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Cool hats/headwear that don't make me look too elderly

Pith helmet?

stop taking the pith

and how about


I think it might help to remember that I am over 50 years old and fat, nothing is going to look cute like that ^ :D
Thank you to the person (not sure whether it is appropriate to name them without permission, but I am massively grateful) who sent me a couple of hats - much appreciated and SO much better than the cap I was wearing - I've put a photo on the ugly mug thread of me wearing one of them.

Absolutely perfect - because I have a ridiculously small bonce and a small forehead and a round face, anything with a peak or that obscures the face looks like I just go from neck to hat with a brief visual stop at the double chin, but that sort of hat where I can wear it back from my face a bit without it being whisked off in the slightest breeze looks so much better as my eyes (which are one of my better features IMO) are much more visible, it doesn't either age me or make it look like I am trying too hard to look younger, and having a small bit of hairline between face and hat detracts a bit from my round face and gives some definition - I hadn't thought of any of this before I started looking for other hats, but this is an absolutely MASSIVE improvement over my cap.

Thank you everyone :)
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Epona, remind me in autumn (official knitting season) and I will knit you a charming cloche hat - much, much nicer than beanies, warm and flattering, and doesn't do that hair squashing thing. You can choose your yarn and colour and I will do it for free. Only takes me 2 evenings. I will try and send you a pm with some patterns.
I only have one hat and it is a men's bucket sunhat in fawn or just off white.

It doesn't have a very wide brim, nor a neck halter thingy ..

I am reliably told it is very uncool, and I am quite happy with that!

:) :(
I only have one hat and it is a men's bucket sunhat in fawn or just off white.

It doesn't have a very wide brim, nor a neck halter thingy ..

I am reliably told it is very uncool, and I am quite happy with that!

:) :(

I had a couple of those when I was on digs in Romania in summer - quite good for keeping a bit of the sun at bay all the way round. No breeze to carry them away though :D
Epona, remind me in autumn (official knitting season) and I will knit you a charming cloche hat - much, much nicer than beanies, warm and flattering, and doesn't do that hair squashing thing. You can choose your yarn and colour and I will do it for free. Only takes me 2 evenings. I will try and send you a pm with some patterns.

That is extremely kind and generous and I would be delighted to take you up on that offer - thank you so much! :)
When I was a cool motorbiking youth I had a pair of mirror sunglasses which I wore with my open face helmet with my hair all streaming out behind.

Unfortunately I had a habit of looking around while I was going along and sure as eggs is eggs the wind caught them and they flew off to be smashed on the tarmac :(
However, for me the issue is protecting my balding top of my head so the brim doesn't have to be such a big deal, getting sunburnt on the top of my head isn't nice.
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