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EU watch

Interesting stand off in Portugal where the PCP and Left Bloc voted against the ruling SP budget wanting more money for the health service and minimum wage. Costa the PM threatens to call and election and says increasing health spending g and minimum wage would mean a budget in contravention of the EU deficit . As he originally had plans to wait until 2023 elections , not stand again but seek an EU career he’s in a bit of a dilemma. He either negotiates a budget with the left or calls an election to seek an outright majority .
Well written but an uncomfortable read

How do you think the EU has arrived at this policy? When you look at people dying on the Polish/Belarus border is that the EU pressurising the Polish government?
The dynamic is the other way around, it's nation states who have made this EU policy.

It's nationalistuc, xenophobic politics at a local level that's to blame.

Blaming the EU for this is like blaming parliament for Tory food banks.

If the EU didn't exist the situation would be the same. If xenophobic nationalism popular at state level didn't exist the situation would be different.
How do you think the EU has arrived at this policy? When you look at people dying on the Polish/Belarus border is that the EU pressurising the Polish government?
The dynamic is the other way around, it's nation states who have made this EU policy.

It's nationalistuc, xenophobic politics at a local level that's to blame.

Blaming the EU for this is like blaming parliament for Tory food banks.

If the EU didn't exist the situation would be the same. If xenophobic nationalism popular at state level didn't exist the situation would be different.
The point surely is that the EU does nothing to prevent or even discourage xenophobic nationalism, despite the claims to the contrary.
How do you think the EU has arrived at this policy? When you look at people dying on the Polish/Belarus border is that the EU pressurising the Polish government?
The dynamic is the other way around, it's nation states who have made this EU policy.

It's nationalistuc, xenophobic politics at a local level that's to blame.

Blaming the EU for this is like blaming parliament for Tory food banks.

If the EU didn't exist the situation would be the same. If xenophobic nationalism popular at state level didn't exist the situation would be different.

Whilst attractive to those who see the EU as only a sum of its parts, the notion that it is simply " nationalistic, xenophobic politics at a local level" that is to blame is worth further examination. The EU since the 1990s with the formation of Shengen , has made huge investments in managing migration both in programmes that assist resettlement and programmes that try and deter migrants coming in in the first place. As internal borders opened up security and control at external borders increased. This predates the ascension into of the EU of the eastern states many of whom do have the nationalistic xenophobic government that you mention.

The Integrated Border Management Fund, which is the most recent funding stream, didn't show any riffs between nationalistic, xenophobic politics at a local level and an enlightened EU leadership, nor did it split and party alignment it was backed by both the Socialist and Green groups.

According to the site Abolish Frontex " IBMF is the most important financial EU instrument to further expand Fortress Europe. It will lead to an increased militarisation of the external borders of the EU, which will result in more violence and pushbacks against people on the move and in pushing them to more dangerous migration routes to avoid this.".

According to the Dutch research and campaign group Stop Wapenhandel ( Stop the Arms Trade ) one of the drivers has been the military and security lobby that swarms around the EU , This lobby and the companies they represent has benefited not just from this latest tranche of 6.24 billion from theIBMF billions but previous tranches of dosh , but around around 4.5 billion euros from 2007 to 2020. Finicantiere , an Italian ship building company earned 120m euros , for example , building patrol boats for Greece and Malta . Lobbying groups like EOS ( European Organisation for Security) regularly meet with the European Cimmision and are part of advsiary groups . The EU's 100, 000 strong armed border army Frontex , recently expanded has its own budget for the purchase of equipment, consultants. There's a whole thriving industry built around biometrics, surveillance and IT systems right across Europe which is at the heart of the EU's direction. The French company Sopra Steria got a contract of 302 million Euros to roll out and maintain the biometric system, a Belgium consortium received 142 m for the Entry and Exit System .

Stop Wapenhandel also give a frightening example of two projects to set up fingerprint data bases of the whole population of Malawi and Senegal to identify illegal migrants from those countries in Europe. The projects received 23 and 28 million euros form EUTF . EUTF is European Union Emergency Trust Fund is funded by the EU and who state that their aim is "for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF for Africa) was created to address the root causes of instability, forced displacement and irregular migration and to contribute to better migration management."

My suspicion is that the EU isn't being held to hostage by xenophobic nationalist popular states , it's in fact the entire funding and principles that underpin the Shengen Area that makes Fortress Europe what it is.
Whilst attractive to those who see the EU as only a sum of its parts, the notion that it is simply " nationalistic, xenophobic politics at a local level" that is to blame is worth further examination. The EU since the 1990s with the formation of Shengen , has made huge investments in managing migration both in programmes that assist resettlement and programmes that try and deter migrants coming in in the first place. As internal borders opened up security and control at external borders increased. This predates the ascension into of the EU of the eastern states many of whom do have the nationalistic xenophobic government that you mention.

The Integrated Border Management Fund, which is the most recent funding stream, didn't show any riffs between nationalistic, xenophobic politics at a local level and an enlightened EU leadership, nor did it split and party alignment it was backed by both the Socialist and Green groups.

According to the site Abolish Frontex " IBMF is the most important financial EU instrument to further expand Fortress Europe. It will lead to an increased militarisation of the external borders of the EU, which will result in more violence and pushbacks against people on the move and in pushing them to more dangerous migration routes to avoid this.".

According to the Dutch research and campaign group Stop Wapenhandel ( Stop the Arms Trade ) one of the drivers has been the military and security lobby that swarms around the EU , This lobby and the companies they represent has benefited not just from this latest tranche of 6.24 billion from theIBMF billions but previous tranches of dosh , but around around 4.5 billion euros from 2007 to 2020. Finicantiere , an Italian ship building company earned 120m euros , for example , building patrol boats for Greece and Malta . Lobbying groups like EOS ( European Organisation for Security) regularly meet with the European Cimmision and are part of advsiary groups . The EU's 100, 000 strong armed border army Frontex , recently expanded has its own budget for the purchase of equipment, consultants. There's a whole thriving industry built around biometrics, surveillance and IT systems right across Europe which is at the heart of the EU's direction. The French company Sopra Steria got a contract of 302 million Euros to roll out and maintain the biometric system, a Belgium consortium received 142 m for the Entry and Exit System .

Stop Wapenhandel also give a frightening example of two projects to set up fingerprint data bases of the whole population of Malawi and Senegal to identify illegal migrants from those countries in Europe. The projects received 23 and 28 million euros form EUTF . EUTF is European Union Emergency Trust Fund is funded by the EU and who state that their aim is "for stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa (EUTF for Africa) was created to address the root causes of instability, forced displacement and irregular migration and to contribute to better migration management."

My suspicion is that the EU isn't being held to hostage by xenophobic nationalist popular states , it's in fact the entire funding and principles that underpin the Shengen Area that makes Fortress Europe what it is.

This post works best if you read it with the voice of Adam Curtis
It gets confusing when those who adore the EU endlessly bang on about Brexit support being a xenophobic concept.

Well strangly poland and greece have large xenophobic partys that want to leave the EU as well

no correlation of course

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of course the uk leaving the EU has free itself from badly treating possible refugees

its not like our home sec is talking about pushing boats over laden with people back into the sea

or shipping them off to remote holding centres on islands
How do you think the EU has arrived at this policy? When you look at people dying on the Polish/Belarus border is that the EU pressurising the Polish government?
The dynamic is the other way around, it's nation states who have made this EU policy.

It's nationalistuc, xenophobic politics at a local level that's to blame.

Blaming the EU for this is like blaming parliament for Tory food banks.

If the EU didn't exist the situation would be the same. If xenophobic nationalism popular at state level didn't exist the situation would be different.
Right. It's the nice EU being made to do things by the nasty member states. Or councils, it's unclear which. Because I don't think France is a local thing, the cities of nice or Angers would a local thing.

I like your variation on it's not the king it's his advisers
you know the arguement that we might be xenophobic racists

but look at these cunts in the EU

who ends up the winner in that one

of course the uk leaving the EU has free itself from badly treating possible refugees

its not like our home sec is talking about pushing boats over laden with people back into the sea

or shipping them off to remote holding centres on islands
There's a growing ground swell of support for shipping the parliamentary conservative party to a remote holding centre on an island
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feels bad for the wildlife on the suggest countries

saying that the sheep shaggers needs some new blood send them to the falklands

if they want to leave argentina has a history of putting up rightwing cunts
Well strangly poland and greece have large xenophobic partys that want to leave the EU as well

no correlation of course

Yes but no. Been watching lotuseater youtubes (don't ask). The anti immigrant lot seem quite wedded to the EU thing of only having to be processed by the first country arrived at. which itself only works off the EU getting itself recognised at UN level as a state. During the referendum, remain could have made an honest appeal to the anti immigrant vote pointing out being in the EU put a few coutries as a buffer to the frontier..

Arguement in Greece and Poland must surely be a diferent one, as they are frontier states. One about other member states sharing the obligation and or move the frontier to the other side of them and see if they keep going to the border
During the referendum, remain could have made an honest appeal to the anti immigrant vote pointing out being in the EU put a few coutries as a buffer to the frontier..
ok this a very selective quote but i won't even post memes, political posters, adverts or links to newspapers

which side in the referendum was using that as a major part of thier campaign

the remain side could of taken over control of immigration worries during the referendum..

i don't think so
feels bad for the wildlife on the suggest countries

saying that the sheep shaggers needs some new blood send them to the falklands

if they want to leave argentina has a history of putting up rightwing cunts
The penguins of South Georgia will be up in arms
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ok this a very selective quote but i won't even post memes, political posters, adverts or links to newspapers

which side in the referendum was using that as a major part of thier campaign

the remain side could of taken over control of immigration worries during the referendum..

i don't think so
Either do I , I don't think the anti immigrant brigade difierentiate that much between EU and non EU,.
But is odd watching some pro Berxit lot favorably citing rules that they actively campaigned to walk away from.
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See poland racist as well,

thats why we don't want these Eastern europeans over here stealing OOur Jobs

the reason satire is dying on its arse atm

is the right cannot be outdone in parodying themselves
This is bigger and more complex than I thought

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