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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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It's a poll . People voted .
Maybe this can explain it to you. Understand now?
A slew of unscientific online snap polls are painting Donald Trump as the winner of the first presidential debate Monday night, while others contend Hillary Clinton emerged victorious.
A Time.com poll has the Republican nominee leading Clinton by four percentage points – 52 percent to 48 percent – after more than 1,300,000 votes were cast.
Time cautions that its survey, like other such polls, is "not statistically representative of likely voters, and are not predictive of the debate outcome will effect the election."
Instead, these surveys measure which nominee has "the most energized online supporters.
Did Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Win Last Night's Presidential Debate? It Depends Which Poll You Trust
I was more interested in Clinton's chat than the Donald of Trumpollini giving it large again, thats all he has, giving it large. But she came across so false, so 'Say what sanders might have said'. When she started on about racialised incaceration I was gobsmacked at the cheek of it. Who the fuck can lie and bullshit like that without imploding from a lack of integrity? Trump was Trump, he needs to be killed and we all know this. But his opponent pulled out some massive amounts of bullshit as well. The interrupting fucked me off as well. Half an hour in trump was at the territory that I would consider 'outside, now' with his interjections. If you want to imagine the future imagine an american election farting on a human face forever.
One to talk!

No joke, he works with the Lib Dems now who admire him 100%. In 2016, this year, 2016 - they named their strategy the '50 state strategy' which is apparently modelled on his total failure to win the Democratic nomination. Total loser admired by a party of losers, he also works as a lobbyist for the healthcare lobby that attacks single payer in the US. Complete scum.
I know the truth though, the thing that really links Howard Dean and the entirety of the Lib Dem membership is foot fetishism
Wrong. Those on line "polls" are where people go to a web site & vote. That's not a scientific sample. A real poll is where a polling organization initiates the contact.
The only real poll that counts will be on election night, but until then the only polls worth looking at are in swing states, Trump knows who to aim at and those are the people he is speaking too.
No joke, he works with the Lib Dems now who admire him 100%. In 2016, this year, 2016 - they named their strategy the '50 state strategy' which is apparently modelled on his total failure to win the Democratic nomination. Total loser admired by a party of losers, he also works as a lobbyist for the healthcare lobby that attacks single payer in the US. Complete scum.


I know the truth though, the thing that really links Howard Dean and the entirety of the Lib Dem membership is foot fetishism

None of my American friends support Trump, but some of their friends and family do. This is typical of their reasons:
View attachment 93091

Basically, Trump performing badly in the debate will either not affect his vote or will affect it positively. For some people he's a "change" (as daft as that is) and others openly want an inarticulate President. He's going to win.
I think that every thing you say is right, except the bit about him winning. I still prefer to think of that as a random outburst of terrible happenstance, rather than something that could be predicted and then averted, eg by steering the Earth into a nearby black hole.
I don't think you need to be an actual statistician to spot the glaring holes in the likely reliability of a poll conducted from a self-selected sample with no real ability to prevent multiple votes, etc. :)
You are right...but taking a true stratified sample you will always include those who won't actually bother to vote on the day and so skew the poll results. I can't find it but I was reading a thing a while back where a pollster was defending self-selecting samples on the basis that those who bother to respond are likely to be those who will actually show up to cast a vote. The multiple vote thing would obviously fuck things up.
Anyone got any ideas on what Trump, or Clinton, will actually do when they win? I'm guessing more of the same, give or take some tax cuts in certain quarters, with a general rumbling along with business as usual. And I don't think there'll be a wall.
Anyone got any ideas on what Trump, or Clinton, will actually do when they win? I'm guessing more of the same, give or take some tax cuts in certain quarters, with a general rumbling along with business as usual. And I don't think there'll be a wall.
Assuming congress goes along.....
Continuation of Obama except she says she's against TPP which Obama is for.
Increase minimum wage.
Increase environmental regulations.
Increase taxes on rich.
Repeal Obamacare thus throwing millions off health insurance.
Slash environmental regulations (climate change is a Chinese hoax.)
Slash workplace safety regulations.
Slash taxes on rich.
Greatly increase military spending.
Oppose increase in minimum wage.
Impose import tariffs on goods from Mexico, China, Japan, etc to "bring back the jobs."(Congress will oppose this & will have to patiently explain to him that this will result in retaliation & a trade war & a huge recession.)
Deport millions of illegals.
Instruct the navy to blow Iranian boats out of the water if their crews insult US crews.
"Bomb the hell" out of ISIS some more & somehow "take the oil."
Ban all Muslim immigration into US.
Listen to Sec of State Bolton urge an attack on Iran & possibly try to cancel Iran nuke deal.
Appoint extreme right wing Fed judges (goodbye abortion rights, LGBT rights & more voter suppression of minorities & poor).
You're not a statistics sort of person, are you?

The clintons genocidal sanctions in Iraq killed around a million innocents .

2 heads of the Oil for food programme resigned in disgust One after another, explicitly calling it genocide and refusing to be party to it

I'm keeping count of the countries she's destroyed for the purpose of regime change and the coups her state dept are complicit in

All apparently fine for wiberals because she isn't a " strong man " ...grrrrr

I think my grasp of statistics is a fair bit healthier than the hypocrites on here .
The clintons genocidal sanctions in Iraq killed around a million innocents .

2 heads of the Oil for food programme resigned in disgust One after another, explicitly calling it genocide and refusing to be party to it

I'm keeping count of the countries she's destroyed for the purpose of regime change and the coups her state dept are complicit in

All apparently fine for wiberals because she isn't a " strong man " ...grrrrr

I think my grasp of statistics is a fair bit healthier than the hypocrites on here .
That's got nothing to do with what I said.
It's a bunch of total wankers ordering me to vote for a mass murderer. What's not to like?

The inference is they're asking you not to vote for a racist, lying, misogynistic bully, possible rapist and wanted to take the oil from Iraq. Hilary is questionable, no doubt about it but the alternative is worse.
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