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Darwinning formula: Liverpool FC 2023/24

Used to be Crewe once upon a time. Doesn't sit easy with me, all this. Mind you, neither does much of the modern game. Ho hum.
I used to think it would burst at some point but.... It's madness tbh. Just more and more money getting poured into it. What's that quote from Klopp about buying a player for a hundred million from? 7 years ago? Different world.
I used to think it would burst at some point but.... It's madness tbh. Just more and more money getting poured into it. What's that quote from Klopp about buying a player for a hundred million from? 7 years ago? Different world.
£35m for Salah seemed a bit much at the time....

Anyway, it feels that because of the previous efficiency of Liverpool's transfers - off the top of my head, Allison, Diaz, Salah (to an extent), and Szoboszlai - there seems to be this mentality that whoever we/they go for, they'll join. Or that whoever a specific player plays for will cower under the mighty 'Liverpool reputation'.
Naturally, that hasn't happened this summer, and whenever a player/club says 'no' Liverpool seemingly panics and either ends up just offering more and more, or just sit on the offer (which seems to be what's happening with Caicedo).
A few years ago, there would almost be a list of two or three players, Liverpool would make an offer for one, if that got rejected they'd move on the next - interestingly it was what happened with Salah: Mbappe was at Monaco and Liverpool made an offer (effectively tapped him up), but he was asking for stupid - for the time - wages, so Liverpool moved on to Salah. Oblack/Allison was a similar situation.

There just doesn't seem to be any strategy past 'do they have a release clause, or can we nick them off from someone else'.
I think they will be looking at the Bundesliga for recruits. Suspect with schmadtke overseeing they've focused there. My pinch of salt.
Wataru Endo - signed! I'm happy about this lad, looks just what we need (for a couple of years anyway). Energetic, great work rate, leader, great tackler...and wasn't £111m
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