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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I assume that Spy and Saul are happy now that they have got exactly what they wanted?
What exactly do you think it is I wanted? Enough personal abuse from maomao to bring me to the point where I had to point out why he's a fucking hypocrite? You can only push somebody so far before something gives.
What exactly do you think it is I wanted? Enough personal abuse from maomao to bring me to the point where I had to point out why he's a fucking hypocrite? You can only push somebody so far before something gives.
You spend most of your time on these boards laughing about how much you enjoy winding people up, saying things to push their buttons and generally posting things you know will irritate and annoy. It’s pretty obvious that the consequence of those actions will be that at some point, somebody will escalate in rage. I just assumed that since that consequence is obvious, you must be enjoying it now that it is happening?
What exactly do you think it is I wanted? Enough personal abuse from maomao to bring me to the point where I had to point out why he's a fucking hypocrite? You can only push somebody so far before something gives.
I'm not a hypocrite. I didn't say there was anything wrong with your drinking and in fact offered to help you find help. I just think it's worth flagging up for anyone on the receiving end of one of your foul-mouthed late night tirades.
The trolls only get what they want because people engage with them. These people enable the trolls. These people are idiots.

If you ignore the trolls, you save time and you undermine them, by doing nothing at all. It's not hard, is it? But you keep on prattling away...ooh, how dare you, you naughty troll. If you can't bring yourself to ignore them, you have a problem. Grow up. Or live in the sewer with the trolls.
It is pathetic to constantly & deliberately be an offensive twat and then suddenly decided someone else has gone too far. Seriously, just give it a rest.
The trolls only get what they want because people engage with them. These people enable the trolls. These people are idiots.

If you ignore the trolls, you save time and you undermine them, by doing nothing at all. It's not hard, is it? But you keep on prattling away...ooh, how dare you, you naughty troll. If you can't bring yourself to ignore them, you have a problem. Grow up. Or live in the sewer with the trolls.

Possibly. Teuchter also spends his time posting things to provoke and irritate people, though. But you’ll notice that he never responds when people call him all kinds of names and accuse him of all kinds of things in response. He just gets the reaction he’s looking for and lets the rage happen. I guess he’s just much better at it than Saul is.
The trolls only get what they want because people engage with them. These people enable the trolls. These people are idiots.

If you ignore the trolls, you save time and you undermine them, by doing nothing at all. It's not hard, is it? But you keep on prattling away...ooh, how dare you, you naughty troll. If you can't bring yourself to ignore them, you have a problem. Grow up. Or live in the sewer with the trolls.

Well that's what we tried here. Don't engage them on proper threads, let them have their little playground so they feel important and leave people alone but in fact it just escalates. Plotting by PM who to tag in and antagonise next. Fuck 'em and fuck the thread.
You spend most of your time on these boards laughing about how much you enjoy winding people up, saying things to push their buttons and generally posting things you know will irritate and annoy. It’s pretty obvious that the consequence of those actions will be that at some point, somebody will escalate in rage. I just assumed that since that consequence is obvious, you must be enjoying it now that it is happening?
Have you even bothered to read the thread? The whole thread is a wind-up. Even the title is a wind-up, and both sides have been winding each other up since the very start of the thread. Do you think that warrants accusations of alcoholism, and being told to drink yourself to death? Where was the outrage when I was told to drink myself to death?
Possibly. Teuchter also spends his time posting things to provoke and irritate people, though. But you’ll notice that he never responds when people call him all kinds of names and accuse him of all kinds of things in response. He just gets the reaction he’s looking for and lets the rage happen. I guess he’s just much better at it than Saul is.
I'm enjoying the meta nature of the last sentence in this post.
Possibly. Teuchter also spends his time posting things to provoke and irritate people, though. But you’ll notice that he never responds when people call him all kinds of names and accuse him of all kinds of things in response. He just gets the reaction he’s looking for and lets the rage happen. I guess he’s just much better at it than Saul is.
So your remedy is to attack Teuchter? FFS! How about we stop discussing posters and get back to discussing cars? We need more climate change discussion on the forum anyway. This thread would serve a useful purpose and be enjoyable with judicious use of the ignore function.
So your remedy is to attack Teuchter? FFS! How about we stop discussing posters and get back to discussing cars? We need more climate change discussion on the forum anyway. This thread would serve a useful purpose and be enjoyable with judicious use of the ignore function.
I’m not attacking teuchter. Quite the opposite. I’ve long been a fan of teuchter. He’s the master at this.
Have you even bothered to read the thread? The whole thread is a wind-up. Even the title is a wind-up, and both sides have been winding each other up since the very start of the thread. Do you think that warrants accusations of alcoholism, and being told to drink yourself to death? Where was the outrage when I was told to drink myself to death?

I didn't tell you to drink yourself to death.
Let's talk about bioLPG. In some countries it's very popular. It's often described as carbon neutral. I think it would be more accurate to call it 90% carbon neutral because there's a bit of an overhead. But this carbon neutrality confuses me. (I don't have chemistry or biology O levels.) Is it carbon neutral because the plants which it's made of absorbed carbon a couple of years back? If you burn it you release that carbon back into the atmosphere. How can that be good? Perhaps it's classified as 'good' because it's not as bad as burning oil?
Let's talk about bioLPG. In some countries it's very popular. It's often described as carbon neutral. I think it would be more accurate to call it 90% carbon neutral because there's a bit of an overhead. But this carbon neutrality confuses me. (I don't have chemistry or biology O levels.) Is it carbon neutral because the plants which it's made of absorbed carbon a couple of years back? If you burn it you release that carbon back into the atmosphere. How can that be good? Perhaps it's classified as 'good' because it's not as bad as burning oil?

If you are looking for a proper discussion on this, best to use the climate change forum, rather than this toxic thread.

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