two sheds
Least noticed poster 2007
The single greatest driver of innovation is the competition caused by medium and large scale war and conflict.
Innovation in weapons you mean?
Competition to produce better tech and better science. As far as cooperation in research goes, it works, but how well? In academe perhaps, but it doesn't much happen in proprietary R & D depts.
Again yes that's the claim but cooperation's much better. Research results are universally shared by people publishing their research papers. Also Chomsky saying that the state normally finances new technologies (cooperation) before opening the profits up to be taken by private companies (competition).
Competition is hugely wasteful by repeating work that's being done elsewhere. It's also stressful for everyone competing. Companies cooperating to form standards cuts down waste for example. Encouraging competition within companies themselves has been promoted as being efficient but it's a sort of thatcherite idea (not that you're saying that).
I'm with Deming on this one. And surely it would be the socialist view?