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EU watch

Something that frequently gets missed because - well, we've got a shittly inattentive media....

There have been serious tensions within the EU for more than a decade over Russia - the eastern states are shit scared of Russian expansionism while Germany wants cheap gas and to flog them BMW's, and Macron wants to play Biden 2 at a summit.
Well nato hasn’t helped by expanding up to their border.

Nah, that just doesn't hold water on any moral plane.

The first obvious retort would be: do you think the UK should have a veto over Irish defence and foreign policy, and what organisations it chooses to join?

The second is that absent NATO membership, what do you think would be the situation/fate of the Baltic States, Poland etc.. and do you think that that is an acceptable way of western European states buying 'peace' with Russia?
Nah, that just doesn't hold water on any moral plane.

The first obvious retort would be: do you think the UK should have a veto over Irish defence and foreign policy, and what organisations it chooses to join?

The second is that absent NATO membership, what do you think would be the situation/fate of the Baltic States, Poland etc.. and do you think that that is an acceptable way of western European states buying 'peace' with Russia?
NATO membership is a different issue, but the eastward expansion of the EU to include former Soviet satellites was motivated primarily because they became a great source of cheap labour for employers in the more affluent and longer established western EU nations.
The PPE is largest group in the EU parlaiment

From the Portuguese Left Bloc paper.

European right advocates return to austerity​

While the European Commission prepares the revision of the fiscal rules, there are those who want to guarantee that the essence of these rules, which pushed countries like Portugal to austerity after the crisis, is maintained. This is the case of the PPE, a group where PSD and CDS meet.

The European People's Party (PPE), the political family where the PSD and the CDS are located, is already preparing a return to austerity as a way to respond to the recession caused by the pandemic. The news was advanced last week by the Financial Times, which had access to a document prepared by the PPE deputies(link is external) in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.

In the document that the Financial Times had access to, and which appears shortly before the Commission presents the already announced revision of the budget rules included in the Stability and Growth Pact, the deputies of the center-right party defend that the current limits for the debt (60% of GDP) and budget deficit (3%) of EU Member States are to be maintained. The revision of these limits has been suggested by several economists due to the fact that they do not have “any scientific basis”, as he explained.(link is external)Paul de Grawe at the recent Recovery Summit organized by the EU European Presidency. For PPE MEPs, however, there is no reason to change them.

The group that integrates the PSD and CDS regrets that the fiscal rules have not been applied impartially in the past and therefore defends that their application be handed over to a body with “complete political independence”. This “independent arbitrator” would have the role of supervising compliance with the rules of the PEC without being subject to any kind of democratic scrutiny.

Finally, the PPE deputies defend a reinforcement of the macroeconomic conditionality associated with the Community Budget. In other words, MEPs want Member States' access to European funds to be dependent on the implementation of structural reforms defined by Brussels. It is enough to recall the structural reforms demanded in recent years by the Commission – deregulation of the labor market, cuts in expenditure on public sector salaries and reductions in public expenditure on Health – to understand the meaning of this proposal.

Speaking to Esquerda.Net, the Blocist MEP José Gusmão, who is also a member of the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, said that “the position of the European right, the PSD and CDS shows that they not only learned nothing, but only they await a new opportunity to throw themselves into wages and pensions, labor rights, the national health service and public school.” José Gusmão recalls that “the fact that they do not have social support for this agenda leads them to the point of proposing a crime against democracy: the creation of an "independent" entity that imposes its program on democratic governments. They are presented, for those who didn't know.”

The proposal to revise the fiscal rules must be presented by the European Commission in the coming months. For now, the PPE deputies leave the first warning: the European centre-right is not willing to give up the rules that forced countries like Portugal to adopt austerity programs that proved to be a failure.

WARSAW, July 16 (Reuters) - Poland and Hungary's conflicts with the European Union could start a process that results in the bloc falling apart, former European Council President Donald Tusk warned on Friday, amid a worsening standoff over democratic standards.
Reading about the Brothers of Italy, the far right Italian party neck and neck with that other Italian far right party Lega Nord....

Interesting bit here:

"Last week, Brothers of Italy signed a declaration together with other far-Right European parties (Italy’s Lega, Spain’s Vox, Hungary’s Fidesz, Poland’s Law and Justice among them) to launch a political alliance. Although it's unknown how the parties will shape an effective political platform, they're providing a clear cultural direction based on the core idea of the European Union as a ‘superstate’ centred on traditional family and against ‘mass immigration’."

The form the EU takes is always malleable and created by the dominant political trajectory of majority EU parties....might the form move from neo-liberal to increasingly neo-fascist in the coming years? A Le Pen victory would be a massive next step.

This is the article linked to above, which shows how fragile this 'coalition' is at present:

Could these parties take a different turn from a Leave The EU line to a Forge It In Our Image one?
Interesting article on holiday affordability in EU by the European Trade Union association

Holidays shouldn't be a luxury

Inequality in leave shows that the benefits of economic growth in Europe over the last decade have not been distributed fairly
( needs Chrome or another browser with translation)
On another matter, it seems that now the UK is a third country where children would gain free entry to archaeological sites in Greece free of charge due to the EU's divine benevolence, now if you are a UK national you have to pay, sometimes as much as €10. Unless when asked you say, "Irish" in which case they leave it. Although today I thought I would push it and go for Spanish, that worked too, blond hair/blue eyes, London accent, didn't bat an eyelid...

EU guy - "Would be cool if EU athletes had an EU flag on uniforms as well as a national flag - did you know that athletes from the EU combined have won more medals than the US or China?"

EU guy - "Would be cool if EU athletes had an EU flag on uniforms as well as a national flag - did you know that athletes from the EU combined have won more medals than the US or China?"


Maybe all English speaking nations should have a flag and pool their medals too? And maybe all countries on Earth should except China and maybe Russia. That won't be divisive at all...
Inequality in leave shows that the benefits of economic growth in Europe over the last decade have not been distributed fairly
I'd be really interested to see a major study about the economic impact of being in the EU for all member countries over the last 30 years or so - and the relative equality between them. Perhaps the major stated rationale of the EU/Eurozone was to try and create a more even economic situation in all member countries, particularly within the post-Soviet landscape.

I know Poland - a country with the highest public approval ratings towards the EU of all members - is increasingly reaching average European costs and wages, as well as having received major EU grants for things like roads etc. Arguably for Poland the process has been something close to a success, as much as that is possible within the more general structural inequality of capitalism. Clearly a country like Greece has been shafted and left to quite literally burn.

If anyone knows of a study like that please post it.
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Maybe all English speaking nations should have a flag and pool their medals too? And maybe all countries on Earth should except China and maybe Russia. That won't be divisive at all...

He didn't say EU nations should be competing as one entity, the Telegraph just framed it that way to give its readers some jollies - they know their audience well. :D

But I wouldn't be surprised if Hong Kong is no longer competing as a separate entity in 2024, especially if the US manages to pip China to the top of the medals table this year.
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