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Doctor Who 2024 - News, views, spin-offs

144 complaints about the Rose character. Fucking saddoes.

On a positive note, very much looking fwd to Season 1 of the show. Ncuti is fabulous (as he was in Sex Education) and the fantasy/musical elements are a most welcome addition to the eccentric and eclectic legend.
144 complaints about the Rose character. Fucking saddoes.
Dear BBC,

It really ruined my day to read on my racist Aunt’s Facebook tirade that there was a trans character in Doctor Who. I obviously didn’t watch it, because the Doctor and the Master and other Timelords have all changed gender in the past and it confuses me. Stop confusing me in programmes I don’t watch.


Ranty McRanter
I have downloaded a copy of Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures by Mark Fisher, and I noticed the following comment in a review of the television serial drama “Life on Mars”:

(There must be some technical reason – maybe it’s the film stock they use – that accounts for why British TV is no longer capable of rendering any sense of a lived-in world. No matter what is filmed, everything always looks as if it has been thickly, slickly painted in gloss, like it’s all a corporate video. That remains my problem with the new Dr Who as it happens: the contemporary British scenes look like a theme park, a very stagey stage-set, too well lit.)

I was just watching the last Old Who story, some of which is set in Perivale (a suburb of London) and somehow the look of it is more “authentic” than the look of much of New Who.
I have downloaded a copy of Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures by Mark Fisher, and I noticed the following comment in a review of the television serial drama “Life on Mars”:

I was just watching the last Old Who story, some of which is set in Perivale (a suburb of London) and somehow the look of it is more “authentic” than the look of much of New Who.
New Who is filmed mostly in Cardiff, so it's not surprising London doesn't look quite like London.
I have just been watching the Dr Who television film from 1996, and can't continue. I remembered it being bad, and it is indeed.
I was sure that this Radio Time cover was promoting the new series, featuring guest appearances from Peter Capaldi and Keeley Hawes.


It’s the Mirror, and they have a habit of getting Doctor Who news slightly wrong. But it’s hardly a surprise that since they’re now filming Ncuti’s second season (before we’ve seen the first), things will have changed.
Please, not another fucking Earthling. I know he’s got an attachment to this place, but all the best companions have been aliens of some kind, greatly improving the twin functions of exposition and comic relief.
Not long now.

The fourteenth series is set to premiere on 11 May 2024, with a midnight release of the first two episodes on BBC iPlayer and Disney+, before both are aired on BBC One later that day, with subsequent episodes following the same release pattern. LINK
That looked worryingly like another song and dance routine at the end. When does Steven Moffat take over from RTD again?
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