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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Putin is Hitler now is he? I've tried to be patient with you in exchanges in the past but at some point you have to call it as you see it. You're an hysterical moron. And now, like many liberals seem to be, you're going full cinspiraloon on this whole Russian hacking Putin is going to take over Europe (which he'd have to to make your Chamberlain comparison valid).

Take a look at yourself, it's embarrassing.

Apart from anything else, Putin's empire doesn't have access to the resources to take over either economically or physically. All the conspiracising in the world doesn't change the fact that what may have happened falls under the purview of "business as normal" between competitor states. This kind of A sabotages B behaviour is happening all the time. Russia's supposed interference is just somewhat more egregious than usual.
What do you want from me, obviously Okinawa is aimed primarily at China, North Korea too probably but Chinas the Panda in the room, looming over their Exceptionalist Full Spectrum Dominance No Near Peer neurosis. Have you mistaken me for someone else? I can't be asked to scroll up and see what your issue is.

eta: is it because i corrected your spelling mistake?

Talking of neurosis, you're under-estimating the Japanese state's side of the equation re: Okinawa. It's most definitely not just about projecting power at China and DPRK.
Corporate Democrats Stir Up War Fever Against Russia to Turn Election | Black Agenda Report

When Trump was declared the winner, Clinton’s Big Tent -- the de facto headquarters of the “truer and more fully explicit ruling class party” -- panicked. The gyro went whacky. For multinational capital, the quest for worldwide full spectrum dominance is an existential issue; they must achieve it, or die. What they have shown over the past several weeks is that they are willing, and even eager, to bring down the whole edifice of U.S. social and political “checks and balances” -- freedom of speech and other civil liberties -- to sustain the momentum of their neoliberal offensive in the world.

The “fake news” bugaboo is a Trojan Horse for speech and thought control, a ruse to reestablish the imperial narrative in all its domestic and international dimensions. It ain’t about “pizza-gate” -- it’s about corporate global power. The mass of folks that are repelled and frightened by Donald Trump and his gang of generalissimos and billionaires may think that they are in a common struggle alongside Clinton and Jill Stein and much of Black leadership against “fascism” in the person of Trump, but the forces in Clinton’s Big Tent are fascists, too, of the global corporate, endless war and deepening austerity kind, who are now drawing up lists of who can speak and what subjects can properly be discussed.
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Honestly I think all of this is a bit premature, true there are prominent liberals calling for something like a Temer style legalistic coup but I don't see any evidence of a real and concerted effort towards this end.

I'm not so sure, but we'll see. I found this bit particularly interesting, the rest of the article is as I think anyway but didn't know this...

“Well, you know, people are looking for Russians, but what we had is a real Jim Crow election. Trump, for example, in Michigan, won by less than 11,000 votes. It looks like we had about 55,000 voters, mostly minorities, removed by this racist system called Crosscheck. In addition, you had a stoppage—even before the courts ordered the complete stop of the vote in Michigan, you had the Republican state officials completely sabotage the recount. They said, in Detroit, where there were 75,335 supposedly blank ballots for president—75,000—they said you can’t count 59 percent of the precincts, where most of the votes were missing. There were 87 machines in Detroit that were—that didn’t function. They were supposed to count about a thousand ballots each. You’re talking about a massive blockade of the black vote in Detroit and Flint, enough votes, undoubtedly, to overturn that election.”

so just another standard US election rigged in the usual way like normally.
Three months before the election


Honestly I think all of this is a bit premature, true there are prominent liberals calling for something like a Temer style legalistic coup but I don't see any evidence of a real and concerted effort towards this end.
If the electoral college does reject Trump, though, that will just mean some other Republican gets it.
It's all about class, even when you think it's not, because the objective material factors that make it all about class, and which also underpin the embedded white supremacy in your country, exist whether you want them to or not
If you are African American, no, it really is not. They were let down badly by the Bernie crowd and the Trump crowd. The latter were just more openly racist.

edit: African Americans in particular, but most other people of colour, experience endemic racism regardless of where they fall on the socio economic scale. Remember, the "upstanding" leaders of the town I was born in refused to hang his picture in the city hall. No matter how well-educated, how intelligent, how wealthy, how powerful he was, to them, he's still an uppity n****r and it was a national disgrace that he was Commander in Chief.

Racism isn't the only game in town. Different forms of oppression and privilege are intersecting, but I just don't buy the idea that there's an "oppression to rule them all," - i.e. that all other forms of oppression are offshoots/underpinned by/based on class oppression. You get the same thing from radical feminists who just transpose "sex" for "class," and it's still wrong.
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If you are African American, no, it really is not. They were let down badly by the Bernie crowd

This person will never substantiate this point beyond vague innuendo.

Racism isn't the only game in town. Different forms of oppression and privilege are intersecting, but I just don't buy the idea that there's an "oppression to rule them all," - i.e. that all other forms of oppression are offshoots/underpinned by/based on class oppression. You get the same thing from radical feminists who just transpose "sex" for "class," and it's still wrong.

No one believes this.
If you are African American, no, it really is not. They were let down badly by the Bernie crowd and the Trump crowd. The latter were just more openly racist.

Did you write that on purpose? Because that's a disgusting way to smear someone who was fighting racism when Clinton was a follower of the racist Goldwater. And it was Clinton who resorted to open racism when it suited her, like her husband. Fuck you.
Did you write that on purpose? Because that's a disgusting way to smear someone who was fighting racism when Clinton was a follower of the racist Goldwater. And it was Clinton who resorted to open racism when it suited her, like her husband. Fuck you.
I don't remember "Obama Boys" being pushed as hard as "Bernie Bros" but they gave it a go.

obama boys.png

Maggie Merrill, a 31-year-old graduate student in urban studies at the University of New Orleans who works part time at New Orleans City Hall, is a Clinton supporter who told me that she will happily vote for Obama in the general election. But, she said, “There is this Obama-mania, where these young men get glassy eyes and start spitting out vague things about how Barack Obama is going to save humanity. Really, have you seen their eyes? It’s this faraway look. It’s scary.”

I have seen that look and wondered if, in the minds of some of his adherents, the thing Barack Obama might be saving humanity from is Hillary Clinton.
Did you write that on purpose? Because that's a disgusting way to smear someone who was fighting racism when Clinton was a follower of the racist Goldwater. And it was Clinton who resorted to open racism when it suited her, like her husband. Fuck you.

FFS man, Hilary Clinton was in high school when she supported Goldwater. You and I both probably did some stupid things we regret when we were in high school. She wised up in college, y'know, like a lot of people do.

You don't have to look hard to find writing from African American folks explaining why they didn't back Bernie Sanders.

Have a read of this article from earlier today - mostly about Trump, but also Sanders and why the "working class" in the USA means "white working class" to white people, full stop.

What Donald Trump Doesn’t Know About Black People

Maybe have a nose at these earlier pieces, too.

Bernie Sanders Seems To Equate Black People With Poor People

Regressive progressives can't forget about black people

How Bernie Sanders lost black voters

I don't remember "Obama Boys" being pushed as hard as "Bernie Bros" but they gave it a go.

View attachment 97321
I don't remember them at all. The bunfight between Obama and Clinton during the 2008 primary season seems tame by recent standards, and clearly there weren't too many hard feelings as he appointed her Secretary of State for his first term. And, it seemed a very different world now than in the first half of 2008 - pre worldwide recession and all, and although the GOP was fielding a shower of clowns, none was Donald Trump.
First, James B. Comey was Republicans' Public Enemy No. 1 for not recommending charges against Hillary Clinton. Then, the FBI director was a GOP hero for disclosing new emails related to Clinton's investigation just before the election. Donald Trump even conceded that the electoral system “might not be as rigged as I thought.” And to this day, Clinton blames her loss on Comey.

But as he often does, Jim Comey giveth and Jim Comey taketh away.

The Washington Post just broke the news that Comey has joined with the CIA's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election was intended to help elect Trump as president — not just to undermine the U.S. electoral process more generally.

CIA Director James O. Brennan has told agency employees that both Comey and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper are, in Brennan's words, in agreement with the CIA's assessment of “the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” according to U.S. officials.

Previously, the FBI's apparently noncommittal stance on Russia's motives provided skeptical Republicans with some valuable plausible deniability that Russia actually intended to help Trump. Part of the apparent disharmony seemed to stem from the differences in the two organizations' mission statements and cultures, with the FBI more interested in what it could prove and the CIA more comfortable drawing inferences based on the evidence at hand. An official now tells The Post that the FBI's and CIA's positions were “never all that different in the first place.”

Another James Comey wild card just got dropped on the 2016 election
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FFS man, Hilary Clinton was in high school when she supported Goldwater. You and I both probably did some stupid things we regret when we were in high school. She wised up in college, y'know, like a lot of people do.

You don't have to look hard to find writing from African American folks explaining why they didn't back Bernie Sanders.

Have a read of this article from earlier today - mostly about Trump, but also Sanders and why the "working class" in the USA means "white working class" to white people, full stop.

What Donald Trump Doesn’t Know About Black People

Maybe have a nose at these earlier pieces, too.

Bernie Sanders Seems To Equate Black People With Poor People

Regressive progressives can't forget about black people

How Bernie Sanders lost black voters


You're a pathetic disgrace.
Did Sanders ever call an aide a Jewish bastard after losing an election?

Has he called young black men super predators and supported clearly racist legislation? And continued to defend this legislation even when its racist consequences must have even been clear to fuckwits like cri?

How many black and Brown people has he overseen the bombing of?

Has he ever run a campaign against a black man that deliberately tried to emphasise how 'American' he was and how 'unamerican' he was?
You're a pathetic disgrace.

Of course Bernie Sanders isn't a racist any more than he is a Goldman Sachs lobbyist, and it's a smear to suggest his supporters are racist.

But the articles CRI links to raise some valid points - black voters went for Clinton over Sanders by big margins in many areas and she completely swept the Democratic primaries in the South - if Sanders had been able to deliver a message that resonated with black voters in states like Alabama and Georgia, he might be president now.

One message from this election is that you can't succeed without appealing to white voters in the Rust Belt; another is that you can't win the Democratic nomination without appealing to black voters in red states.

Many of the Americans I know could barely believe that Clinton won the nomination and suspected the fact that Sanders held massive rallies in New York and California was evidence that there was election fraud in the Democratic primaries - but those people were mostly white guys in their early 40s just like myself, I think I would have seen a very different take on things if my social circle included more black American women in their 60s.
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Of course Bernie Sanders isn't a racist any more than he is a Goldman Sachs lobbyist, and it's a smear to suggest his supporters are racist.

But the articles CRI links to raise some valid points - black voters went for Clinton over Sanders by big margins in many areas and she completely swept the Democratic primaries in the South - if Sanders had been able to deliver a message that resonated with black voters in states like Alabama and Georgia, he might be president now.

One message from this election is that you can't succeed without appealing to white voters in the Rust Belt; another is that you can't win the Democratic nomination without appealing to black voters in red states.

The Clinton campaign went to great efforts to smear Bernie Sanders as racist, as we know from the Podesta emails.

RE: \"establishment\" - WikiLeaks

· Working with bloggers and columnists to write about this from a racial justice and reproductive rights perspective, including a few people who joined us on a call to talk about the "Bernie Backlash" that was unfolding even before his remarks last night—current list is Elianne Ramos, Jessica Valenti (who is writing a column on this as we speak), Jamil Smith, Sady Doyle, Aminatou Sow, Gabe Ortiz, and others

Interestingly while most black voters did vote Clinton, as with the majority of younger women voters, the majority of young black voters went for Sanders.

Huge split between older and younger blacks in the Democratic Primary

African-Americans have been sharply divided along age lines during the Democratic primary, with black voters under 30 narrowly favoring Sen. Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton, while older blacks overwhelmingly backed the former secretary of state.
I don't remember them at all. The bunfight between Obama and Clinton during the 2008 primary season seems tame by recent standards


Clinton aides claim Obama photo wasn't intended as a smear


Clinton surrogate says Obama is really from Somalia - AMERICAblog News

Clinton makes case for wide appeal - USATODAY.com

"I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on," she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article "that found how Sen. Obama's support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."

Clinton expresses regret after assassination remark

Hillary Clinton was forced on the defensive today after citing the 1968 assassination of Robert Kennedy as a justification to keep campaigning for president against Barack Obama.

In a filmed meeting with editors of a newspaper in South Dakota, which holds the final primary of the Democratic race on June 3, Clinton hinted that she might not concede the nomination to Obama until the August nominating convention.

"My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right?" Clinton said. "We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don't understand it."
The Clinton campaign went to great efforts to smear Bernie Sanders as racist, as we know from the Podesta emails.

Yes, she was awful. But much like Hillary Clinton didn't ask for the union vote or the evangelical vote, Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to have done enough asking for the black vote.
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Yes, she was awful. But much like Hillary Clinton didn't ask for the union vote or the evangelical vote, Bernie Sanders doesn't seem to have done that much asking for the black vote.

I just don't think that this is true, and in any case it is hardly comparable, the Sanders campaign did not ever really have the ability to micro-target in the way the Clinton campaign did. A lot of the GOTV and other campaigning techniques the Sanders campaign used basically consisted of using reddit to coordinate phone banking. In terms of that outreach, the campaign had dedicated teams of Spanish speakers, Arabic speakers for states like Michigan etc

That's another good point to be honest, Bernie Sanders absolutely cleaned up with the Muslim vote across the US during the primaries. Where are all these discussions about how Islamophobic Clinton is?
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