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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Could have done with a pic of a bare chested Putin nonchalantly! no slaps wrist and decides to,attend non judgemental correction seminars.
Sigh. Of course. But the thing is they (the Americans) have done this provocative thing now and they (the Chinese) have taken it to the next level. It means something, which is that the Chinese won't be messed with, and as far as I can see the Americans don't have much to retaliate with unless they ramp it up to an insanely dangerous level, which they aren't going to do. The Chinese know that, and they have chosen now to do it to show Trump (Obama is a dead duck) who's in charge - or to challenge him to a fight he'll fail at.
This is more like it but I disagree it's really the next level in some major breach with ongoing practice - ultimately it's a bit of kit, not boarding the ship or threatening to fire on it. So as I said, significant and no doubt timed with the political situation in the US in mind but really of a piece with the last couple of decades. The US is also regularly doing stuff the Chinese see as provocative so not even sure they've done much different here.
The actual president is having to clean up after a mess made by the President-elect.

I'm confident that Obama will be able to handle it - for as long as he remains in office.

The more pertinent question is what is in store for the world after the January inauguration?
Agean stables and revelations come to mind, though I have always been a bit of an optimist.
We'll done. Now answer the question. What are they doing there.

You were asking me?

Well assuming by "they" you mean the United States, I beleive they think they're protecting world trade or something, because the Communist Hermit Kingdom of China hates this world trade malarkey and will do whatever they can to disrupt it or something, if only they were the manufacturing hub of the world instead. If by "they" you meant China... I think they're scared of the bolshy insecure US necklace of militarism and want strategic depth off their own coast probably.
I watched Pilgers "The Coming War on China" the other day, sad and angerfying as you'd expect, but I found myself distracted by Pilgers annoying sarcastic whine tone of voice whenever he gives an account of what the US (and their evil lackey Britain) did next. Seriously though the bit about nuclear testing and what was done to the people of the Bikini region was fucking horrific. If I were China, I'd set my defence in depth up too, with the evil empire busy off my coasts... fuck that. I honestly don't consider the United States a rational actor, whoever runs the place, it's belligerant, insecure, and malicious. China better watch it's back. Or its sea.. whatever.
I watched Pilgers "The Coming War on China" the other day, sad and angerfying as you'd expect, but I found myself distracted by Pilgers annoying sarcastic whine tone of voice whenever he gives an account of what the US (and their evil lackey Britain) did next. Seriously though the bit about nuclear testing and what was done to the people of the region was fucking horrific.
Yeah whiney anti colonialist fucks.
Okay what? Explain to me okinawa

What do you want from me, obviously Okinawa is aimed primarily at China, North Korea too probably but Chinas the Panda in the room, looming over their Exceptionalist Full Spectrum Dominance No Near Peer neurosis. Have you mistaken me for someone else? I can't be asked to scroll up and see what your issue is.

eta: is it because i corrected your spelling mistake?
I'm waiting. Give me a contemporary justification for Okinawa. Why are they there?

Presumably for whatever reason they are at RAF Alconbury, Barford St. John, Blenheim Crescent, Croughton, Fairford, Feltwell, Welford, and Lakenheath.

Another question might be, why are they still in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Marianas, the US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, which remain as US territories.

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Pilger is a clown shoe.

It was a good documentary, I wish his style didn't employ that whole ironic tone of voice thing... the information portrayed didn't require it, he may as well have put "air-quotes" around everything. But in my opinion China has good reason to be looking to protect itself. Not to mention that the US economy (or powerful sections within it) is pretty much setup to devour military conflict and tension. Is it a Russian saying "War is a mother to some"? Lockheed Gravy Train init.
Next there'll be a UN forum where they can all log in and have squabbles with each other like we do on here, with any luck it'll save millions of lives and billions in property over the years to come.

Nice thought, but mair likely, the first to get a 1000 likes gets to choose the target for the big red button-;)
Presumably for whatever reason they are at RAF Alconbury, Barford St. John, Blenheim Crescent, Croughton, Fairford, Feltwell, Welford, and Lakenheath.

Another question might be, why are they still in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Marianas, the US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, which remain as US territories.

Yep, all of those questions are valid.
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