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Elden ring

I know who you're talking about. Been trying to kill her myself, that big attack she does is a mother fucker.

Well done on finishing it.

I'm starting to feel a bit like a junkie. I can't stop, but I really want to. I read something the other day saying it's a bit too big, and I'm starting to agree with that. A lot of it is the same and I want to get it done. Saying that though I've just spent about ten hours rolling around Sol Castle and doing Ranni's quest rather than trying to kill the giant that is in the way of the main quest. 😁
so if it is the ringleader of the black knife, there is an area where you can corner him/her whatev , and just spam them with magic, takes time but does work
After 100+ hours I have just put my flask onto a pouch button, so I can access it by triangle and up I stead of scrolling through the items in the middle of a fight :facepalm:

In other news the floating city of Azu whatever can fuck off. Those banished knights can fuck off and then continue to fuck off.
After 100+ hours I have just put my flask onto a pouch button, so I can access it by triangle and up I stead of scrolling through the items in the middle of a fight :facepalm:

In other news the floating city of Azu whatever can fuck off. Those banished knights can fuck off and then continue to fuck off.
The game the keeps on killing
I haven't left my first game left I'm being really boring and during work meetings I just farm , I'm getting really tough now and levelling up in END is actually worth while as I'm now bowling around and no one is hurting me , soon onto journey 2 maybe
170hrs in now, at the 'murdering NPCs for their shit' phase of end game.
I'm about 140 hours I think and see sawing between "oh god, when will this end?" and "hahaha, another new level I missed, ooh, what's that, look at my cool new spear!". I'm up to Maliketh in the main story but have started looking things up now cos people keep mentioning things I have never seen.
OK, just the final fight to go. I ended up summoning for Godfrey I think cos by that point I just wanted to get it done. Beat Alecto though and the all-knowing dickhead. I even left the controller for that one and went to answer the door, luckily I was behind a pillar so survived. 😁

It's a great game but by God, it's about fifty hours too long. I'm still seeing stuff I haven't found when I look up how to beat a boss. It's insane.
I haven't played for a while. I got ill around Easter and just not been in the right mood for it. Need to get back to it but have managed to get hooked on Stardew Valley in the meantime...
I have no idea, I done even know why someone would want to try it.
I played it up until the boss fight with the sorceress in the academy and then my head exploded.

I wish I could enjoy those games as Elden Ring has a ton of content but the difficulty is more frustration than fun for me. What makes it worse is when the game spawns you miles from where you want to be. That is just misery for me.
Thing is, if you do the work, it's not that hard, but you have to put the time in, I tried dark souls 1, 4 times before it clicked and became really rewarding .but I get it is not for everyone
i've just finished RDR2 (which is very easy, to be honest) and am thinking of going to this next as i don't think many other games besides elden ring will be able to compare to the scope/breadth/etc of Red Dead but internet says this does, however... really not into the idea of it being ridiculously hard. i've gotten frustrated with FFVII remake because there are just way too many battles , many of which are hard, and it gets boring quickly
Some of the bosses are hard. Especially if you've not played one of these games before. The run of the mill enemies are challenging but you learn their weaknesses and where they are etc.

There are lots of ways to make it easier - summon another player or your own little helper. Lots is optional.

It's properly open world so if you get stuck somewhere you can try somewhere else. Or grind until you're able to beat the boss.

Ultimately though the brilliance of these games is being able to beat somebody who smeared you all over the scenery an hour or two earlier.
Yeah tommers is exactly right. I would have sworn from what I've heard about them that I'd hate these games for those sorts of reasons but I've played through Bloodborne and DS3 three times each I think and am gradually going through Elden Ring now. You do die a lot but that's OK, it's just part of the game. There's always some way that you can progress so it (almost) never feels like you're beating your head on a brick wall. Plenty of times you'll get smashed repeatedly by some monster but you go and do something else and come back and eventually beat it. Don't be put off by its hard reputation.
Restarted the game last week as a caster, since I was struggling a bit playing as melee (it's my first Souls game) - just killed Godrick The Grafted on the first attempt. :cool:
I'm tempted to have another crack at this, funds permitting. How does it perform on ps4 pro? I tried it on ps4 standard and it looked ok. No worse than Bloodborne or DS3 which were the last of these horrendously compeeling and equally frustrating games.
I'm tempted to have another crack at this, funds permitting. How does it perform on ps4 pro? I tried it on ps4 standard and it looked ok. No worse than Bloodborne or DS3 which were the last of these horrendously compeeling and equally frustrating games.

I just found the world too depressing in Bloodborne.

Currently playing Kingdoms Of Avalur on the PS3. Much more jaunty. :)
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