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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

It's fine to be a wealthy toff/landlord etc if you're on the left e.g. Tony Benn. Never mind your actions, as long as you say the right things you're totally cool.
wants free insulation for everyone.
And angry alcoholic on the internet wants pensioners in social housing to freeze or bankrupt themselves. I know that ad hominem just means 'insults' round here but it literally means what you've just done. You've attacked the person not their argument.
And angry alcoholic on the internet wants pensioners in social housing to freeze or bankrupt themselves. I know that ad hominem just means 'insults' round here but it literally means what you've just done. You've attacked the person not their argument.
Are you going to get abusive again and start crying?
And angry alcoholic on the internet wants pensioners in social housing to freeze or bankrupt themselves. I know that ad hominem just means 'insults' round here but it literally means what you've just done. You've attacked the person not their argument.

He's not blocking roads to so that pensioners in social housing can have their homes insulated, something that most people can agree with. He's doing it so that every home is insulted at public expense, whether it, or the owner, really needs it or not.

There are millions of homes in the UK that would benefit massively from more insulation, but there are millions where the benefits would be only marginal. If you invest public money in insulating all of them, that money, and the newly trained up workforce, and insulating materials, will in millions of cases be wasted because there will be much better uses for that money and those people (trained heat pump installers, or the purchase of solar panels or whatever).

Their demands are ill-thought out, I would say childish, but children are generally better at thinking up policies than these muppets.
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He's not blocking roads to so that pensioners in social housing can have their homes insulated, something that most people can agree with. He's doing it so that every home is insulted at public expense, whether it, or the owner, really needs it or not.

There are millions of homes in the UK that would benefit massively from more insulation, but there are millions where the benefits would be only marginal. If you invest public money in insulating all of them, that money, and the newly trained up workforce, and insulating materials, will in millions of cases be wasted because there will be much better uses for that money and those people (trained heat pump installers, or the purchase of solar panels or whatever).

Their demands are ill-thought out, I would say childish, but children are generally better at thinking up policies that these muppets.
So you've read their in depth policy documents and you disagree with the The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2018 report, Scaling Up Retro fit 2050?
So you've read their in depth policy documents and you disagree with the The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) 2018 report, Scaling Up Retro fit 2050?

Yes, Ive read the IET report, but it seems Insulate Britain’s haven’t, otherwise they wouldn’t have issued their two headline demands.
Yes, Ive read the IET report, but it seems Insulate Britain’s haven’t, otherwise they wouldn’t have issued their two headline demands.
Well, I actually think some parts of your last post but one are a reasonable response to their demands. But I think it's better to have straightforward demands with costs and benefits than just 'lower emissions'. And remember the alternative isn't investing it on solar and heat pumps. At the moment the alternative is doing not much of anything.
Chance would be a fine thing. I was merely demonstrating the inadequacy of your own argument. Pointing at someone's faults doesn't prove anything about their point.
Of course it does if their point is that they want their six houses insulated for free, so they can rent them out for more profit.
Of course it does if their point is that they want their six houses insulated for free, so they can rent them out for more profit.
Well, despite your weird conspiracy theory that a large group of wealthy people have glued themselves to the road, got themselves roughed up and been arrested in order to do a last minute switch and get their houses insulated instead of the social housing that they've clearly made the demand for rather than just paying for it, I think it's reasonable to at least deal with the demand directly rather than dismiss it entirely because a few of them are cunts and twats.
Ffs. You really do deserve all you get on this thread.

But repeatedly tagging me into the conversation, deliberately antagonising me and then calling me Mr Meltdown is just dandy. It'd be nice if you showed everyone exactly where your wavy lines are drawn if you're going to judge.
But repeatedly tagging me into the conversation, deliberately antagonising me and then calling me Mr Meltdown is just dandy. It'd be nice if you showed everyone exactly where your wavy lines are drawn if you're going to judge.

You reap what you sow. I had no intention of posting here today until your goose stepping comment.
Yeah I guess calling posters alcoholics is perfectly reasonable in maomao land. Glass houses, stones and all that ...
He wouldn't get away with it if he was calling people drug addicts, and it seems "I'm getting professional help for being an angry cunt" is a get out of jail free card for being an angry cunt.
At least we have another meltdown to look forward to.
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