and you know seem to know nothing about working class history .. people RIGHTLY see this as THEIR country. Unlike the middle class the w/c actually DID build this country, the roads, the cars, the houses etc etc And they again in their millions fought and died again for what they see as THEIR country. Until the left understand this 'nationalism lite', they will NEVER be able to relate to w/c people.
And also the w/c DID have power in this country. Through the Trade Unions and the Labour Party w/c people had significant power in this country of a kind which forced previous Tory govts to act in a way that is afr to the left of the current New Labour Party and forced capital to an all out assult in the early 1980s
I think this is perhaps what we may think of a certain generation - say 50-60 year olds. But it doesn't apply to most people. I think alot of w/c people saw the unions as divisive and pretty much the enemy in most instances, the same goes for political parties like Labour (new and old).
English nationalism has always been reactionary and xenophobic, tied closely with support for an imperialist state, British Army and royalist. You just have to look at the character and tone of any flag waving w/c person - there is little connection with the commonality between people apart that defined by some dumb national and ahistoric charecteristic.
I'm still not convinced that "nationalism-lite" is useful or is anti-establishment, it is more a lobby for more nationalism, more state intervention. Thats not to say we should shout "Nazi" at anyone wearing an england shirt. The strategy has to be clear. Break the influence and connection in "movements" like the EDL from any far-right agenda by targeting known activists. Initiate campaigns that are appealing to people who would go on an EDL demo but focusses itself on more progressive, and dare I say it, important struggles. I don't doubt that there are some really good people who are getting court up with EDL stuff, that are rightly dillusioned about their homeland and what to do something about it. Its our job to engage with them, problem is do WE have anything better to offer them?