I expect you'll be joining them, uncritically. And then on Urban you'd be spunking everywhere about how it's 'the new face of the working class movement'.ABC for Trots, you mean, other groups are considering engaging with these youths...
wtf .. you gone polite now? you insult belittle? take the piss? which hat you got on now? should i bother to reply to you?
A Brummie? That used to live in Cambodia? Can't be many of them about Do I know you?Birmingham won't tolerate this racist shit in our city.
@editors post about facebook,
it may be inconsequetial but surely it gives an insight into how some sub groups are feeling about politics, the UKk , etc, and yes they are having some success mobilising using facebook.
Racist football casuals? Whatever next...
This is the BNP slyly engaging the w/c in their politics, engaging with their traditional foot soldiers, the football firms.
Ok I will ask the question.you dismiss the idea of a counter demo
you defend this group as not being racist, though they clearly are anti muslim racists.
You attack those that wish to organise opposition
So what do you propose except ignore them, pander to them and appease them?
They should be driven off the streets on the 8th. Alliances need to be built with Birmingham asian community. And these racists fucks need to be shown that Birmingham won't tolerate this racist shit in our city.
What won't work is the pathetic apologising that you continually make for these racists. They are not "concerned with extremism" they are anti muslim racists.
and this is surely the crux of the matter .. do we give up on all these people? because they are clearly BNP manipulaters in the background most of the punters will be ordinary w/c people ..I agree. Chris Renton - BNP Organiser in Weston-super-mare setup the english defence league website. Also there was a history with FYC (Fine Young Casuals) in Oldham who were involved in the race riots back in 2001. There also has been many times when football firms have told BNP/NF/C18 to fuck off.
I like to echo Durutti's concerns about what is happening. What we are seeing here is a section of the class that is being mobilised on nationalism becuase of a percieved threat - jihadists and more widely Islam in the UK. This is potentially a premature fascist movement as it has all the ingredients.
and the NF remnantsThis is the BNP slyly engaging the w/c in their politics, engaging with their traditional foot soldiers, the football firms.
and this is surely the crux of the matter .. do we give up on all these people? because they are clearly BNP manipulaters in the background most of the punters will be ordinary w/c people ..
I agree. Chris Renton - BNP Organiser in Weston-super-mare setup the english defence league website. Also there was a history with FYC (Fine Young Casuals) in Oldham who were involved in the race riots back in 2001. There also has been many times when football firms have told BNP/NF/C18 to fuck off.
Though D, fascism has also had "ordinary w/c people" involved - sometimes in their millions. I don't think it is solely BNP manipulators, theres is a conscious decision out of all the turmoil in the economy they pick a muslims as their target???! I think we can get bogged down in understanding their "position" and forget that they have a choice to make - either they continue creating counter-productive, reactinary marches or get involved in targetting the real root problem - capitalism.
Simplistic I know.
A peaceful low key oppositional presence may work, but UAF shouting 'nazis out' or even more physical confrontation, to 19 yr old lads many who have said repeatedly they are not, certainly won't.
yep don't disagree .. it's how we do it!
Ok there was some discussion here
"A group dedicated to protecting the interests of Welsh people.
From exposing paedophiles, to protesting about Terrorists in our midst, its time the Taffies stood up to be counted.
We are a peaceful protest group, and will organise mass protests when and where needed to protect our people from abuse and having the piss taken out of them.
This is not a racist/Nazi group and those people are not wanted here.
We want normal people who are fed up with having the piss taken out of them and are ready to unite and stand up to be counted.
Our forefathers didnt fight off the Germans and give their lives so we could let a load of foreigners of a certain religion (i wont name it as id probably get arrested) come into our country, then give them money so they can sit around planning to bomb us, poison us or otherwise kill us. They would turn in their graves at a country that after terror attacks instead of throwing these people out, passes laws that mean British people who insult them can be jailed. What have we become? Every day we hear that terrorists have been caught working airside in airports, and at Cardiff airport, all the trainee aircraft technicians are of arab descent. How long before a tragedy happens there?"
Ok there was some discussion here
while it is clear that there are BNP and fascists within EDL/BCAME/CU it is also clear the many of the admins are NOT associated with BNP .. it is also clear there are millions of increasingly angry and frustrated white .. and with good reason .. but who in classic fashion are picking on a scapegoat INSTEAD of the real powers
Sort of interesting how these types have rebranded themselves as the English and Welsh Defence league-obviously given up on Scotland and Northern Ireland.
They're all fucking Facebook sites. They're meaningless. Any twat can make up 100 profiles in a day and sign them all up to their own 'campaign' site. People will sign up to any old shit on Facebook and the day that people start mistaking small Facebook groups as some sort of barometer of political movement in the UK is a fucking sad one.
Fuck knows why you're giving them the oxygen of publicity here.