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EU watch

I'm feeling pretty angry about a number of graphical inconsistencies in that mock underground map.

It also makes no sense at all to convey this kind of info in this style.
Follow Back pro-Europe. Twitter shit.

Almost always espousing pretty vacuous, one dimensional views that say nothing of the hugely complex issues surrounding EU membership but hinge the argument on some fairly domestic issue that's only tangentially related to brexit.

FBPE types would welcome Napoleon and Hitler as fellow travellers given their penchant for uniting Europe
This is bigger and more complex than I thought


Kissenger (who is going to hell) and supported UK involvement in the EU, once said "what the US wants from EUrope is one man they pick up the phone to. .....That's looking quite the zoom call.
I'm not sure if any of that is even going to require treaty change. Most of the stuff there member states signed off on over a decade ago so therefore could be more budget tweeks signed off by EUropean Parliament. Stuff like EUFOR and EUNAVFOR that Blair(and Brown) signed of on. At the time 'EU stuff, thats all bendy bananas.' seemed to be the narrative.

Never really did get the debate EU needed, Lost, drowned out by one that might as well have been "four legs good, two legs bad."
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More on that Eu-funded project that The39thStep mentioned to collect African fingerprints to facilitate their deportation should they ever dare try and cross the Med:

Most of them are nothing like that principled - they're not interested in a united Europe, it's all about personal convenience and apparent slights.

Don't forget contempt for the working classes and their horrendous thoughts, proclivities and moral failings. We need the EU to keep them down.
More on that Eu-funded project that The39thStep mentioned to collect African fingerprints to facilitate their deportation should they ever dare try and cross the Med:

The remainers assertion that the EU is quite liberal is bollcks .
Bit of dissent within the EU parliament re the TRIPS waiver issue( the waiving of Trade and Intellectual Property Rules) . This would enable vaccines to be produced for and in those countries whose vaccine take up is low due to cost. Hardly a radical proposal as we are a global pandemic, and the waiver is backed by the likes of the WHO, Greens and Gordon Brown.

The EU Commissioners though are firmly listening to big pharma


More on that Eu-funded project that The39thStep mentioned to collect African fingerprints to facilitate their deportation should they ever dare try and cross the Med:

Biometrics are already taking off in Africa - Accra airport (Ghana) had all the necessary kit for recording such details when I passed through there in 2011, and they used it.
Adding to previous posts on this thread, there's a long, detailed and utterly grim article from the New Yorker on the outer walls of Fortress Europe in Libya and the detention centres and militias backed by EU funding and political support.
New Yorker said:
In the past six years, the European Union, weary of the financial and political costs of receiving migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, has created a shadow immigration system that stops them before they reach Europe. It has equipped and trained the Libyan Coast Guard, a quasi-military organization linked to militias in the country, to patrol the Mediterranean, sabotaging humanitarian rescue operations and capturing migrants. The migrants are then detained indefinitely in a network of profit-making prisons run by the militias. In September of this year, around six thousand migrants were being held, many of them in Al Mabani. International aid agencies have documented an array of abuses: detainees tortured with electric shocks, children raped by guards, families extorted for ransom, men and women sold into forced labor.
This twitter thread by them also provides a quick overview link
Ursula von der Leyen wants to make vaccines mandatory for everyone in the EU

Covid Omicron: Time to consider mandatory jabs, EU chief says

European Union countries should consider mandatory vaccination to combat Covid and the Omicron variant, the head of its Commission has said.

On Wednesday, Ms von der Leyen said it was "understandable and appropriate" for EU members to discuss mandatory Covid vaccinations given that a third of the bloc's population was unvaccinated.
"How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union? This needs discussion. This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be led," she told a news conference in Brussels.
The EU says its 'Anti-Coercion Instrument' will act as a nuclear option, but if required, trade restrictions will be applied "towards any non-EU country unduly interfering in the policy choices of the EU or its Member States" . Interfering in members states is reserved solely for the EU.

"Countermeasures become available for consideration" - i.e. they drop the big one?

I mean, I assume this is in relation to the new German govt's plan for an enhanced federalism?
It depends on who Country X is, If it is the US and increasingly China I suspect the EU will just basically swallow its pride, accept the reality of the situation and come up with some weasel words to pretend they agreed all along.

Interestingly, i've seen quite a bit of chat that suggests that the difference between Germany's European Sovereignty and France's European Autonomy isn't just wording - the new German government is deeply wary of France's agenda, which it veiws as being self-serving and about French domination of EU defence and foreign policy, and much more switched into the eastern states concerns about Russia, and far more NATO-focused than France would prefer it to be.

We shall, of course, see - but the feeling has long been that Merkel gave Macron a far longer leash than anyone else in Europe was comfortable with in exchange for not making noise over German costing up to Russia .
My future son in law in an attempt at bonding with me once asked me what I thought about the period in the States when Lindenburg became President. He had of course confused a fictional novel with reality. This article is pretty much on the same lines.

My future son in law in an attempt at bonding with me once asked me what I thought about the period in the States when Lindenburg became President. He had of course confused a fictional novel with reality. This article is pretty much on the same lines.

What did you tell fsil?
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