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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Vote Republic!
Any idea when that photo was taken?
Dr. Seuss -- The Donald Trump version:

Winners aren't losers
They're winners — like me!
A loser's a loser.
Which one will you be?

Winners do deals
And winners get rich!
While sad little losers
Just sit there and bitch. ....

Oh, the places you'll go
On your Yacht! On your plane!
With your suits from Milan!
And your wives from Ukraine!

Oh, the buildings you'll build!
Oh, the wealth you'll amass!
Oh, the people around you
All kissing your ass!

There are two kinds of people
Which one will you be?
A loser like them?
Or a winner... like ME!

I watched the last GOP debate, it was on National Security. All the parties involved were fucking crackpots, if you think Trump is bad you should watch the debate. Every candidate was saying, bomb more, send in the troops, one even said he would carpet bomb ISIS another said he would make a no fly zone over Syria and shoot down Russian fighter jets if they entered. One said we will close down the internet so they can't use our internet, another said he wanted to stop spending 350 billion a year on buying oil from people who hate us, this sort of bullshit went on and on for a couple of hours.

There must be politicians across the globe who watched or got transcripts of the debate, what the fuck must they be thinking! Americans must be really embarrassed if these are the best people to be candidates for their president :oops:
Forgot to add a link to my post, you can watch the debate here, it is funny in parts.
The brightest and the best the GOP has to offer :facepalm:

CNN Republican debate on National security

Usual disclaimer: you will get pop-ups (3 I think) and don't download anything, click the big red button and the video will start and that will be the end of the pop-ups.

Dr. Seuss -- The Donald Trump version:

Winners aren't losers
They're winners — like me!
A loser's a loser.
Which one will you be?

Winners do deals
And winners get rich!
While sad little losers
Just sit there and bitch. ....

Oh, the places you'll go
On your Yacht! On your plane!
With your suits from Milan!
And your wives from Ukraine!

Oh, the buildings you'll build!
Oh, the wealth you'll amass!
Oh, the people around you
All kissing your ass!

There are two kinds of people
Which one will you be?
A loser like them?
Or a winner... like ME!


A very Charlie Sheen definition of winning.
I am interested in the facts around his twice bankruptcy and how he came back from that. While I say I am interested, I am not interested enough to read his book!
I am interested in the facts around his twice bankruptcy and how he came back from that. While I say I am interested, I am not interested enough to read his book!

I read-up on these a while back. Briefly, the first time his father was still alive and was brought-out of requirement to negotiate a settlement that saved his bacon.

Second time, Trump himself did a deal with his main creditors - Mostly Deutsche Bank, Citibank and a consortium of Swiss banks that gave them title to a very large part of his empire but with the Trump name retained and Trump Org effectively reduced to the status of a front/management company. This marks the point the Trump brand became the main thing.

The Trump Casinos were handled as a separate entity and sold-off within the US industry, although Trump retained a small interest, which he increased again more recently.
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He's never been bankrupt. Never mind twice.

He's been close to it - and twice filed for bankruptcy protection, which means he was on his last legs. Just how close will never been known because as a US private corporation registered in where, Delaware? Trump Org doesn't have to account for itself in public very well.

The common factor with both settlements was that the little guys - workers, small investors and contractors/suppliers got hung-out to dry both times.
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He's never filed for personal bankruptcy his companies on the other hand...
Companies he invested in have filed for a form of partial bankruptcy 4 times - they all had his name on them as branding even when he had minority holdings and so became closely associated with them.
He's been close to it - and twice filed for bankruptcy protection, which means he was on his last legs. Just how close will never been known because as a US private corporation registered in where, Delaware? Trump Org doesn't have to account for itself in public very well.

The common factor with both settlements was that the little guys - small investors and contractors/suppliers got hung-out to dry both times.
The bankruptcy protection was for the companies he had invested in. And it was four times. He was never near losing his fortune - these represented a small part of his net worth.
The bankruptcy protection was for the companies he had invested in. And it was four times. He was never near losing his fortune - these represented a small part of his net worth.

Personal liability of approx $900 million, plus a $3 billion corporate liability in one case, and a 47% shareholding (the largest single bloc) of a $1.8 billion debt in another. That's not small change.

Plus, when it comes to net worth, Trump has always been slippery as fuck - look at the dispute with Forbes, who Trump reckoned had grossly undervalued him, so he sued - The judge threw that one out rapidly.
It might not be small change but neither are they the entirety of his fortunes, and more importantly, that means that he wasn't near personal bankruptcy or 'on his last legs' - as his immediate and ongoing investments indicated.
I doubt Trump has ever been near personal bankruptcy - except maybe the first time. He's always been very good at keeping his own money in the background, whilst his investors/partners go up against the wall first.

His corporate activities seem to be a whole lot of smoke and mirrors intended to obscure just how much he is into the thing or his exact role in the whole thing.

We found the same with Menie - Despite clear claims it was a wholly "personal project" of Trump's, it soon emerged that there was a large web of investors/partners involved behind the Trump name.
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No doubt about that. One reason why i think people (of whatever size, from local opposition to election rivals) my well find pursuing that angle a time and resource waster.
I am interested in the facts around his twice bankruptcy and how he came back from that. While I say I am interested, I am not interested enough to read his book!

Trump borrowed billions from bankers and used the money to put up buildings like Trump Tower and open casinos like the Taj Mahal. In his books, Trump says that by the early 1990s he owed more than $9 billion.

When things turned sour his companies filed for bankruptcy. Twice. The lenders had to eat the losses.

Too bad. What a bunch of losers!

He then raised more money from bankers, bondholders and even stockholders along the way. On two more occasions his companies filed for bankruptcy. Lenders and investors got hosed.

“Out of hundreds of deals & transactions, I have used the bankruptcy laws a few times to make deals better,” he said recently on Twitter. “Nothing personal, just business… It’s a very effective & commonly used business tool.”

Why Donald Trump is rich and you’re not
Thinking about the smoke and mirrors angle to his wealth. . . put that in the context of his present campaign, and the proper historical analogy may not be Hitler or Mussolini, but Napoleon III.

"When a man of my name is in power, he must do great things", N3 is said to have to said. AJP Taylor commented that this was the first major case of the label on the bottle being more important than the wine inside. A comment which could be applied to all manner of phenomena in our own time.

Let's not forget that N3 led his country to disaster, having failed to inherit his uncle's strategic nous.
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