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England vs Scotland 18.6.21

one of the more enjoyable football matches i watch i will admit

not having a go at football fans i watch some boring sports F1 being one of them
just cannie get into football for some reason

chripping along on here made it more fun :)
Rubbish game but nearly qualified, all that matters.

Not sure I'd be celebrating quite as hard as the Scots are, if they can't beat us when we play like that they're stuffed.

Next teamsheet for Czech Republic should be interesting, Kane / Sterling should be benched for 1st half at least.

Cheeky 0-0 with the Czechs and we both qualify, just saying....
It was a shite match for the neutral tbf. There have been some great games so far. this wasn't one of them.
Really? I thought the opposite. But then I guess there might be different types of neutrals here. As a foreign national living in London I am much more aware of the history of the rivalry and the debate to come than, say, someone in the Continent who’s never lived here.

In any event I found this far more entertaining than the 0-0 draw between Spain and Sweden.
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I'm hoping they are going to chance on the winning formula soon, like they did in 1990, but Foden has done nothing, Kane is a full back now or something and we seem to spend our time knocking it between rice and the centre backs all game
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