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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I knew that was the typical response you were likely to give :D

You are aware, for instance, that there is such a thing as car leasing, and that at the end of the lease one has to pay for damage to the bodywork including scratches? You knew that, right?
Oh the humanity!
I knew that was the typical response you were likely to give :D

You are aware, for instance, that there is such a thing as car leasing, and that at the end of the lease one has to pay for damage to the bodywork including scratches? You knew that, right?
A tragedy almost Shakespearean in nature.
A tragedy almost Shakespearean in nature.
Let me get this straight. Your hatred of cars is such, you actually think someone who causes a three-figure amount of damage through gross negiglence and reckless behaviour shouldn't have to be made to pay it, if the damage happens to be inflicted on a car? You must be fairly well off if you think having to fork out several hundred Pounds for something that isn't your fault is a trivial matter.

You know, I expected this kind of fundamentalist-level hatred bullshit from the likes of teuchter and edcraw, but not from you... :(
Let me get this straight. Your hatred of cars is such, you actually think someone who causes a three-figure amount of damage through gross negiglence and reckless behaviour shouldn't have to be made to pay it, if the damage happens to be inflicted on a car? You must be fairly well off if you think having to fork out several hundred Pounds for something that isn't your fault is a trivial matter.

You know, I expected this kind of fundamentalist-level hatred bullshit from the likes of teuchter and edcraw, but not from you... :(
3 figure sum!!!

But no problem with twat’s in SUVs endangering kids lives as they’re in a bit of a rush?

Might want to check your priorities mate.
Let me get this straight. Your hatred of cars is such, you actually think someone who causes a three-figure amount of damage through gross negiglence and reckless behaviour shouldn't have to be made to pay it, if the damage happens to be inflicted on a car? You must be fairly well off if you think having to fork out several hundred Pounds for something that isn't your fault is a trivial matter.

You know, I expected this kind of fundamentalist-level hatred bullshit from the likes of teuchter and edcraw, but not from you... :(
I think the idea that cars are somehow sacred objects that can’t have a single scratch or mark of daily wear on them is a great example of how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone.
I think the idea that cars are somehow sacred objects that can’t have a single scratch or mark of daily wear on them is a great example of how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone.

I'm sure when you bought your car you went out of your way to find one which was badly scratched and scraped, so you could save money by not paying a premium for vanity?
Okay - what’s the point in buying a new car except just to throw away some money from the off?

You crossed out new, which I took to mean buying any car at all.

OK, even if you think only idiots buy new cars, how do you think used cars appear for sale?
I think the idea that cars are somehow sacred objects that can’t have a single scratch or mark of daily wear on them is a great example of how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone.
That's a good point for another discussion, but the bottom line is that in many cases a car doesn’t belong to the person driving it it, yet they are liable to pay the lessor or legal owner for any damage to the bodywork. And if the damaged is caused by a third party acting like a fucking dickhead, then that third party should fucking pay for the repair, not the person in charge of the car.

And yes, edcraw , any dent or scratch however small will cost a three-figure amount to fix. What fucking universe do you live in? :confused:
If you leave stuff just lying around on the road it's going to get damaged.
The same will undboutedly apply to stuff lying around on pavements, of course...

And yes, edcraw , any dent or scratch however small will cost a three-figure amount to fix. What fucking universe do you live in? :confused:
Yep - I’m saying that’s small beer, after all a tank of petrol is 3 figures, and certainly compared to the live of a child which you seem to be saying is comparable.
Not when you bought it no, although it's no surprise that you've had many collisions with stationary objects since then.
As far as I’m aware I’ve never hit anything :hmm: and yes it had various scratches all over it when it came into my possession. Who cares?

Fresh scrapes and dents still occasionally appear though, usually in car parks or when I’ve left it outside in the badlands of north Birmingham :D C’est la vie, it always starts and moves me from a to b when required, which is all it ever needs to do.
That's a good point for another discussion, but the bottom line is that in many cases a car doesn’t belong to the person driving it it, yet they are liable to pay the lessor or legal owner for any damage to the bodywork. And if the damaged is caused by a third party acting like a fucking dickhead, then that third party should fucking pay for the repair, not the person in charge of the car.

And yes, edcraw , any dent or scratch however small will cost a three-figure amount to fix. What fucking universe do you live in? :confused:

Pay for some insurance. The vehicle is about a million times more likely to be damaged by another motor vehicle or a pigeon or something than a reckless cyclist.

If you don't like the real cost of running a private vehicle, lobby your MP and others for a less car dependent society. Post on threads like this one.
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