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England local election results thread

What's wrong cesare, have I touched a nerve? While we're here, I'd like to just ask a question: Isn't it a bit hypocritical for someone, on the one hand, to pontificate about disabled people, and on the other hand, call someone else a 'weirdo' merely for having a different opinion? It strikes me that some people on here like to think of themselves as 'nice' people because of the views they hold, yet they will not hesitate in being nasty and cruel to selected others when they think they can get away with it. Isn't that a type of hypocrisy?
No you wouldn't. You're far more interesting in seeing Socialist type candidates losing badly so you can gloat and sneer for your own amusement, and possibly because every time someone on the left fails it's hailed as a vindication of the "IWCA approach" which, in case you didn't notice on the other thread, has been "on hold" for the last 7 years. That's why you went to such effort to portray the Doncaster result as terrible, which is a respectable result for a fringe left-wing group and much better than the usual terrible TUSC results were used to, when actually its about par i reckon. That's desperate. Where you expecting them to win or something?

Notice as well I'm not saying it's a great result, it's a respectable result, it's the sort of vote that they ought to aiming for consistently as a building block.

And you can comb through my posts and threads and discussions on the matter, you won't find any evidence of me being any kind of hardened TUSC fanboy. I've no time for TUSC or the SP these days I've been through that revolving door personally but I certainly won't let my own bitterness blind me to ackowledging the few times they actually do ok. Their results have been terrible pretty much everywhere they've ever stood and you'll get no argument from me on any of that, but this isn't one of them, so sorry you'll have to satiate your bitterness with other shitty TUSC results (and there's no shortage of them so have it at)

are you considering Left Unity?
What's wrong cesare, have I touched a nerve? While we're here, I'd like to just ask a question: Isn't it a bit hypocritical for someone, on the one hand, to pontificate about disabled people, and on the other hand, call someone else a 'weirdo' merely for having a different opinion? It strikes me that some people on here like to think of themselves as 'nice' people because of the views they hold, yet they will not hesitate in being nasty and cruel to selected others when they think they can get away with it. Isn't that a type of hypocrisy?
Is it hypocrisy to say that you disagree with Brewer's comments but everyone else who disagrees is a) being hysterical b) being manipulated by "by a rather obnoxious and self-satisfied young lady" - or it is just stupid and baseless? Isn't it hypocritical to moan about abuse when in the above you manage in one way or another to abuse everyone who disagrees with Brewer but you, and the person who made the comments public? Isn't it a bit dishonest of you to claim that i've "pontificate about disabled people" when i've not ever mentioned Brewer before? Or was that more stupidity?
Is it hypocrisy to say that you disagree with Brewer's comments but everyone else who disagrees is a) being hysterical b) being manipulated by "by a rather obnoxious and self-satisfied young lady" - or it is just stupid and baseless? Isn't it hypocritical to moan about abuse when in the above you manage in one way or another to abuse everyone who disagrees with Brewer but you, and the person who made the comments public? Isn't a bit dishonest of you to claim that i've "pontificate about disabled people" when i've not ever mentioned Brewer before? Or was that more stupidity?
No it isn't hypocritical to say that I disagree with his comment but also think the reaction to his comment has been inappropriate. And to say that people have reacted hysterically is not abuse. It is just an observation, and in my view, an accurate one. To call me a 'weirdo' is, on the other hand, pure abuse and shows you in your true colours.
And also, to call the local election candidate in question an "obnoxious" and "self-satisfied" person is not abuse either.
I've looked at the timing of the posts. And your point?
I was posted laughing at butcher's comment and the one after. You posted at the same time as me, so it was a cross post. Which you didn't notice otherwise you'd have aimed your comment at the person before me too.

No, you didn't touch a nerve. I'd be pretty sickened to be approved of by a Brewer fan.
I was posted laughing at butcher's comment and the one after. You posted at the same time as me, so it was a cross post. Which you didn't notice otherwise you'd have aimed your comment at the person before me too.

No, you isn't touch a nerve. I'd be pretty sickened to be approved of by a Brewer fan.
Yes, and I was aiming my comment at you. So, I still don't see your point. Is it that, really, you think you're cleverer than me because you hold 'right on' views about things and you feel the need to put me down in some way by suggesting that I am confused by your childish, inane and trivial intervention in a thread? Is that it? Or is it something else that's bothering you? And are you saying I am a Brewer fan? I do hope not.
not many people.don't know all the details tbh, this is 40 miles and one out of 120 constituencies. to my shame right now, i was more interested in watching where some of the people I know and trust personally were standing.

there can be a big streak of 'you can't tell us what to do' down here, and considering some of the crap that some of the locals get off second home owners and tourists, I don't blame them for it all. if brewer managed to tap into that, then it could explain. there's also an issue of inertia. it can be harder to move someone out than take an empty seat and brewer had well over 800 votes the last time he stood. he has held that seat a long time. a bit of pc gawn mad, gawds knows.

there are some suggestions he got most of his support out of some of the more isolated areas in the district, but i'm not wanting to play into any kind of yokel stereotype. but as you can see from this, it's as fair to blame the tories or labour for his victory as it was for some tit with a nasty reputation that i'm spreading far and wide, to blame sarah. could even blame the libs, they didn't stand last time.

but there's an academic conference coming up in a few weeks, discussing local politics with some of the people who know this century better than I do. might have an answer then.

Collin William Brewer Independent 335 25% Elected
Steve Knightley Liberal Democrat 331 25% Not elected
Roderick Harrison UK Independence Party 208 16% Not elected
Adrian Darrell Jones Labour 161 12% Not elected
Brian Aubone Bennetts Conservative 150 11% Not elected
Sarah Hannah Maguire Independent 146 11%
Not elected

While, there may be 335 idiots/bigots, Cornwall is much bigger than that and while I understand disabled people's fears(many are on the brink especially with smear in tabloids/being seen as 'useless eaters') some of the comments on the Black Triangle site, which imo, is usually great,are well out of order.
I have no association whatever with Mr. Brewer, nor do I support him politically. As I implied in my first post, most people who comment on this issue, here and elsewhere, are satisfying a need to feel morally superior by over-blowing a trivial incident. They are also exploiting the plight and challenges of disabled people cynically for their own personal and political ends, including self-promotion. There has been no debate about the appropriateness of the response to his remark, and indeed whether there should have been any public response at all. Instead, in effect, you and others are engaging in abuse. Your comments here in response to my post underscore this point. You are an abusive poster. It is not good enough just to denigrate and insult others because they hold a different opinion. Remember, I have not said I agree with his original remarks and I do not support him politically. That is not the point.

No, they are not, its gut instinct, compassion, empathy, etc, that means people feel genuinely outraged and physically sick , that in the 21st C, a person can make a comment like that, stop being an apologist for him..
Yes, and I was aiming my comment at you. So, I still don't see your point. Is it that, really, you think you're cleverer than me because you hold 'right on' views about things and you feel the need to put me down in some way by suggesting that I am confused by your childish, inane and trivial intervention in a thread? Is that it? Or is it something else that's bothering you? And are you saying I am a Brewer fan? I do hope not.
What was different about my comment that you wanted to comment on? Aren't I allowed to laugh?

Yes, you're clearly a Brewer fan. You joined the board specifically to cry about how unfair it is that posters think he's a cunt.
Its sad really that given the austerity that dominates at county hall and the slow privatisation of services through direct payments and the like that are leading experienced and well qualified workers to look for alternative work Colin Brewer may be the least of the problems facing people with disabilities in Cornwall.
No it isn't hypocritical to say that I disagree with his comment but also think the reaction to his comment has been inappropriate. And to say that people have reacted hysterically is not abuse. It is just an observation, and in my view, an accurate one. To call me a 'weirdo' is, on the other hand, pure abuse and shows you in your true colours.

What kind of reaction do you think a comment such as "disabled children should be put down" deserves?
I am glad that Collin Brewer was re-elected. I cannot and do not condone his original comment (as reported), but I think the reaction was irrational and hysterical. The comments on the subject in this thread and elsewhere are symptomatic of a new phenomenon in which people feel the need to react emotionally to issues and assume they have a licence to denigrate and abuse others at will without any thought or consideration in the belief that they are morally right. One comment made by a local councillor was blown out of all proportion and then exploited cynically by a rather obnoxious and self-satisfied young lady whose tactics, I am glad to see, have soundly back-fired. No-one here or elsewhere has considered whether it is cruel or unfair to subject Cllr. Brewer to such disproportionate and hysterical comment and scrutiny in local and national media, and in social media, for what was an off-hand remark. It seems to me that Cllr. Brewer has, rightly, been judged on his record and has been re-elected fairly in accordance with the rules. This should be accepted, and in my view he should now be left-alone and allowed to serve those who elected him.

at least you shout what a complete idiot you are.
at least you shout what a complete idiot you are.
Re my earlier post, it is worrying that we have, in our society, the brewers who can regain political influence after making this statement but we also have people who will openly defend them.
Re my earlier post, it is worrying that we have, in our society, the brewers who can regain political influence after making this statement but we also have people who will openly defend them.

nods. i'll know a lot more eventually.

all i can really say atm is that the majority of people I know are very, very upset, not only at brewer's victory, but also at the abuse we are getting. shit blaming all cornish? i live here with a disabled kid ffs. there's people that are doing themselves no favors in abusing all of us
nods. i'll know a lot more eventually.

all i can really say atm is that the majority of people I know are very, very upset, not only at brewer's victory, but also at the abuse we are getting. shit blaming all cornish? i live here with a disabled kid ffs. there's people that are doing themselves no favors in abusing all of us

No, people should be looking for the Brewers in their own locality's I doubt they will have far to look, there are currently 4 disabled people under my roof and I have to admit I am getting more concerned for their futures each day, the cry of "useless mouths" seems to be coming ever more strident
ok, picking up on this now.

brewer apparently blamed making those comments on personality change from having recently had a stroke. it's clear that at least one other candidate knew about this, but said nothing until he chose to discuss in public.

cause she has more integrity
No, they are not, its gut instinct, compassion, empathy, etc, that means people feel genuinely outraged and physically sick , that in the 21st C, a person can make a comment like that, stop being an apologist for him..
First, I'm always naturally suspicious of any campaign based on emotion, such as this. I think it's telling that as soon as anyone questions the appropriateness of the reaction, they are immediately subjected to cruel abuse, as I have been on this thread. Yet those same people would like everyone to think they are 'nice' people who care about the disabled and have the "compassion, empathy" you refer to. It's an interesting paradox, no?

I'm not defending Cllr. Brewer's comment, but with respect, I do think I have the right to question the motivations of people who drew attention to his comment by mounting a national media campaign against him, especially when you consider that the campaign inferred all sorts of things about him and what he thinks that cannot possibly be supported by facts. We need to bear in mind the comment was made several years ago, it was off-hand and made in semi-private circumstances, and there is no evidence it reflects either his private or political views. We should also bear in mind he apologised and has repeated the apology a number of times. In those circumstances, I must ask what could motivate a public campaign against him, except publicity for individuals and groups, and perhaps also a dislike of him personally?

I must also ask, where is your compassion and empathy for Cllr. Brewer, bearing in mind that it would appear he made these comments accidentally, apologised repeatedly and did not ask for the publicity? I am not suggesting you have abused him personally (I do not know what you have done and that is not the issue) but you cannot help but have noticed how as soon as the matter was dragged-up in the media, there was a campaign of vilification against him, involving the most vile abuse, and in some cases, physical threats. Where is your sense of responsibility, and importantly, your sense of proportion and fairness?

You now go on to say, in this thread, that you are worried that there are people in our society who can "regain political influence" after making such a statement and also people who will "openly defend" such people. Again, with the greatest respect, this is rather melodramatic. Let's just consider some facts. First, he did not make a 'statement'. He made an off-hand remark, something we are all susceptible to [indeed, judging by the insults hurled at me on here, it looks like some people are very susceptible indeed]. Second, we are talking about a local councillor. He does not wield considerable political influence, but he is clearly respected by enough people in the community that he can serve as their elected representative. I think you have to accept this. Third, I think it's very sneaky and unfair of you to imply that I am defending his 'statement'/comment. I am doing no such thing, as you well know. Please don't misrepresent me. Fourth, you also mention about how in the "21st. C" people should not have certain views, but I can't see any evidence that Cllr. Brewer holds the views that are attributed to him. If you have any such evidence, then please provide it. But if you can't, then I think a reasonable person would ask why, in all the circumstances, you either can't accept his apology or just drop the matter and move on to more important issues. I think you and others have got very carried away with all this. It's easy to target individuals for scapegoating and to make yourself feel better.
I'm not defending Cllr. Brewer's comment, but with respect, I do think I have the right to question the motivations of people who drew attention to his comment by mounting a national media campaign against him, especially when you consider that the campaign inferred all sorts of things about him and what he thinks that cannot possibly be supported by facts. We need to bear in mind the comment was made several years ago, it was off-hand and made in semi-private circumstances, and there is no evidence it reflects either his private or political views.

so perhaps having made these assertions, you could explain where and how this comment was made so we can ascertain why it was 'private'
btw, don't try to lie, i already know the answers.

and that you're completely misrepresenting the situation.
First, I'm always naturally suspicious of any campaign based on emotion, such as this. I think it's telling that as soon as anyone questions the appropriateness of the reaction, they are immediately subjected to cruel abuse, as I have been on this thread. Yet those same people would like everyone to think they are 'nice' people who care about the disabled and have the "compassion, empathy" you refer to. It's an interesting paradox, no?

I'm not defending Cllr. Brewer's comment, but with respect, I do think I have the right to question the motivations of people who drew attention to his comment by mounting a national media campaign against him, especially when you consider that the campaign inferred all sorts of things about him and what he thinks that cannot possibly be supported by facts. We need to bear in mind the comment was made several years ago, it was off-hand and made in semi-private circumstances, and there is no evidence it reflects either his private or political views. We should also bear in mind he apologised and has repeated the apology a number of times. In those circumstances, I must ask what could motivate a public campaign against him, except publicity for individuals and groups, and perhaps also a dislike of him personally?

I must also ask, where is your compassion and empathy for Cllr. Brewer, bearing in mind that it would appear he made these comments accidentally, apologised repeatedly and did not ask for the publicity? I am not suggesting you have abused him personally (I do not know what you have done and that is not the issue) but you cannot help but have noticed how as soon as the matter was dragged-up in the media, there was a campaign of vilification against him, involving the most vile abuse, and in some cases, physical threats. Where is your sense of responsibility, and importantly, your sense of proportion and fairness?

You now go on to say, in this thread, that you are worried that there are people in our society who can "regain political influence" after making such a statement and also people who will "openly defend" such people. Again, with the greatest respect, this is rather melodramatic. Let's just consider some facts. First, he did not make a 'statement'. He made an off-hand remark, something we are all susceptible to [indeed, judging by the insults hurled at me on here, it looks like some people are very susceptible indeed]. Second, we are talking about a local councillor. He does not wield considerable political influence, but he is clearly respected by enough people in the community that he can serve as their elected representative. I think you have to accept this. Third, I think it's very sneaky and unfair of you to imply that I am defending his 'statement'/comment. I am doing no such thing, as you well know. Please don't misrepresent me. Fourth, you also mention about how in the "21st. C" people should not have certain views, but I can't see any evidence that Cllr. Brewer holds the views that are attributed to him. If you have any such evidence, then please provide it. But if you can't, then I think a reasonable person would ask why, in all the circumstances, you either can't accept his apology or just drop the matter and move on to more important issues. I think you and others have got very carried away with all this. It's easy to target individuals for scapegoating and to make yourself feel better.

He said these things "accidentally"?

Seriously, if he said what is reported he is patently unfit for public office.
so perhaps having made these assertions, you could explain where and how this comment was made so we can ascertain why it was 'private'
I didn't say it was private. I said it was semi-private. The circumstances are well-known and in the public domain. I am merely repeating what is known.
And given you think I am misrepresenting the situation perhaps you would fill is in? Don't keep us all in suspense...
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