okay just got back from brum. I'm sure durutti02 will have a lot to say about what went on but here's my twopennethworth.
We arrived 5.30 down at the bullring, the corner of New street and High street. The uaf counter demo was in full flow, there was a loose cordon of police with 100 or so inside, many more outside. Almost all asian, black faces, very few white/lefty types at all. No swp paper sellers, although lots of uaf placards. Milling about outside few casual looking types (ie white football hoolie types/edl types) small clusters of black lads and lots of asians plus shoppers and curious on lookers. Bit of an atmopshere but no tension.
We walked up New street pedestrian way to the Council House (informed by a copper that's where the edl were meeting up) hung around the fountain and watched casual looking types, white hoolie types, begin to arrive in small groups by the main building. Police were in a very loose cordon around the plaza. Saw a couple of edl people bring all the placards and banners and watch the demo form up. Extremely strange banners that seem to tick all the pc boxes all with the edl logo. Someone had a big union jack an england flag (don't know if they brought them themselves) plus an israeli flag was draped on the fencing behind them. Started singing national anthem, chanting muslim bombers off our streets, around 60-70 in the loose police cordon, all white with 20-30 or so milling outside. Families and kids playing around the fountain, black lads on bikes looked on, as did 4 boneheads who obviously made a point of not joining the demo.
Suddenly a load of police left the edl cordon charged down to the top end of New street where it seemed a load of asian lads were making their way up. Police blocked the route and pushed them back down New Street and formed lines across the street. Riot police and police dogs were brought out. There was also a mobile metal fence erected as a kind of barrier. Edl were free to move (ie not penned in by police) but remained static against the Council House building.
We made our way around the side streets (being mistaken on the way for the bnp (!) by a group of drunks standing outside a bar) down to where the police had blocked the asian lads coming up New Street. Made our way back to the corner of New street/High street and the uaf demo where it looked like the police had cordoned everyone in.
Tensions were rising, volatile if unconfrontational atmosphere at that point. Suddenly a group of around 30 edl/football hoolies lads charged down from round High street towards the demo. Stopped half way and beckoned everyone to have a go. The asian lads just swarmed en masse towards them where the edl/football hoolies did a u-turn and ran like fuck, chased by hundreds of young asian lads. One or two of the younger more inexperienced hoolies got caught, fell and took a battering.
Hoolies tried to re-group at the bottom end of New street by M&S where there was another onslaught by the asian lads. Police were pretty slow of the mark.
After that it all got a bit surreal. We saw edl/football hoolies being chased all over the shop, riot police running in formation trying to keep up, groups of asian, black lads basically looking for "the bnp". Weird little things: a group of about 25 (white, asian, black, mixed race) looking like a proper youth firm after the edl mob, Edl/hoolie types wandering about untouched and unconfronted (it felt like gangs of lads were after gangs of lads rather than taking out individual white/edl/hoolie types), a load of young goth/emo kids in the park getting into it.
We tried to keep up with things ducking round side streets avoiding police lines, didn't feel threatened or intimidated despite being the only few white faces amongst a sea of asian/black faces. Didn't seem either that the asian lads were reinforcing their muslim identity.
Of course we weren't everywhere and we may have missed things but the bbc report (especially the eye witness account by gary nichols) is way off the mark.