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Design your own afterlife!

Heaven for me would be blue skies and fluffy white clouds. A place where you could meet all your family and friends and anyone else you ever wanted to meet.
A vast world of many societies that I would travel through for infinity. Societies would evolve so that there was always some new culture and buildings and art to look at. And girls with huge knockers.
:cool: wouldnt it get boring tho?

Yeah, maybe. Perhaps there should be a ladder connecting heaven and hell so you could pop downstairs every so often when heaven becomes too boring. Hang out with the sinners for a bit but be able to escape back to heaven when it gets too hot.
Eternity would get boring, I'd want to exist outside of time and/or percieve things that couldn't even possibly fit in a humanasweknowit mind

..because the time it would take to explore every combination of sound and light under an hour distinguishable by human senses is ridiculously long on a human scale, but still nothing in eternity
it'd be nothingness.
no emotion, sensation, quiet,
flowing in space, drifting in dark matter,
for a period of timeless time...
then all of the sudden, bang!
you're being pulled by an enormous force,
to somewhere seems foreign yet it's not.
There's no place for Dawn French in heaven :mad:


heaven- you're doing it wrong!
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