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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

I wonder whether Patriotic Alternative and co will try turning up to this one? I imagine Lambeth is probably not the easiest turf for them.
I was just thinking today that the Right, both here and elsewhere, have realised they can't create a better future, that they've lost the right to say they are the best stewards of the economy etc, so they have seized on culture wars as a way of making new enemies for their supporters, or winning supporters through making the 'right' enemies among vulnerable groups who make the status quo feel threatened by daring to exist and, y'know, wanting rights. Because making things better for people is hard; but making things shittier for vulnerable groups is easy. 'Look, we've fulfilled our promise to things worse for people you don't like' - piece of piss!

It's a vile form of politics.
I knew the name, but didn't realise until recently how influential they'd been at networking. Derrick Jensen has had a spectacularly odd career trajectory. Anyway, I think they're just a US thing, don't think they really have any presence over here?

There's growing links. UK anti-trans activist Posie Parker is a 'Special Advisor' to WoLF, the ADF funded 'feminist' organsation led by DGR founder Lierre Keith. Also DGR member Jennifer Bilek's conspiracy theory which claims (mostly Jewish) billionaires created transgenderism to soften us up for trans-humanism has been very influential in UK Gender Critical circles and was approvingly referenced in Helen Joyce's book 'Trans' - although she scrubbed Bilek's name from the theory after she'd been caught palling around online with open Nazi's which resulted in Bilek threatening to sue her for using her work without attribution.

It looks like Piers Corbyn has picked up on the transgender/trans-humanist angle as well now:
It just goes to show. If Piers Corbyn was just interested in climate, and then just interested in vaccines, why is he suddenly interested in this?

Money, probably. Certainly the last time I saw him he performed for about five minutes, all of it filmed, and then bimbled off with his entourage (4 people) to film in a nearby station.
I knew the name, but didn't realise until recently how influential they'd been at networking. Derrick Jensen has had a spectacularly odd career trajectory. Anyway, I think they're just a US thing, don't think they really have any presence over here?

I dunno if his career/politics is that weird a trajectory tbh?

But yeah they don't really exist in the UK at all, so wondered who cesare was meaning as bar the odd individual loon I don't think the UK has any real far right deep greens really.
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I dunno if his career/politics is that weird a trajectory tbh?\

But yeah they don't really exist in the UK at all, so wondered who cesare was meaning as bar the odd individual loon I don't think the UK has any real far right deep greens really.
About 15 years ago butchersapron showed me the links to the far right with some of the ecology groups at the time. In the last ~5 years there's been a resurgence of eco-fascism linked to climate change and immigration, demands of the resources of the global north v global south. Anyway, I expect you know far more about this than me, you seem very certain this doesn't exist in the UK. Shrug.
About 15 years ago butchersapron showed me the links to the far right with some of the ecology groups at the time. In the last ~5 years there's been a resurgence of eco-fascism linked to climate change and immigration, demands of the resources of the global north v global south. Anyway, I expect you know far more about this than me, you seem very certain this doesn't exist in the UK. Shrug.

Yeah there were some connections (or at least some attempts at connections) and a few small groups that you could categorise as 'deep green' and far right, but they never had any traction or meaningful activity about 10-20 years ago and have vanished since I think. DGR attempted to start something in the US (although I wouldn't call them far right at all) about 10 years ago, but they also seemed to have never really expanded beyond a small number of people, and not at all outside the US.

I think there's some attempts by far right groups and individuals to gather some 'environmental/ecological messaging' under their wider political far right and fascist banner, but I think that's different to a far right deep green group or movement that's also far right/fascist if you get what I mean? 'Deep green' to me means more of the Deep Ecology/Biocentrism stuff that was very popular in the US and further afield (only abit in the UK though) in the '80s onwards.

Do think it's worth keeping eye on though, possibly going to emerge more in the coming years with climate change as you say.
I dunno if his career/politics is that weird a trajectory tbh?
Hmmm, going from anarchist bookfairs and "end industrial civilisation" to knocking about with the Heritage Foundation and the Christian right seems at least a bit unusual to me?
But yeah they don't really exist in the UK at all, so wondered who cesare was meaning as bar the odd individual loon I don't think the UK has any real far right deep greens really.
Yep, smokedout above mentions some connections between the DGR lot and the UK anti-trans milieu but I don't think they've had any luck in exporting their wider ideology, Linehan and Parker/Keen-Minshull aren't about to start blowing up dams in the name of the salmon, or even encouraging other people to. Having said that, I've not read the 12 Rules book on ecofascism, which presumably covers this area in considerably more detail.
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Hmmm, going from anarchist bookfairs and "end industrial civilisation" to knocking about with the Heritage Foundation and the Christian right seems at least a bit unusual to me?

Oh, yeah. Missed that more recent stuff (thank god) I was thinking up to DGR, he slipped off my radar since them as that was clearly bonkers anyway. TBF there's been a bunch of anarchists of the more insurrectionary eco-individualist stuff (those Mexican loons) slowly end up tending towards far right misanthropic ideology, and I've come across some of them in the UK that aren't a million miles away from that.
Hmmm, going from anarchist bookfairs and "end industrial civilisation" to knocking about with the Heritage Foundation and the Christian right seems at least a bit unusual to me?

Yep, smokedout above mentions some connections between the DGR lot and the UK anti-trans milieu but I don't think they've had any luck in exporting their wider ideology, Linehan and Parker/Keen-Minshull aren't about to start blowing up dams in the name of the salmon, or even encouraging other people to. Having said that, I've not read the 12 Rules book on ecofascism, which presumably covers this area in considerably more detail.

I don't know how wedded they are to the radical environmental stuff anymore. Bilek seems to have pivotted to full time transphobia, Lierre Keith is busy with WoLF and Derrick Jensen seems to be more interested in giving lectures attacking Queer Theory than saving the planet these days.

I'm not sure the leap from radical environmental to conservative is that unexpected tbh. There was always as strong traditionalist current within green politics, even in more radical circles and especially amongst the more hippy end of the movement - women as earth mothers and men as adventurist hunters and protecters, plus a kneejerk reaction to any form of technology - including things like vaccines. And the division of labour in a lot of squats/sites reflected that. Radical green politics was always very white, very heterosexual and very middle class, often coming with a side order of mysticism, and a lot of the back to the land type stuff reflected that.
I'm not sure the leap from radical environmental to conservative is that unexpected tbh. There was always as strong traditionalist current within green politics, even in more radical circles and especially amongst the more hippy end of the movement - women as earth mothers and men as adventurist hunters and protecters, plus a kneejerk reaction to any form of technology - including things like vaccines. And the division of labour in a lot of squats/sites reflected that. Radical green politics was always very white, very heterosexual and very middle class, often coming with a side order of mysticism, and a lot of the back to the land type stuff reflected that.

Yeah, a fair few from that scene have had a short stumble from anti-vaccine and conspiracy stuff into alt-right and far right politics. Just been chatting about a dreadlocked earth mother organic food type who slowly slipped into more angry anti-vaccine and 5G stuff at the start of Covid, and then proper leapt headlong into the QAnon, pro-Trump, antisemitic cesspit. Now a proper nasty conspiracy theory type who's obsessed with The Great Reset etc.
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