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DNA, finger prints cetera lost...

or at least the taking of DNA for accepting a caution. Whats to stop them building a clone of me (thye got my DNA years ago for some criminal damage shite)? And then training that clone to do well bad shit.
That kinda throws the auld “if ya’ve done nowt wrong ya‘ve nowt to worry about” argument in the fire.
or at least the taking of DNA for accepting a caution. Whats to stop them building a clone of me (thye got my DNA years ago for some criminal damage shite)? And then training that clone to do well bad shit.
apart from the time and money it would cost to get an 18 year old you - er more than 18 years - you mean?
Prove they convicted you on that grounds.
when you're up in a court the prosecution presents the case and there is an opportunity to present a defence. at the conclusion of this the magistrate - so frequently a district judge sitting alone these days - will outline their decision and the reasons for arriving at that conclusion. they don't just say 'guilty, £50 fine' or 'guilty, six months'. so if they were to refer to my dress as a factor in the way you outline instead of considering the facts of the matter then i daresay i'd notice.
Are you thick? Are you telling me if you’d committed some kind of a crime you wouldn’t accept a caution, and instead go to court?

It's Friday night in non-Covid times, you are heading home after a pleasant evening out, a meat-wagon screeches to a halt next to you and a bunch of coppers pile out, one grabs you, twisting your wrist painfully, you yell at the cunt to let you go, so another one knees you in the nuts, you call him a cunt, boof and you're on the floor, cuffed and now in the van. At the station it turns out that when they grabbed you it was a case of mistaken identity, however you are now being held for affray in relation to your not unreasonable objections to being assaulted and kidnapped. It is now 6am Saturday, you are tired, hungover and want to go home. Plod tells you that you have two choices, accept a caution and go home immediately and hear no more about it, or stay banged up until Monday when they'll take you to the Mags. Obviously at the Mags your innocence will be proven, however you will spend the weekend in this shitty cell and not show up for work on Monday, still the police will kindly call your boss to explain your absence if you wish. Nine out of ten folk take the caution, not realizing that they now have a criminal record, are officially barred from travelling to the US, from next year will be barred from travelling in to the EU as well. If your job requires enhanced DBS checks you are now obliged to inform your employer, who may well feel the need to let you go.

Still, the force gets to claim a higher conviction rate, so from their point of view cautions are not all bad...
It's Friday night in non-Covid times, you are heading home after a pleasant evening out, a meat-wagon screeches to a halt next to you and a bunch of coppers pile out, one grabs you, twisting your wrist painfully, you yell at the cunt to let you go, so another one knees you in the nuts, you call him a cunt, boof and you're on the floor, cuffed and now in the van. At the station it turns out that when they grabbed you it was a case of mistaken identity, however you are now being held for affray in relation to your not unreasonable objections to being assaulted and kidnapped. It is now 6am Saturday, you are tired, hungover and want to go home. Plod tells you that you have two choices, accept a caution and go home immediately and hear no more about it, or stay banged up until Monday when they'll take you to the Mags. Obviously at the Mags your innocence will be proven, however you will spend the weekend in this shitty cell and not show up for work on Monday, still the police will kindly call your boss to explain your absence if you wish. Nine out of ten folk take the caution, not realizing that they now have a criminal record, are officially barred from travelling to the US, from next year will be barred from travelling in to the EU as well. If your job requires enhanced DBS checks you are now obliged to inform your employer, who may well feel the need to let you go.

Still, the force gets to claim a higher conviction rate, so from their point of view cautions are not all bad...
I think ya fucked either way because ya know the mags are cunts any how.
My old man, got a caution for theft in the 1960s. He took a broken phone from a skip and then mended it before giving it to a relative. BT (whom he worked for at the time) took him to cat and he was fined 5 quid. They would have had his DNA then too. Instead he had a criminal record hanging round his neck.

Nine out of ten folk take the caution, not realizing that they now have a criminal record, are officially barred from travelling to the US, from next year will be barred from travelling in to the EU as well.

wait, what?
ETIAS requires numerous details from applicants including...

  • Background and eligibility questions which will inquire about your medical condition, travel to war countries or places where you were deported or rejected, as well as criminal records
So it won’t actually preclude you from travelling in Europe, it will just do what many countries/federal republics rightly do, in that they vet who comes in to their territory. The same as most countries, UK included, have been doing since always.

Stop scaremongering.
ah well, just lie. and hope they lost them. Their systems dont talk to each other. And they are kinda shit at retention. Just hope your records are in an S3 bucket with some prominant Masons.
So it won’t actually preclude you from travelling in Europe, it will just do what many countries/federal republics rightly do, in that they vet who comes in to their territory. The same as most countries, UK included, have been doing since always.

Stop scaremongering.

We don't know, the only similar system is the US ESTA and if you admit to a criminal record you get denied the ESTA, why should the EU be any different?

Although these are yet to be finalized, the application is expected to include questions regarding criminal history. However, as the system is geared towards identifying terrorist threats, those going to Europe with a criminal record for a minor offense are unlikely to face complications with the application and should be able to get an ETIAS visa waiver without problems.

Unlikely, should. Cos that's how these things always pan out. Or am I still being cynical?
It's Friday night in non-Covid times, you are heading home after a pleasant evening out, a meat-wagon screeches to a halt next to you and a bunch of coppers pile out, one grabs you, twisting your wrist painfully, you yell at the cunt to let you go, so another one knees you in the nuts, you call him a cunt, boof and you're on the floor, cuffed and now in the van. At the station it turns out that when they grabbed you it was a case of mistaken identity, however you are now being held for affray in relation to your not unreasonable objections to being assaulted and kidnapped. It is now 6am Saturday, you are tired, hungover and want to go home. Plod tells you that you have two choices, accept a caution and go home immediately and hear no more about it, or stay banged up until Monday when they'll take you to the Mags. Obviously at the Mags your innocence will be proven, however you will spend the weekend in this shitty cell and not show up for work on Monday, still the police will kindly call your boss to explain your absence if you wish. Nine out of ten folk take the caution, not realizing that they now have a criminal record, are officially barred from travelling to the US, from next year will be barred from travelling in to the EU as well. If your job requires enhanced DBS checks you are now obliged to inform your employer, who may well feel the need to let you go.

Still, the force gets to claim a higher conviction rate, so from their point of view cautions are not all bad...
it's wicked to mock the afflicted
ETIAS requires numerous details from applicants including...

  • Background and eligibility questions which will inquire about your medical condition, travel to war countries or places where you were deported or rejected, as well as criminal records
oh dear

i knew my being ejected from the tarmon on cally road 20 years back would return to haunt me :(
It's Friday night in non-Covid times, you are heading home after a pleasant evening out, a meat-wagon screeches to a halt next to you and a bunch of coppers pile out, one grabs you, twisting your wrist painfully, you yell at the cunt to let you go, so another one knees you in the nuts, you call him a cunt, boof and you're on the floor, cuffed and now in the van. At the station it turns out that when they grabbed you it was a case of mistaken identity, however you are now being held for affray in relation to your not unreasonable objections to being assaulted and kidnapped. It is now 6am Saturday, you are tired, hungover and want to go home. Plod tells you that you have two choices, accept a caution and go home immediately and hear no more about it, or stay banged up until Monday when they'll take you to the Mags. Obviously at the Mags your innocence will be proven, however you will spend the weekend in this shitty cell and not show up for work on Monday, still the police will kindly call your boss to explain your absence if you wish. Nine out of ten folk take the caution, not realizing that they now have a criminal record, are officially barred from travelling to the US, from next year will be barred from travelling in to the EU as well. If your job requires enhanced DBS checks you are now obliged to inform your employer, who may well feel the need to let you go.

Still, the force gets to claim a higher conviction rate, so from their point of view cautions are not all bad...
This more or less happened to a friend of mine. A single mum, she took the caution so she could get home and take care of her kid who was being baby-sat. She now has a conviction for affray that shows up on her dbs check and requests to the chief cuntstubble to get it expunged have been rejected.
I had an enhanced DBS check recently and, while expecting some youthful indiscretions (from the early 80s) to come to light, it came back clean much to my delight. Perhaps there’s more that they’ve lost?
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