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Elden ring

I finished the DLC over the weekend, pretty sure I found and beat every major boss. Had to resort to respecing then sheild poking the final boss though.
Started the dlc, I am quite enjoying it, but like others have said it's not quite gripping me the same way.

Although I did shout HA! very loudly when I beat the dancing lion fucker last night.

I'm finding Renalla Twin moon something a bit of a struggle now.
I think my issue with it is that the whole map is structured like one giant dungeon, which sounds good, but it practice is a bit overwhelming and confusing when just trying to find you way around.

Too many "how the fuck do I get there" moments instead of finding something cool moments.

Not that it's bad not at all. Just for me the base game felt better and it was easier to figure out how the areas of the map connected. With the DLC I haven't a clue how I got from one area to another now, I just sort of stumbled around.

The new "mini" dungeons where the best part for me much bigger and morr varied than in the base game, and I'm the odd one ouy who likes all of them in the base game to start with.
I finished the DLC over the weekend, pretty sure I found and beat every major boss. Had to resort to respecing then sheild poking the final boss though.
Im pretty much coming to the end, I have enjoyed it on reflection, and yeah having to go to you tube to find I had to do something I wouldn't have thought of was a bit annoying (looking at you Ruins of Unte )

But I've definitely got my moneys worth, I suppose as big as it is, I just want more.
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I tried restarting ER using a controller instead of mouse+keyboard, but I'm still terrible at it. While on Twitch there's a girl playing two ER playthroughs simultaneously, one on PS5 and one using a dance mat. :eek:
Have always used the controller for Souls games. Thought the mouse & keyboard would be good for aiming arrows / spells etc as thats time consuming on a controller. However, when your fingers develop muscle memory there can be something very natural about how they work in conjunction to jump roll strike and change weapons etc all in one fluid movement ..... pros & cons ...... different ways of operating . I imagine you will find yourself thinking (many times!) I used to do 'x' for this, how do I do it now! ... like going from Android to iPhone (of vice versa!)

let us know how you get on!
I tried restarting ER using a controller instead of mouse+keyboard, but I'm still terrible at it. While on Twitch there's a girl playing two ER playthroughs simultaneously, one on PS5 and one using a dance mat. :eek:
I saw a video of a women beating the last boss of the DLC at level one, using the controller with 1 hand.
I tried restarting ER using a controller instead of mouse+keyboard, but I'm still terrible at it. While on Twitch there's a girl playing two ER playthroughs simultaneously, one on PS5 and one using a dance mat. :eek:
Don't ever compare yourself to these people.

My son has picked up Elden Ring. It was great, he went through the whole range of emotions from "look at this, I'm so good at this game!" to "why won't these birds leave me alone? What are they chucking barrels at me now? What? I have to go back to the start?! This is so unfair!" in about an hour.

And of course it means I've picked it up again. Enjoying it a lot just riding around, still finding new things after 170 hours. :D
I tried restarting ER using a controller instead of mouse+keyboard, but I'm still terrible at it. While on Twitch there's a girl playing two ER playthroughs simultaneously, one on PS5 and one using a dance mat. :eek:
Just look up a video on how to get the bloodhounds fang, it will carry you most of the game. Oh and get 40 vigor as early as you can.
Dual wielding Cipher Patas at the moment. And just got the Godskin Peeler to +25. So messing about with that.
loved my Sword of Night & flame for a very long time .... only slightly pipped by the Blasphemous blade .... never took to the daggers / axe's / spears in ER
I'm just trying out different things. My son got the twinblade in his game and that's pretty cool. Godskin Peeler has a dark flame special that's lethal. You can dual wield Patas, so they attack twice in about half a second, but you need lots of faith to make them worthwhile.

I never really used the ash of war things before though, so been playing around with those.
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