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Elden ring

Armour is very hard to come by in the starting area but you can pick up some decent weapons by hunting around IIRC

Plus if you can always do the grand tour looking for seeds to upgrade your buckfast.
By the time I finished with Elden Ring I hated it. I didn't even get past the first main boss, not even
  • at level 21
  • extra spells and maxed-out INT (or whatever its called)
  • with the ghostly summon
  • with a companion from the spot just inside the cave
  • constant dodging

All at once, but nope. I did come close a couple of times but after failing about 10 times I read up on the game, found out it was all like that and just exchanged it for--

It doesn't matter tbf, but CEX are pretty cool and the woman in the shop had played it and understood, so. Yeah. Beautiful but fuck that.

Have fun :D
By the time I finished with Elden Ring I hated it. I didn't even get past the first main boss, not even
  • at level 21
  • extra spells and maxed-out INT (or whatever its called)
  • with the ghostly summon
  • with a companion from the spot just inside the cave
  • constant dodging

All at once, but nope. I did come close a couple of times but after failing about 10 times I read up on the game, found out it was all like that and just exchanged it for--

It doesn't matter tbf, but CEX are pretty cool and the woman in the shop had played it and understood, so. Yeah. Beautiful but fuck that.

Have fun :D
git gud :D
By the time I finished with Elden Ring I hated it. I didn't even get past the first main boss, not even
  • at level 21
  • extra spells and maxed-out INT (or whatever its called)
  • with the ghostly summon
  • with a companion from the spot just inside the cave
  • constant dodging

All at once, but nope. I did come close a couple of times but after failing about 10 times I read up on the game, found out it was all like that and just exchanged it for--

It doesn't matter tbf, but CEX are pretty cool and the woman in the shop had played it and understood, so. Yeah. Beautiful but fuck that.

Have fun :D
You haven't maxed out your INT at level 21. :D
You haven't maxed out your INT at level 21. :D
No I know that lol

But at level 21 there is a max INT you can have :D I just felt, if I need to be level 50 or whatever just to beat the first boss then no.

Of course it can be done, I've watched the vid of the dude finishing the final boss naked with a pick. I think it's just not my jam.
fwiw I really wanted to like it .. I wish the difficulty could be turned down and I don't really understand why it can't be.

(I think it's mainly to give uber-gamer nerds a reason to feel superior :thumbs: )
fwiw I really wanted to like it .. I wish the difficulty could be turned down and I don't really understand why it can't be.

(I think it's mainly to give uber-gamer nerds a reason to feel superior :thumbs: )
Hahaha. It's to give the player a sense of accomplishment. Highs and lows.
I get what you mean

That's what mods are for I guess

That's a good point, one of the problems with a console instead of a PC is that mods are much harder or impossible to add. I certainly don't know how I'd do it.

It's made me think about getting hold of a PC version now though.

Hahaha. It's to give the player a sense of accomplishment. Highs and lows.

Probably true, and tbf that's not something I personally look for in a video game. Looked at that way then of course I just gave up and started another game instead :D
It's open world. You can grind easier areas to get more xp.
Is there a good place to grind? I'm not a huge fan of just purely grinding xp tbh, it's a little tedious. I did defeat the ghost boat guy. He was pretty cool, and fortunately pretty easy
Is there a good place to grind? I'm not a huge fan of just purely grinding xp tbh, it's a little tedious. I did defeat the ghost boat guy. He was pretty cool, and fortunately pretty easy
I can't really remember tbh. You don't have to fight the first boss straight away, you can just go and explore on your weird magic oxen if you want.
Yep, join the fuck this club :D welcome...
I gave it a go. Got it from cex after trading in a bunch of old shit i don't watch/play so I'm not bothered.

I get that it's popular, I get that it's tough. But onestly it asks more of me than I think I'm prepared to give for a game. I just don't have the wherewithall to dip duck and dodge some of these attacks. Loot is pretty rubbish and I just don't feel I'm accomplishing anything as a gamer. So, not for me.
for me, Elden Ring and Dark Souls have the perfect balance of difficulty & progress. If a game is too easy then it quickly becomes boring. If its too hard then you loose interest as youre not making any progress. ER is huge, beautifull, complex, endless combos of weapons / moves / armour / etc . And the sense of achievement when you defeat a Boss after failing 20 times ..... WOW!
There are days when I just ride the horse to & fro just to see the landscape change, or tease a knight or giant to chase me and see if I can get them to fall off a cliff. Just lol's .... and days when I set myself a challenge, like find all Walking Mausoleums. Or sometimes I happen on a side-quest thats interesting, so I google the next step and then go find / achieve it. And then there is the main quest ....... Its just a great game imho
I can't really remember tbh. You don't have to fight the first boss straight away, you can just go and explore on your weird magic oxen if you want.

Yeah I don't think you generally really have to grind, in the sense of killing the same shitty enemies over and over again to level up, but you do sometimes have to go away and do something else because unless you're really good some areas can be very unforgiving. It took me ages to beat Margit but that's OK because there's more than enough to explore before you need to.
No I know that lol

But at level 21 there is a max INT you can have :D I just felt, if I need to be level 50 or whatever just to beat the first boss then no.
I think I see the problem, putting levels into Int at that point is doing nothing for you. Had you gone for Vigor instead I think you would have had more success.

How a new player is meant to know that is of course the question.

I think there is a fine balance to find between looking stuff up and finding things out for yourself.
Yeah I don't think you generally really have to grind, in the sense of killing the same shitty enemies over and over again to level up, but you do sometimes have to go away and do something else because unless you're really good some areas can be very unforgiving. It took me ages to beat Margit but that's OK because there's more than enough to explore before you need to.
The only times I tend to grind is later in the game when I'm walking around with 140k runes just need 10k more to level up and I am stood outside a boss fight. Spending a few minutes farming 10k then doing the boss is very appealing then.
The only times I tend to grind is later in the game when I'm walking around with 140k runes just need 10k more to level up and I am stood outside a boss fight. Spending a few minutes farming 10k then doing the boss is very appealing then.

Yes agreed, I've done the same so I wouldn't say you never do it. You shouldn't really need to earlier on though I don't think.
for me, Elden Ring and Dark Souls have the perfect balance of difficulty & progress. If a game is too easy then it quickly becomes boring. If its too hard then you loose interest as youre not making any progress. ER is huge, beautifull, complex, endless combos of weapons / moves / armour / etc . And the sense of achievement when you defeat a Boss after failing 20 times ..... WOW!
There are days when I just ride the horse to & fro just to see the landscape change, or tease a knight or giant to chase me and see if I can get them to fall off a cliff. Just lol's .... and days when I set myself a challenge, like find all Walking Mausoleums. Or sometimes I happen on a side-quest thats interesting, so I google the next step and then go find / achieve it. And then there is the main quest ....... Its just a great game imho
Not going to badmouth the game. I've tried a few souls games and I end up the same way. They aren't for me. The Nioh games were the best of this genre, but I think they are best enjoyed by people who aren't me
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