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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Seriously - if you don’t think the wank panzer should have waited a few seconds you’re a complete bellend.
Seriously - if you don’t think the wank panzer should have waited a few seconds you’re a complete bellend.

No, most cyclists prefer to be safely overtaken and have a clear road behind them than navigate a junction with a car waiting behind them.
No, most cyclists prefer to be safely overtaken and have a clear road behind them than navigate a junction with a car waiting behind them.
That wasn’t safely overtaken - that was cutting up on a junction. Please hand your licence in.

So many shit drivers out there like you that don’t even realise it. It’s fucking kids you twat.
Had this same manoeuvre been filmed from a car dashcam with exactly the same point of view I wonder what kind of road rage incident we might have seen unfold thereafter.

Screenshot 2022-08-02 at 21.33.07.jpg
I meant as I suspect you’ve never passed a driving test or a cycling proficiency course, but if that counts as an apology be my guest :D
It’s even fucking highlighted for you and you still dispute it. Love how you’re just proving the point.

You could just go “yeah, the dick in the stupidly large car was in the wrong but #notalldrivers✌️“ but for some reason you think you have to defend people blatantly in the wrong. You are 12 aren’t you?
It’s even fucking highlighted for you and you still dispute it. Love how you’re just proving the point.

You could just go “yeah, the dick in the stupidly large car was in the wrong but #notalldrivers✌️“ but for some reason you think you have to defend people blatantly in the wrong. You are 12 aren’t you?

If you can find a police officer who works traffic and thinks that the SUV should have stopped behind that girl standing by the kerb with her bike, let me know.
If you can find a police officer who works traffic and thinks that the SUV should have stopped behind that girl standing by the kerb with her bike, let me know.
Even if this wasn’t spelt out in the Highway Code as above there’s just the simple fact that only a dick wouldn’t have waited behind them all for the few seconds it would have taken instead of barging through. I’d give it a rest for a bit before you show yourself to be even more of a tw*t. Quit while you’re behind.
If you can find a police officer who works traffic and thinks that the SUV should have stopped behind that girl standing by the kerb with her bike, let me know.
Fairly sure any traffic officer would have given the rather obvious verdict. Your desperation to argue literally anything in the defence of obviously bad driving is just, well, weird now.
He has neatly highlighted an important point though - dangerously stupid riding on a bike will almost always only endanger the cyclist. Stupidly dangerous driving in a car can have horrendous consequences for everyone involved…
And if traffic laws in this country didn’t grant a de facto legal immunity to cyclists for most non-intentional reckless behaviour even when they caused damage to property, you would have a point.

But as it is, that taxi driver and indeed any car owner who sees a dickhead cyclist crash against their vehicle, has virtually fuck all chance to get the cyclist to pay for the cost of any repair. So there are consequences, however insignificant there might seem to you.

Not to mention the fact that since in this country car drivers are de facto considered guilty until proven innocent in collisions with cyclists or peds, not only would a driver in such situation never see a penny’s compensation for any damage to the bodywork even when undoubtedly, 100 fucking per cent it at fault, but unless there was any dashcam footage or numerous witnesses available, the driver can as likely as not expect a letter from an ambulance chasing solicitor before long, because why be honest about being the guilty party in a collision when you have a fair chance to lie and milk the system, and the hell if someone loses their job or their driving insurance shoots up.

So yes, cyclists behaving like dickheads and causing accidents can have major repercussions to the perfectly innocent other party. But death machines etc…
When we get all obsessed about going on about pedestrians getting life changing injuries it's so easy to forget about the bigger tragedies like how someone's car might get a scratch on it that will have absolutely devastating consequences for its owner's vanity.
And if traffic laws in this country didn’t grant a de facto legal immunity to cyclists for most non-intentional reckless behaviour even when they caused damage to property, you would have a point.

But as it is, that taxi driver and indeed any car owner who sees a dickhead cyclist crash against their vehicle, has virtually fuck all chance to get the cyclist to pay for the cost of any repair. So there are consequences, however insignificant there might seem to you.

Not to mention the fact that since in this country car drivers are de facto considered guilty until proven innocent in collisions with cyclists or peds, not only would a driver in such situation never see a penny’s compensation for any damage to the bodywork even when undoubtedly, 100 fucking per cent it at fault, but unless there was any dashcam footage or numerous witnesses available, the driver can as likely as not expect a letter from an ambulance chasing solicitor before long, because why be honest about being the guilty party in a collision when you have a fair chance to lie and milk the system, and the hell if someone loses their job or their driving insurance shoots up.

So yes, cyclists behaving like dickheads and causing accidents can have major repercussions to the perfectly innocent other party. But death machines etc…
Oh no! A scratch! Life is over!
And if traffic laws in this country didn’t grant a de facto legal immunity to cyclists for most non-intentional reckless behaviour even when they caused damage to property, you would have a point.

But as it is, that taxi driver and indeed any car owner who sees a dickhead cyclist crash against their vehicle, has virtually fuck all chance to get the cyclist to pay for the cost of any repair. So there are consequences, however insignificant there might seem to you.

Not to mention the fact that since in this country car drivers are de facto considered guilty until proven innocent in collisions with cyclists or peds, not only would a driver in such situation never see a penny’s compensation for any damage to the bodywork even when undoubtedly, 100 fucking per cent it at fault, but unless there was any dashcam footage or numerous witnesses available, the driver can as likely as not expect a letter from an ambulance chasing solicitor before long, because why be honest about being the guilty party in a collision when you have a fair chance to lie and milk the system, and the hell if someone loses their job or their driving insurance shoots up.

So yes, cyclists behaving like dickheads and causing accidents can have major repercussions to the perfectly innocent other party. But death machines etc…
Fairly sure any traffic officer would have given the rather obvious verdict. Your desperation to argue literally anything in the defence of obviously bad driving is just, well, weird now.

If I thought anyone here would actually listen I’d take the time to explain my reasoning, but it won’t be worth the effort because none of you actually care about improving driving standards, either your own or anyone else’s.
If I thought anyone here would actually listen I’d take the time to explain my reasoning, but it won’t be worth the effort because none of you actually care about improving driving standards, either your own or anyone else’s.
“I would explain it to you but you wouldn’t understand.” 🤪
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Oh no! A scratch! Life is over!
I knew that was the typical response you were likely to give :D

You are aware, for instance, that there is such a thing as car leasing, and that at the end of the lease one has to pay for damage to the bodywork including scratches? You knew that, right?
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