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Lord Of The Rings Online (LOTRO) - any one else play?

Its pretty good i have to say, only just started but it is quite good fun and all the names/places are familiar which is nice. Seemingly, no head set support which is annoying. I don't want to type messages damn it!

i think that is really what sells it

middle earth feels real in a way a lot of other fantasy worlds don't. and your place within the world kind of makes sense. this is a world where evil is creeping in at the edges and it is up to every one to strive to maintain civility. all the quests and tasks seem to be relatively well constructed to fit into the environment and promote wandering about.

but yeah it's really the fact that it's LOTR that makes this game work... it's all the charactor names the locations and even awesome things like the fact that if you are put into a deep state of dread your minimap becomes a blazing eye of sauron
it's good for an mmo but it does suffer the same flaws that most mmo have

if i had freinds who played it it would be a lot more fun
i couldmt get into it. I ama big LOTR fan and also love my MMos but for some reasonn didnt click with the game.

so i am sticking to guild wars (which also has no monthly fee)
Have just re-started this. Never have enough time to get into it but I love the game world. Am a lvl 14 lore master right now.
just transfered over to turbine and i can't find my charactor
Sign up to the official boards then while logged in look at your characters, it'll say what server they're on. That's how I found my hunter again. Am now doing the last few shire slayer deeds although one-shotting grey mobs is getting a bit old.
What character are you running now? Have just been re-reading the FOTR and so I wanted to do some strolling in the Shire with my hobbit. It all looks different to the maps in the book, though imo, and very different to how I imagine it to look.
Am loving this, managing to play a little bit almost every week, and on level 23. Don't want to level too fast in case I miss something! Barrow Downs are great fun.
What have I done... Installing as we speak. Taking a while for the game to DL and apply patches and shit, so not actually done anything yet. Anyone still playing?
Gave up when I reached Weathertop and it just turned into a huge plain with random wandering Uruk-hai and blah. The levels up to 20 were great, though; the starting areas are all very very good and full of appropriate lore and stories. May dip in again one of these days. maybe would be better if I'd not tried to solo everything.
Riddermark I think, but as I said I've not started playing yet. :)
Then make sure you're on a server I'm on and we can team up some day. My main is on withywindle iirc and I have others on laurelin. My main on Withy is called Tango iirc
Surely you have to pay for the game itself tho?
No, you can download it for free. You can buy game points to unlock certain features, but those points can also be gained in the game itself. And like I said, the early and most free part is the best imo.
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