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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

But surely when international air flight stopped at the height of the pandemic the outbreak of COVID should have ground to a halt. So why didn't it? Or did it and we didn't notice? And also, why have I written covid in capital letters?
No that's the wrong way round - covid outbreaks should have been at their highest when there were no flights and they couldn't spray the vaccine. AND IT WAS!!
Met my first proper nutjob anti-vaxxers / anti-maskers last night. (I have a couple of nice but misguided new age type friends who I would characterise as cautious about the vaccine).

My partner and I were seeing off our daughter at one of London's big train stations after she'd spent the weekend with us. It was quite stressful because there were a lot of cancellations. A rather boisterous middle aged man and woman were next to us, on the concourse also seeing off a young woman. The man started pointedly holding forth about masks (which we were wearing and they were not). So far so good, but he capped it all off with "Hitler always said he was going to keep people safe, didn't he?".

I noticed that the woman was wearing a large badge on her coat lapel that had a yellow star (a six pointed star!) on it with some text on that I wasn't able to read because I didn't want to get any closer. In fact my partner wanted us to move further away from them. She'd noticed them before me and I think had seen a few more things that were kind of directed our way.

So we did move away, and I think on reflection that was the right thing to do. They were very in love with the drama and adventure attached to it all and probably craved some kind of confrontation. Plus I doubt that we would have heroically changed their minds as they were clearly quite a distance though the looking glass.

Bit weird. A classic case of a couple of people making a big impact - for the worse.
"I was one of those people that was scared of having the jab. I heard it had killed people.

"I took a chance and I almost didn't pull through. Medical professionals saved my life, that's who I will listen to now.

"I feel guilty because of what I put my family through with them not knowing whether I was going to wake up."

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