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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

these pro-Covid groups (particularly the US protesters) are fundamentally anti-human (fuck the vulnerable) and should be clearly identified as such in all reporting. Pages like the one referenced in this page and related YouTube fuckery need reporting and shutting down in all instances, I’m dobbing in anything I come across.

yeah I’m doing similar.
This acquired narcolepsy, was it a permanent or a temporary condition for those affected? If temporary, then I might be convinced that such side effects are worth it. If permanent, then absolutely not.

"More than 1300 people who received a vaccine to prevent the flu developed narcolepsy, an incurable, debilitating condition that causes overpowering daytime sleepiness, sometimes accompanied by a sudden muscle weakness in response to strong emotions such as laughter or anger. The manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), has acknowledged the link, and some patients and their families have already been awarded compensation"

Six million people in Britain, and more across Europe, were given the Pandemrix vaccine made by GlaxoSmithKline during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic, but the jab was withdrawn after doctors noticed a sharp rise in narcolepsy among those who received it.
The sleep disorder is permanent and can cause people to fall asleep dozens of times a day. Some narcoleptics have night terrors and a muscular condition called cataplexy that can lead them to collapse on the spot.
The prize for the first company to make this vaccine is enormous. Big pharmas record here is far from untainted. In the US the president is so keen to find a cure and switch capitalism on again he advocated injecting bleach. If the likes of glaxo come up with something as Pandemrix, no way is Trump going to slow the process down, it'll be rolled out as fast as possible.

So yeah, there are reasons to be cautious, at least.

What this lot protesting in the OP have in mind I have no idea though. It could be any old batshit.
The prize for the first company to make this vaccine is enormous. Big pharmas record here is far from untainted. In the US the president is so keen to find a cure and switch capitalism on again he advocated injecting bleach. If the likes of glaxo come up with something as Pandemrix, no way is Trump going to slow the process down, it'll be rolled out as fast as possible.

So yeah, there are reasons to be cautious, at least.

What this lot protesting in the OP have in mind I have no idea though. It could be any old batshit.
Shit of the right animal at least.
From that Guardian piece, what happened in the UK;

The welfare minister, Iain Duncan Smith, will announce the reversal in October, according to a letter seen by the Guardian. "It has been accepted that, on the balance of probability, vaccination has contributed to … disablement," the letter says.

The DWP denies that any disability caused by Pandemrix is severe enough to qualify for statutory compensation, a £120,000 tax-free lump sum, but invites people to respond within three weeks.


"The decision to recommend that children got this vaccine during the flu pandemic was based on evidence available at the time, along with the advice from the European Medicines Agency which approved its use.

And so it goes.
...I won't be rushing to be front of the line when a vaccine arrives. Doesn't mean id never take it. But even with the stick of not getting an immunity passport I can imagine circumstances I'd wait a bit longer. Or not. A conversation for next year really, though who knows, they might rush one through a lot sooner.
The protests in Germany have been similar to those in the US, they are mostly by extremists (both on the left and the right) and by conspiraloons. I see no evidence here of vaccines being rushed through, there is no sign of a vaccine for Covid 19. Germany has just agreed to spent a lot of money on research into a vaccine/treatment, that's all .

Immunisation has been made compulsory, this was mainly in regard to measles and i'm all for it. There is a dangerous culture of homeopathy and alternative medicine here in Germany, it's far more mainstream than in the UK, so with that you'll also get more anti-vaxers kicking up a fuss. There have been violent assaults on journalists just doing their job at several of these protests, so that should tell you something about the participants.
Problem reaction solution brother and they’ve had the vaccine all along, haven't you researched the 750,000 kids in India that are fucked due to Gates’s vaccinations or the warrant for his arrest there, looking at all these comments I just can’t believe there are that many idiots in one place at the same time 🤷‍♂️
Oh boy, fresh meat.

Problem reaction solution brother and they’ve had the vaccine all along,

Then why haven't they been deploying it already? There are countless businesses worldwide who are screaming for people to get back to work. A vaccine would speed this along. Massive amounts of money are being lost and money is what makes this world go round. So why the fuck would anyone drag this out?

haven't you researched the 750,000 kids in India that are fucked due to Gates’s vaccinations or the warrant for his arrest there,

No, because that's bullshit. Why do you believe any of that is real?

looking at all these comments I just can’t believe there are that many idiots in one place at the same time 🤷‍♂️


Really have haven’t we, under 300,000 deaths from a population of 7 billion has you making rediculous comments, 300,000 deaths in just London may be nearly a pandemic..... Enjoy the consequences of what’s happening Mr Hot Cookie 😀

How many people have to die before, in your no doubt expert opinion, we can consider it a pandemic? Go on then, put a price on human life like you accuse Big Pharma of doing.
Because my friend the powers that be wouldn’t want the sheeple waking up would they, 300,000 dead (even they are false figures) WORLDWIDE, do you really see that as a pandemic, haven’t you heard Bill Gates over decades admitting to looking at ways to decrease population, this is communism brother, enjoy it because it’s here to stay.... But I do suspect many that comment actually want it.
Because my friend the powers that be wouldn’t want the sheeple waking up would they, 300,000 dead (even they are false figures) WORLDWIDE, do you really see that as a pandemic, haven’t you heard Bill Gates over decades admitting to looking at ways to decrease population, this is communism brother, enjoy it because it’s here to stay.... But I do suspect many that comment actually want it.

HOUSE! Conspiracy 'theory' bingo!

So, are you in the 50% of vulnerable people that believe this idiotic shit, or are you in the 50% of nasty manipulative people using it for something Marco Lebone?
Because my friend the powers that be wouldn’t want the sheeple waking up would they,

How would people be "woken up" by bringing the world more quickly back to normal by deploying a vaccine ?

300,000 dead (even they are false figures) WORLDWIDE, do you really see that as a pandemic,

The definition of a pandemic is not dependent on the number of people killed.

haven’t you heard Bill Gates over decades admitting to looking at ways to decrease population,

No, but I have heard a bunch of people claiming that's what he wants. Claims are not evidence, however.

this is communism brother, enjoy it because it’s here to stay.... But I do suspect many that comment actually want it.

I'm a communist and I can definitely tell you that what we're all going through is NOT communism. Hope this helps.
Problem reaction solution brother and they’ve had the vaccine all along, haven't you researched the 750,000 kids in India that are fucked due to Gates’s vaccinations or the warrant for his arrest there, looking at all these comments I just can’t believe there are that many idiots in one place at the same time 🤷‍♂️


Man who believes in shape shifting jew lizards posts on board.


what a cunt!


Banned by dinnertime.
...and what does two sheds actually have to say about this, apart from their endorsement of our new friend ? :hmm:
Oh boy, fresh meat.

Then why haven't they been deploying it already? There are countless businesses worldwide who are screaming for people to get back to work. A vaccine would speed this along. Massive amounts of money are being lost and money is what makes this world go round. So why the fuck would anyone drag this out?

No, because that's bullshit. Why do you believe any of that is real?


How many people have to die before, in your no doubt expert opinion, we can consider it a pandemic? Go on then, put a price on human life like you accuse Big Pharma of doing.
Seeing as deaths haven’t risen at all from flu like symptoms this year to any other I can confirm that the BBC and the likes have done a great job in filling fools heads with utter bullshit and I salute
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