Guardian

Apparently the person who posted it there was blaming Brexit and all of those responsible for it.

Well, you know, obvs...

You need to remember that it's xenophobic, taudry political dog-whistling nationalism when it's done here, and legitimate, and necessary protection of cultural heritage when its done there.

You really must keep up. #FBPE #RejoinEU
The Netflix quota thing was only passed in 2018 so the weird part is that British content was included in the first place.
I’ve always admired the French on their insistence on a certain percent of music played on the radio being in French . Quite a few U.K. stars in the past would record versions of their songs in French in order to get sales and I think it shows respect for ‘when in Rome ‘ etc . Don’t know if this applies to travelling bands from the U.K. but it’s something to think about .
Travelling bands from the UK? :D
Is it not an EU directive applying only to member states?

It is an EU directive that half of all content must be European, the U.K. is a European nation, and the definition provided by the AVMS directive, as the definition continues to refer to the European convention on Transfrontier Television of the Council of Europe, to which the UK remains a party. Afaik only Belarus is excluded.
That's why I'm surprised there wasn't a narrower definition of 'European' in the original quota plan - if it was introduced to protect the film and TV industries in EU member states from Netflix etc, it doesn't make a lot of sense for it to disproportionately benefit a former member.

After a couple of years of deliberations, they'll probably decide that British content should only be allowed to constitute up to a quarter or so of content classed as 'European.'
'Ooh but the American's have chlorinated chickens and the Australians give them hormones '

“International standards include only a ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban,” the commission wrote. “The prohibition to feed all farmed animals with animal proteins cannot be imposed to imports into the EU. The proposal contributes to addressing a discrimination towards EU producers who must respect a total feed ban while those in non-EU countries only apply a ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban.”

That's weird, I thought they exercised strict border controls under meat coming into the EU, or does that only apply to British sausages going to NI?
Anyone want cheap tomatoes?

In a letter sent to the Trade Commissioner, Valdis Dombrovskis, Copa and Cogeca express their growing concern about the consequences of the EU-Morocco agreement on the fruit and vegetable markets and, in particular, on the tomato market. With the cumulative effects of Brexit, EU tomato prices have plummeted to levels that do not cover production costs for most European producers, putting production in strategic EU regions at risk.
The provisions established in the EU-Morocco Agreement, which were revised in 2014 and regulate the export of tomatoes originating from Morocco to the EU, are inefficient. In addition to the entry price and duty mechanisms that turned out to have limited effects on imported volumes, the safeguard clauses provided for in the treaty have never been activated despite the severe depreciation of tomato prices in the EU markets. which resulted in the importation of 500,000 tons of tomatoes in 2020 corresponding to double the quota calculated - theoretically - to preserve the traditional Moroccan export flow. Brexit is an additional factor that is aggravating the disruption of the European market, as the UK has been a major destination for more than 50% of European tomatoes destined for export. The quotas of the EU-Morocco Agreement have not been renegotiated after the UK's withdrawal from the EU
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