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Day of Action: 1st October 2022

There is the rail strike that was postponed from the 15th September due to the Dead Brenda Show.
Whatever it's effect on the country and the Tory Party conference (starts Sun 2) might be it has totally fucked up the plans of the Q clan involving my MiL for that weekend

The Don't Pay UK campaign has failed abjectly in getting enough signatures with less than 20% signed up with only a week to go so the mass withholding of DD's won't happen though they have taken 1st Oct off the website at least.
Just Stop Oil Occupy Westminster!

11AM October 1st & 2nd: Euston, Paddington & Waterloo Stations or find start location here
: Find your start location – We All Want To Just Stop Oil

Let's keep up the pressure!
3rd Onwards meet at Downing Street (Whitehall end) 11AM each day.

We are not prepared to just watch while they destroy everything we love. We’re done with begging. Voting changes nothing. We are going to stop new oil whether those in power agree or not. As citizens, as humans, as parents and children we have every right under British law to protect ourselves and those we love. This is the moment, we are the last generation that can solve this. Will you step up and join us? If we all come together we can do this. We can Just Stop Oil.

We have a plan to stop new oil and we want you to get involved.

WHY?: Our dependence on oil and gas has caused the worst cost of living crisis in 40 years, but this autumn your Government is going to licence NEW fossil fuel extraction adding more fuel to the fire of climate collapse, while on October 1st the the price of energy will be increased again pushing millions more families into fuel poverty. This nightmare will not end until we take matters into our own hands. No one is going to build the world we want other than ourselves, our unions and our movements.

WHAT?: On October 1st thousands of supporters of the Just Stop Oil Coalition will march from different points across London, congregating in Westminster. Will you step up and join us?

On October the 2nd we will return to collectively block Westminster in order to demand that the Government puts an end to new oil.

From October 3rd we will OCCUPY WESTMINSTER, week after week, until we win. Small regional teams will block roads and risk arrest for our actions. If you want to join on the day, we welcome new people. meet at Downing Street (Whitehall end) 11AM each day. We welcome other groups fighting for climate and social justice to hold demonstrations during this time.
Just Stop Oil Occupy Westminster!

11AM October 1st & 2nd: Euston, Paddington & Waterloo Stations or find start location here
: Find your start location – We All Want To Just Stop Oil

Let's keep up the pressure!
3rd Onwards meet at Downing Street (Whitehall end) 11AM each day.

We are not prepared to just watch while they destroy everything we love. We’re done with begging. Voting changes nothing. We are going to stop new oil whether those in power agree or not. As citizens, as humans, as parents and children we have every right under British law to protect ourselves and those we love. This is the moment, we are the last generation that can solve this. Will you step up and join us? If we all come together we can do this. We can Just Stop Oil.

We have a plan to stop new oil and we want you to get involved.

WHY?: Our dependence on oil and gas has caused the worst cost of living crisis in 40 years, but this autumn your Government is going to licence NEW fossil fuel extraction adding more fuel to the fire of climate collapse, while on October 1st the the price of energy will be increased again pushing millions more families into fuel poverty. This nightmare will not end until we take matters into our own hands. No one is going to build the world we want other than ourselves, our unions and our movements.

WHAT?: On October 1st thousands of supporters of the Just Stop Oil Coalition will march from different points across London, congregating in Westminster. Will you step up and join us?

On October the 2nd we will return to collectively block Westminster in order to demand that the Government puts an end to new oil.

From October 3rd we will OCCUPY WESTMINSTER, week after week, until we win. Small regional teams will block roads and risk arrest for our actions. If you want to join on the day, we welcome new people. meet at Downing Street (Whitehall end) 11AM each day. We welcome other groups fighting for climate and social justice to hold demonstrations during this time.
Someone should tell them they risk rather more than simple arrest. It's this sort of thing that really fucks me off about groups like this, that use people - they get people nicked, bound up in the cj system for months if not not years, then up in court and likely fined if not given other penalties.
Details of the Don't Pay events are now up, sounds like a fair amount of them will either be joining in with or feeder marches to the EiE ones:
There is the rail strike that was postponed from the 15th September due to the Dead Brenda Show.
Whatever it's effect on the country and the Tory Party conference (starts Sun 2) might be it has totally fucked up the plans of the Q clan involving my MiL for that weekend

The Don't Pay UK campaign has failed abjectly in getting enough signatures with less than 20% signed up with only a week to go so the mass withholding of DD's won't happen though they have taken 1st Oct off the website at least.
Did they really think a million people were going to do this?

Now they're claiming it a victory that the disgusting price hike is going to be less than expected. Still a hike!
Did they really think a million people were going to do this?

Now they're claiming it a victory that the disgusting price hike is going to be less than expected. Still a hike!

I mean it was a long shot, but there's been some stuff that hs made it harder, including the annoucement of the cap, but also it's good to be ambitious, and it still might yet happen.
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