As I remember it, retrophrenology is improving people's personality by giving the head a more correct shape. For instance, if you wanted to boost your client's intelligence, just give the correct part of their head a good ol' whack with a hammer to form a nice big bump.
Is there any history to the homeopathy aspect in particular...? It certainly flies in the face of the classic "pragmatic german" stereotype was brought up with (and is largely true of all the germans I've known personally) - I'm still reading up on it but presumably this sort of woo-woo guff has often been present there and homepathy is just the latest incarnation of it...? From reading around a bit (e.g.
this article from 2010) there's been a fairly hefty scientific/medical backlash against it for a while now, but little support form politicians, so presumably it's got a large degree of public support...?
I've always found homeopathy one of the strangest forms of bollocks for people to latch on to because I can't even see how it could be pleasingly comforting. Vaguely swerving back in the direction of the thread, aeons ago I once got annoyed enough with a homeopath that I poured my drink in their lap (other drinks may also have been imbibed prior to this) - they insisted that all vaccines were homeopathic "diluted viruses" or "virus memories" and said that diluting HIV-positive blood would be a cure for AIDS