T & P
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The cyclist could, and indeed should, get some insurance as well, which would be the fairest thing all around.Minor Damage Insurance | Nationwide Vehicle Contracts
Help protect your lease vehicle from minor damage, such as small scratches, scuffs and dents with SMART Insurance and Tyre and Alloy Insurance. Get a quote now.www.nationwidevehiclecontracts.co.uk
Pay for some insurance. The vehicle is about a million times more likely to be damaged by another motor vehicle or a pigeon or something than a reckless cyclist.
If you don't like the real cost of running a private vehicle, lobby your MP and others for a less car dependent society. Post on threads like this one.
The cost of running a vehicle has fuck all to do with being forced to pay for something that was somebody else's fault due to negiglence. If a pair of adults are playing drunken street baseball right outside your house (houses of course costing much more to buy or rent, as well as to mantain than cars), and one of them puts one of your windows through with the ball, would you take the same attitude as that you suggest car drivers should adopt? The cunting fuck you would.
And I wonder if you and a few others here would be so flippant about 'minor costs' and trival damage if someone went and scratched a big cock, or wrote 'all cyclists are cunts' on the frame of your new 1.5k bike. Just as a scratch, right?
Do as I say, not as I do. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
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