this from indymedia today i think sums up EDL .. can't tell who it is though .. guessing not jeff marsh .. i'll have a think on it
08.12.2009 18:40
You think EDL operate in some sort of vacuum, that we don't talk to people, behind the scenes we talk to a great many people and once they are able to see through all the hype they agree with us.
As for the BNP, who am I to judge people, if some one says that they agree with our cause, then we give them a chance, if they step out of line we throw them out. We don't care about peoples past affiliations.
We are not connected to the BNP or any political group, EDL is EDL.
What you can't stand is that we are patriots and you don't have to a nazi or a racist to be for queen and country.
The idea that this country is white and anglo saxon is out of date, we have a multi-cultural society now and black, brown and white need to unite against political Islam and show them there is no place for them in this country.
The purpose of EDL is to spark debate and we have sparked debate and Muslims are coming out and standing up against the extremist.
Do you really believe that the threat by Choudary is all we march against, how about the Saudi government pouring millions of pounds into mosque building and then staffing them with extremists, how about the setting up of faith schools that teach this extreme version of Islam, subverting our young men into becoming suicide bombers.
You consider your selves working class but you are not, we are the working class and we reflect the opinions and concerns of the working class.
Your ideology is out of date, dead in the water, there will not be a workers revolution in this country because your solution is fascist but your mind is closed to this.
As for using your forum as a playground, you infiltrate our forums all the time, not one word of abuse have I given you all, I have ignored the name calling and have simply put a point of view. Why, because I believe in debate.
We will force the government to act, have no doubt about that. We are united, you can't stop us, you can only react and that's only because we give you the chance to react by telling you when and where our next demo is, this we will change in the near future. One peaceful demo is all we'll need for people to see who the violent ones are.
Arthur "