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Dreamscape Jackets, Spliffy Jeans and clothes that were cool when you was younger

Ben Sherman shirt, Levi sta-press, brogues (with segs) and Harrington. The epitome of cool. If I could reduce my middle age spread. I'd wear them now! (without the segs).
tarannau said:
Technics/DMC Display Jackets, Troop tracksuits, even British Knights for a little while.

I thought I was the coolest thing alive with Troop shellsuit, wraparound shades and stereo on the shoulder. We even hung out outside the local convenience store. Oh dear.


Oh yes, massive Eclipse jeans, XTC jacket, technics jumper with cat boots.

I also had a pair of BKs

I felt so fucking cool :cool:

Spliffy was for the 'scratters' at my school...
I don't know what half of these things are :(

I was always shit at remembering names of clothing items, so come on urban people, put some photos up! :p

this thread reminds me of reading American Psycho, lol, when he described everything he was wearing and I couldn't even visualise him as I didn't know what the hell he was on about.

** goes off to image search 'Spliffy jeans' and 'Dreamscape Jackets'
he he, had the chat in the pub last night, bumbags and global hypercolour and neon socks, chelsea boots and dready jeans, joe bloggs tshirts, fruit of the loom sweaters, benneton stuff :D then from high school... stripy tights and big floppy velvet hats, DM's and boys with "curtains" :D

What the fuck were those hideous shoes that boys had, they were a bit like moccasons with stitching round the top and little leather laces and little tassles? Mr S claims they're for wearing on yachts...:confused:
Spliffy and Eclipse stuff was never fashionable.

Although as you can see some of my mates would insist on wearing it.

(I'm on the far right)


What those brands were imitating were things like Dossee Possee ( :D ), GIO GOI (not fucking Gorgio), Peaky, etc etc
Oh yeah ^^sticking your tongue on your chin and going "DRGHHHH" was also cool :D

ETA...god I hope you are doing that, if not, sorry
scumbalina said:
Oh yeah ^^sticking your tongue on your chin and going "DRGHHHH" was also cool :D

ETA...god I hope you are doing that, if not, sorry


Don't worry here I am with a good mate who made the fashion crime of ginger hair and orange jacket, which also made him instantly recognisable to anyone witnessessing our misbehaviour and reporting us to the police.

scumbalina said:
What the fuck were those hideous shoes that boys had, they were a bit like moccasons with stitching round the top and little leather laces and little tassles? Mr S claims they're for wearing on yachts...:confused:

sort of thing? they seriously make me feel ill. they are horrible how anyone can wear such hideous footwear without being forced to is beyond me. i hate them. and sometimes, i'm ashamed to say, i hate the people who wear them, even if i know nothing about the person. the shoes are *that* bad.
Crispy said:
I was wearing torn off black jeans shorts and black tshirts, brushing greasy lank hair out of my eyes :oops:

me too.

never did understand cool really.
heh, i've read through this thread and can honestly say that i've never owned any of the items of clothes mentioned. that makes me feel cool even though i was roundly mocked for not being cool back them.

heh, take that all you kids who laughed at my hand-me-downs!
DrRingDing said:

Don't worry here I am with a good mate who made the fashion crime of ginger hair and orange jacket, which also made him instantly recognisable to anyone witnessessing our misbehaviour and reporting us to the police.


Phew :D

milesy said:
sort of thing? they seriously make me feel ill. they are horrible how anyone can wear such hideous footwear without being forced to is beyond me. i hate them. and sometimes, i'm ashamed to say, i hate the people who wear them, even if i know nothing about the person. the shoes are *that* bad.

*shudders* yes. them. They are the rankest thing ever, what the fuck where they called at school? You could get black leathery versions too. Urgh urgh urgh urgh
bluestreak said:
heh, i've read through this thread and can honestly say that i've never owned any of the items of clothes mentioned. that makes me feel cool even though i was roundly mocked for not being cool back them.

heh, take that all you kids who laughed at my hand-me-downs!

You were being fashionable just a different fashion (metal? grunge?).

We were cheesy quavers, we had the best laughs and by far the best drugs in my school.
DrRingDing said:

I must admit me and Mr S have just spent the last 2 minutes wetting ourselves at the idea of how funny it would be if that was actually your face...

There are nice ones...

Some of the nicest shoes I ever had, they felt like slippers and looked like they should be worn by a ninja. :cool:
Dj TAB said:
Boot-like trainers in either Red, Purple or Green made by...


..I had a purple pair

Fila, Lacoste, SPX, Reebok ERS, British Knights, Ewings ah happy days
I had a pair of LA Gear trainers, complete with multiple multi coloured laces.

I think that was about it for my label owning.

Oh, other than the obligatory DMs in my late teens.
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