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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Saul's drinking is hardly a secret but I did think involvement in the darknet thread implied a certain level of mutual trust. I've left it now anyway. Feel free to post up the exact details of my 'sprees' Saul.
Suggesting on multiple occasions (not just on this thread) that I'm an alcoholic that needs counselling was a step too far. But don't worry, I won't be posting the contents of private threads. I was merely pointing out that people in glass houses should be careful about who they're hurling rocks at.
Suggesting on multiple occasions (not just on this thread) that I'm an alcoholic that needs counselling was a step too far. But don't worry, I won't be posting the contents of private threads. I was merely pointing out that people in glass houses should be careful about who they're hurling rocks at.
Double standards like that must give you a headache.

And I wish you would post the actual details. The vague smear is far more offensive.
Cor, you don't like it up you do you. Your constant abuse and trolling is 'banter' and a 'windup' but as soon as you get a bit back your way it's 'out and out nastiness'. So why am I pissing myself laughing at you two this morning?

Yeah, righto. It's perfectly clear to anyone who's reading this who's taken it where. Didn’t known you’re autistic either but you’re now using that to generate sympathy whilst using another poster’s perceived alcoholism against him. This kind of personal attack is a common tactic of yours, btw.
Yeah, righto. It's perfectly clear to anyone who's reading this who's taken it where. Didn’t known you’re autistic either but you’re now using that to generate sympathy whilst using another poster’s perceived alcoholism against him. This kind of personal attack is a common tactic of yours, btw.
So trolling threads with violent anti-cyclist abuse is okay. Deliberately tagging people into threads with the intention of antagonising them is fine. Throwing around mental health terms as abuse is fine too. But dare to mention someone probably likes their drink a bit too much and I'm beyond the pale. Grow up and stop trolling threads you don't like with your vile abuse and they won't end up like this.
Bullshit. A snide comment vs threats that have real life consequences. Saul's out of order for bringing private conversations and family into it. Crossed a line.

This thread is fucking poison and should be closed.
It wasn't "a snide comment" . He's been at it for years. This was just the morning I decided I'd had enough of it.
So trolling threads with violent anti-cyclist abuse is okay. Deliberately tagging people into threads with the intention of antagonising them is fine. Throwing around mental health terms as abuse is fine too. But dare to mention someone probably likes their drink a bit too much and I'm beyond the pale. Grow up and stop trolling threads you don't like with your vile abuse and they won't end up like this.
See, the thing is, everyone pretty much accepted what this thread was. A tongue-in-cheek knockabout that occasionally got a bit out of hand but soon calmed down again. What you've done is make it spiteful and personal which wasn't the case before. You're a thouroughly nasty person and you're lying about what's happened here. You know that. Stop it.
See, the thing is, everyone pretty much accepted what this thread was. A tongue-in-cheek knockabout that occasionally got a bit out of hand but soon calmed down again. What you've done is make it spiteful and personal which wasn't the case before. You're a thouroughly nasty person and you're lying about what's happened here. You know that. Stop it.
Nope. It's been a spiteful and hateful thread since very early on. You just have a massive blind spot to your ridiculous double standards.
Bullshit. A snide comment vs threats that have real life consequences. Saul's out of order for bringing private conversations and family into it. Crossed a line.

This thread is fucking poison and should be closed.

Maomao frequently refers to Saul's drinking. It's his go-to attack whenever they get into it and he always starts it.

Not just with Saul either. See his attacks on Athos earlier in the thread. He's a proper nasty bit of work is our maomao.
Face it, you've fucked it. Stop digging.
I'll try and remember. Next time Saul's hurling foul-mouthed incoherent abuse at 2am I'm not allowed to mention his drinking. But you're allowed to hurl abuse, plot against posters, make personal comments about their mental health and ruin any thread you don't like the look of. Got it.
I'll try and remember. Next time Saul's hurling foul-mouthed incoherent abuse at 2am I'm not allowed to mention his drinking. But you're allowed to hurl abuse, plot against posters, make personal comments about their mental health and ruin any thread you don't like the look of. Got it.

Mentioning his drinking isn't all of it though, is it? And then there's the crying foul when he strikes back. He's been very restrained with you and your nastiness over the years. Now he's biting back you're crying foul. You couldn't make it up!
The thread is fucking toxic because maomao is fucking toxic. It used to be a bit of fun, but he always takes it too far.
You mean it was fun when you and Spymaster were sending each other PMs about who you were going to wind up next. I bet it was. Being a bully and getting away with it is a good buzz.
Mentioning his drinking isn't all of it though, is it? It's the crying foul when he strikes back. He's been very restrained with you and your nastiness over the years. Now he's biting back you're crying foul. You couldn't make it up!
I haven't cried foul. Call me Mr Meltdown all you want; I couldn't give a shit. I'm highlighting your double standard Princess.
I haven't cried foul. Call me Mr Meltdown all you want; I couldn't give a shit. I'm highlighting your double standard Princess.

Of course your're crying foul. It's what you do. And now with the Princess schtick again. That's when we know you're boiling up. It's your tell. Why the fuck do you do this? What are you getting out of it?
Mentioning his drinking isn't all of it though, is it? And then there's the crying foul when he strikes back. He's been very restrained with you and your nastiness over the years. Now he's biting back you're crying foul. You couldn't make it up!
I think I've been quite restrained, given the abuse and accusations of alcoholism he's been throwing at me for years. He just picked the wrong morning this time, as I have my own problems that have stressed me out today, and they're nothing to do with drinking. . I won't be playing the sympathy card but the last thing I needed was to read his nasty shit, so I decided to try to put a stop to it.
Of course your're crying foul. It's what you do. And now with the Princess schtick again. That's when we know you're boiling up again. Why the fuck do you do this? What are you getting out of it?
What do you get out of abusive long term wind ups planned by PM? What do you get out of repeatedly ruining threads with vile abuse? I'm just chatting shit while snuggling in front of the tv with my kids.
What do you get out of abusive long term wind ups planned by PM? What do you get out of repeatedly ruining threads with vile abuse? I'm just chatting shit while snuggling in front of the tv with my kids.
Lol at “vile abuse” you soft twat! :D

The only genuine vile abuse on this thread had come from you. Proper heartfelt, designed to hurt people nastiness. It’s your specialty. Look at Saul’s post above. It’s clear he’s not in a great place so you stick the boot on with that smiley. Whilst you’ve spent the morning whining about people being mean to you. Fucking do one!

And if this is what you do when you’re hanging out with your kids, I feel sorry for them.
A driver runs into a mother and then tries to stab her!

We have a problem with drivers and surely need to ban them until we figure out what the hell is going on!

We have a problem with drinkers and drug takers too. Do you drink and or take drugs? My guess is yes…
So it was fine when I was not in a great place and he did it to me but now it's unnacceptable. Righto.
People backed off you. I do it frequently when you start to smoulder. Unlike you, others here don’t wish to cause genuine harm.

Now go and look after your kids. Don’t spend a Sunday doing this.
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