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Eric Bristow says football abuse victims are not "proper men"

If some people chose to get upset by his choice of words and not spend the time to find out what his intentions/motives were
It's been pointed out several times on this thread that he was very clear about what he meant, and spent some subsequent tweets making sure it was clear.
People don't CHOOSE to get upset FFS.

True. But, increasingly, expressing offence is becoming fashionable (perhaps because social media virtue signaling is less effort than real politics). I suspect that some of that is because victims are increasingly given a voice (good); but much of it is manufactured, for the purposes of pathetic point scoring (which seems to be what a lot of 'the left' has been reduced to by US-style identity/student 'politics') (bad). (Not with reference to the specific case, but to your general point.)
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It's been pointed out several times on this thread that he was very clear about what he meant, and spent some subsequent tweets making sure it was clear.
...and my response to that was, and still is that those twitter posts were not enough for me to leap straight into instant angry condemnation and outrage, but apparently that is the only kind of reaction that is allowed.
...and my response to that was, and still is that those twitter posts were not enough for me to leap straight into instant angry condemnation and outrage, but apparently that is the only kind of reaction that is allowed.
Who did you used to be then?
...and my response to that was, and still is that those twitter posts were not enough for me to leap straight into instant angry condemnation and outrage, but apparently that is the only kind of reaction that is allowed.

nope, you just wait or the victim blaming shitbag to make up a bunch of excuses for victim blaming.
Oh, I see who it is now - banned returner (degsy).

Now if I ban them again it looks like I'm just being personal though :hmm:
Well it's up to you, if you believe that the original ban was at all justified and that the "banned returner" was/is being unreasonable.
Well, tbh, from the responses I've heard from the Crafty Cockney, I don't believe he was trying to be a cunt or to be nasty and was well intentioned but rather clumsy with his use of words. As often happens with these things, they can suddenly spiral out of control and I think the angry responses have been disproportionate to the "crime" committed.

It reminds me of the incident that cost Glenn Hoddle his England manager job back in the day. Similar kind of over reaction.
Hoddle's future in doubt after disabled slur
Oh, I agree - this is doltish clumsiness at its finest. But I think he betrayed many assumptions (not least the "paedophiles = poofs" canard) about sexual abuse of children, the kind of people who become victimised, and the nature of the abusers. If he really wanted (assuming he's that bothered) to show he was actually concerned, rather than just posturing, he'd take the trouble to find out a bit more about the subject - perhaps talk to one of the survivor charities. I suspect he's probably just wishing like mad that the whole fuss will go away, and that he can go back to his comfortable certainties again.
Not sure how that's belittling peoples feelings at all. It is my opinion. If some people chose to get upset by his choice of words and not spend the time to find out what his intentions/motives were then there's not much I can do about that. Instant outrage appears to be quite fashionable nowadays.
I know Cosmic's out on his arse, but this old saw needs addressing.

Personally, I didn't "choose" to "get upset" about this any more than I "chose" to be abused. For a start, I didn't get upset - I got dismayed, first at the lumpen oafishness of Bristow's comments, and then at Cosmic's attempts to somehow excuse them.

This is not about what words Bristow used, or the subtle nuances of his particular choice: it's about the attitudes he betrayed in saying what he did. And when I say that Cosmic was "bending over backwards" to minimise what Bristow said, it's that attempt to somehow skate across the top of the words used, rather than address the much less benign assumptions he was making.

Yes, there is a tendency to more "instant outrage" nowadays. But it doesn't follow that every example of outrage is either "instant", or because of that, unjustified. It's pretty clear from the near universal condemnation of Bristow's comments that we're not talking about a little community of "snowflakes" trying to make hay with a few innocent comments, which might suggest that this effort of Cosmic's to try and brush aside the reaction is not altogether honest.
I know Cosmic's out on his arse, but this old saw needs addressing.

Personally, I didn't "choose" to "get upset" about this any more than I "chose" to be abused. For a start, I didn't get upset - I got dismayed, first at the lumpen oafishness of Bristow's comments, and then at Cosmic's attempts to somehow excuse them.

This is not about what words Bristow used, or the subtle nuances of his particular choice: it's about the attitudes he betrayed in saying what he did. And when I say that Cosmic was "bending over backwards" to minimise what Bristow said, it's that attempt to somehow skate across the top of the words used, rather than address the much less benign assumptions he was making.

Yes, there is a tendency to more "instant outrage" nowadays. But it doesn't follow that every example of outrage is either "instant", or because of that, unjustified. It's pretty clear from the near universal condemnation of Bristow's comments that we're not talking about a little community of "snowflakes" trying to make hay with a few innocent comments, which might suggest that this effort of Cosmic's to try and brush aside the reaction is not altogether honest.

There are loads of instances of manufactured, 'storm-in-a-teacup' bullshit from professional offence takers over-recting to trivialities. So, for him to have picked Bristow's especially crass and genuinely offensive and harmful comments as an example of that phenomenon is either especially stupid or a calculated attempt to troll.
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